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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Foot

July 27th my husband, Joe, broke his foot when he dropped from a tree at the Desoto Wildlife Refuge (don't ask).  He broke two metatarsal bones in his foot, one in four places.  Last week he had a CT scan to find out how things are healing, because there may be some issues with the badly broken bone.  He has an appointment today to get the results of this scan, and to find out if he can stay in an air cast, when he'll be able to return to work, or-- worse case scenario-- if he will need surgery.

Healing energy would be very much appreciated.  This is a particularly painful injury (not that any broken bone isn't painful, but this one especially sucks).  He's been on temporary disability through his employer since the accident, and he is very anxious to get back to work.  I have to say that when that day comes, I'm going to miss him terribly.  Since this summer, we've gotten use to being with each other 24/7...and I must say, we must be a pretty good match, 'cause we haven't killed each other yet. :)

Thanks to everyone who sends healing/positive energy...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Photo Blog: Monday Mornin'

It was a peaceful " goin' fishin' " morning, with my husband and two of the girls.  While they were on the dock, I spent my time wandering around taking photos, stumbling off the beaten path through a shelter-belt (which I videoed, and I'm editing it), and I worked on a lady's tarot reading on a picnic table by Victory Lake.
Life is good. :)