Welcome to my blog! I don't know how your phones and devices work, but the videos and the links work better when I scroll to the bottom of this page and click on View Web Version. If you don't, you're going to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff that is included in the right sidebar... and it's prettier.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Criptids ~ The Shug Monkey


Source: Wikepedia 

In the folklore of Cambridgeshire, the Shug Monkey is a creature that shares features of a dog and monkey, which reportedly haunted Slough Hill Lane (a street that leads from the village of West Wratting to nearby Balsham). The creature, believed to have the body of a jet-black shaggy sheepdog and the face of a monkey with staring eyes, was believed to be a supernatural ghost or demon. Local writer and broadcaster James Wentworth Day, who first related stories of the Shug Monkey in Here Are Ghosts and Witches (1954), described it as a curious variation of Black Shuck, while local folklorist Polly Howat suggests that both share common origins in Norse mythology.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

From My Paranormal Journal ~ Cheryl


Taken from my Paranormal Journal... (March, 2004)

I was awoken abruptly out of a sound sleep—someone was crying, calling out to me. I thought it was one of my children and even called out, “I’m coming!”

I got up and checked the house—everyone was sound asleep.

The next morning I told my husband about it. He said, “Last night I thought I saw someone walk into the bedroom, and I thought it was you—until I realized my hand was on your hip!”

Also, yesterday, the lights in the living room turned themselves on three different times.

Note: The day before these odd occurrences, I had been released from the hospital from an overnight stay for a minor procedure. This is the same hospital that my husband’s girl friend had passed away in three years ago from colon cancer... Her name was Cheryl.

  • The nurse I had the two days I was in the hospital was named... Cheryl.
  • The nurse who prepped me for the procedure was named... Cheryl.
  • The lady who came in to clean my room was... Cheryl’s aunt, her mother’s sister.

I didn't want to be rude ~ but, really?


I have begun paring down some of my Facebook pages, and trimming up and redoing some of my websites and blogs, as my creativity is taking new twists and turns and bents, as everything eventually does with time.

I had a FB page to connect with my websites, two of them, and then there was an author's page, because why not, all the authors on FB seem to do that; and there were ten pages for my books, each book having its own special page, tra-la-la.  I deactivated all of these.  I believe that's 13 pages?

The Witch's Corner FB page was probably the most predominantly popular page, with 40,000 likes and followers.  Now, mind you, that it so deceptive.  For all the cotton pickin' posts that I made on this FB page, for years, there was virtuallly NO interaction, none at all.  I felt like I was talking to myself.  I really didn't think that anyone was paying any attention, or that maybe FB was not allowing this page to be seen.  

So, just to be courteous, and because it's what you usually do, before I deactivated this page I put up a little post stating that I would be doing this on a particular date. I had over 100 people respond to this post.  I know, out of 40,000 that's still not even a drop in the bucket, but when you compare it to ZERO, it's a miracle.  

One lady said something to the effect:  "I'm so sorry to see this go, this page has been such an inspiration to me for such a long time; I just love it, but you do what you think you have to do."


You mean it never occured to this woman over the course of this "long time" to interact at all?  Not to click the Like button, not to leave a comment, nothing... she was lurking, just my opinion.  Did she think I, as a creator, would keep this up forever with absolutley No Feedback, no idea if anyone was reading it, or if anyone liked it?  I had no idea if anyone could even see it!

I was disgusted.

And that's the end of my story/rant today. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

about.me ~ anyone else heard of/use this site?


So, I've had a page up at this site for years, put it up back in the day when it was so much fun to discover all these new places you could post Stuff.  But I don't know if anyone really sees it, if anything on this site is viewable at all, or if this freebie page that I sat up is hidden in a closet somewhere, buried under boxes of junk, and stored away from other pages on this site, pages where people have "gone premium".  

Back in the day, when everyone was getting started, and the internet was a wide open empty space just begging for content, everything was free.  I don't know about you, but it sure was a rude awakening for me when websites suddenly started demanding money to keep your page, or so restricted your free page that it might as well not exist.  It wasn't fun anymore.  And I don't know about anyone else, but I can't afford, nor would it be worth my while, to suddenly become a premium customer.  Ain't gonna' happen.

Here's a link, check it out, see what you think...


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Magic Spells You Can Cast Yourself


You want to look, I know you do.

Casting spells is easy, even for the beginner, or the true virginal novice.  It's like working with a recipe in the kitchen.  There are ingredients, and there are directions so you know what to do with the ingredients, and of course there's a matter of timing involved.  That's all there is to it, really.  And did you know, just like working with recipes from a cookbook in the kitchen, you can make changes to a spell to make it really your own creation, with a tweak here and a little tweak there, and voila, before you know it, you're doing magick and being really creative and even adventursome about it.

Does it work?  Quite honestly, for me, most of the time it has, but it might not work exactly in the way that you expected it to.  Sometimes it's better, and sometimes it's just unexpected, and sometimes it doesn't work.  Why?  I don't know, maybe the timing was off, the stars and heavenly bodies and all thier glorious energy were not working in your favor, or maybe it's yourself that was "off", and Spirit knew it, and the universe shivered at the overwhelming amount of pent up anger, or rage, or anxiety, or fear emanting from your soul.  Sometimes we get in our own way of success, and this includes in the practice of magic.

But it's always there.  You have the chance to clear your head, clean up your thoughts, ground and center yourself, browse through spells and ingredients -- herbs, and candles, and incense, and stones -- and just allow yourself to open up to all of the infinite possibilities the universe lays at our feet.

Now, go find yourself a spell that I know you need, and work some magic...

Daily Cards/Daily Energy ~ She's leaving


Join me today as I pull some cards and see what Spirit and the universe have to tell us. Are the cards speaking to you today?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mystic Crone Podcast, Episode #25 ~ 6 cards


The six cards drawn today throw a spot light on decisions, the fact that someone's trying to manipulate you financially, and they make a good point of reminding us that we really need to know who are friends are -- and who they are not.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Let's Retire These Phrases


Two phrases I'm really tired of hearing. They have been so overused, please stop: 

1) "please smash the like button" ~ obviously some YouTuber came up with this phrase, thinking that they were being original and clever, but it seems like almost every soul out there with a YouTube channel has picked it up, thinking they are being original and clever without having to come up with something on their own. 

2) "the thing I love about you is that you really don't know how good you are" ~ has said every judge at every singing audition out there. We all know that these talented and untalented folks auditioning for these shows are just fodder for this season's episodes. Very -- VERY -- rarely does anyone ever rise above this to become a genuine star.



Episode #24, Daily Cards/Daily Energy ~ A Warning


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Seer, Dreamer, Visionary

The Knight of Cups... You hold in your hand the sacred grail, as elusive and mysterious as the paramour that once was, and you peer within its depths looking for answers that do not exist, for questions that were never asked.

Join me...
click  HERE

Episode #23, Mystic Crone Podcast ~ daily cards, daily energy


For three readings in a row now the Queen of Wands has come up.  I was shocked when I drew this card a third time.  For me she represents two specific individuals, individuals that were in my life at one time, but that I would not want involved with my life now.  It's a long story.

Our cards for today:
  • Queen/wands
  • 9/wands
  • 10/wands
  • The Moon
  • The Empress
  • Knight/cups

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Art of Psychometry


Psychometry is the ability to pick up information when holding an object in your hands using your psychic abilities. Let's explore psychometry -- the what, the how, the history, and the infinitie possiblities. I also include my own psychometric experience, one of the most powerful psychic experiences that I've had.

My Writing Space ~ The Divine Me, audio excerpt


You can purchase your copy of The Divine Me
@ Amazon, in print or kindle

click  HERE

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Episode #22, Mystic Crone Podcast ~ daily cards, daily energy


Hello, and welcome to the Mystic Crone Podcast! Today we have a repeat card/character that came up -- the Queen of Wands. So how has her situation resolved itself, improved itself, or highlighted itself since yesterday? Our other cards for today include:

  • Queen/wands
  • The Empress
  • 6/pentacles
  • 5/wands
  • The Tower
  • 10/swords

If the universe and Spirit have a message for you today, you’ll find it here!

The Mystic Crone

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Episode #21, Mystic Crone Podcast ~ Daily Cards/Daily Energy


Episode #21 Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom

Daily Cards/Daily Energy... I had a delightful morning on the front porch with my tarot cards, my personal tarot journal, and a good coffee. I recorded a short reading for you today, and our cards are:
  • Queen of wands
  • Knight of swords
  • 9 of cups
  • 3 of swords
If you're meant to find a message today, you'll find it here. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Paranormal Investigation #2 ~ the house by the woods


This investigation included a lovely quaint little house sitting on the edge of the woods. This experience was very different than the last investigation we conducted. First, there were fewer images taken; the family was more interested in following us around and talking all the while; and they were also very excited and eager to share their own paranormal experiences with us. Much of this, of course, was very personal and was considered private. This did not detract from the excitment that always accompanies an investigation, or the expectations of what we'll uncover. Enjoy!

Friday, March 29, 2024

The Mystic Crone ~ Why?


Today's insights on The Mystic Crone podcast..

  • Why are you trying so hard to gain approval from people or an organization that doesn't approve of you?
  • Why are you trying so hard to hang onto an individual that is ruining you financially?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sleep Paralysis ~ "They" come in the night


Sleep paralysis, definition: 

During the process of waking up or falling asleep, you're suddenly unable to move. Your body becomes paralyzed as if an unseen weight is upon you. You may be unable to move your arms or legs, body, and head. You can breathe and think, but you may be unable to speak.

My mother, myself, and one of my daughters have experienced this strange phenomena.  As I was researching for this blog post, I realized that the mundane medical field has a pat explanation for the experience, which of course is centered in the science of their fields.  However, when you have experienced sleep paralysis yourself, and when you hear other people's experiences, it opens the door for explanations that are far from mundane.  For those of us who believe in the paranromal and have had other experiences of this nature, besides sleep paralysis, it is very clear that this is a supernatural experience, not a medical event.  And who is right?  You tell me.

First, our experiences:

My mother

She was laying in bed beside my sleeping step-father, tucked in cozy beneath the quilts and comforter, stretched out full length, with her feet near the end of the bed.  She said that suddenly something grabbed ahold of both of her feet and began to pull her slowly down to the end of the bed.  She said she could feel the sheets and blankets as she was sliding through them.  She was aware of my step-father as she was sliding past him, but she could not move to free herself and she could not call out for help.  She told me that before she began to physcially be pulled off the end of the bed, she used monumental concentation and physcial strength to kick off whatever was holding her feet.  This experience terrified my mother.  It's an experience that was always as sharp and unforgettable to her as if it just happened.  After this event, she was afraid to sleep stretched out, with her feet near the end of the bed.

My daughter

My daughter was also in bed, tucked in with her husband in the middle of the night, when she heard something that sounded like a noise at their front door.  She thought for a brief panicky moment that they had forgotten to lock the front door and there was an intruder in their house.  When she went to turn and wake her husband, she discovered that she could neither move nor speak.  She lay frozen as she watched a black shadow figure of a man wearing a hat wander through the house, passing their bedroom door several times.  She said that it took monumental effort of both concentration and physical strength to break the paralysis, and once she did, the figure was gone.  She adamantly states that she was not asleep, that there was no "waking up" period when the experience ended, that she was completely totally awake and conscious throughout the entire event, beginning, middle, and end.

My experience

I was tucked into my large cozy bed all by myself in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother's house, laying on my right side, the blankets pulled up around my chin.  Suddenly, I felt a hot breath on my left ear and heard a whispered voice saying, "Call me if you need me."  This was repeated several times, and each time it was spoken I felt the hot air on my ear.  The voice was familiar, it was the voice of the man that I was dating at the time, but I knew that this was not really him.  I felt the negative evil energy, and I was scared to death.  I started reciting every childhood prayer I could think of, over and over.  Then I felt the bed raise up off the floor, shaking and unsteady, when it was dropped back in place.  This happened several times, over and over.   I couldn't move, but I could close my eyes, and so I did, very tightly, refusing to look at whatever was in my room, and refusing to answer the voice.  I continued reciting the prayers that I knew at the time, concentraing hard on doing this, until I don't remember anything anymore.  When I got up the next morning, I actually walked around the large bed to look at the bed posts and see if they had moved from their original positions.

  • Is sleep paralysis related to evil?

Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems. Over the centuries, symptoms of sleep paralysis have been described in many ways and were often attributed to an "evil" presence: unseen night demons in ancient times, the old hag in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and alien abductors.

  • The night hag

The night hag, or old hag, is the name given to a supernatural creature, commonly associated with the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. It is a phenomenon in which a person feels the presence of a supernatural malevolent being which immobilizes the person, as if sitting on their chest or the foot of their bed. The word "night-mare" or "nightmare" was used to describe this phenomenon before the word received its modern more general meaning.  Various cultures have various names for this phenomenon and supernatural character.

  • Folklore

During the Salem witch trials several people reported night-attacks by various alleged witches, including Bridget Bishop, that may have been caused by sleep paralysis.

In Mexico, it is believed that this is caused by the spirit of a dead person. This ghost lies down upon the body of the sleeper, rendering them unable to move. People refer to this as "subirse el muerto" (dead person on you).

In many parts of the Southern United States, the phenomenon is known as a hag, and the event is said to portend an approaching tragedy or accident.

In Newfoundland, it is known as the "Old Hag". In island folklore, the Hag can be summoned to attack a third party, like a curse. In his 1982 book, The Terror that Comes in the Night, David J. Hufford writes that in local culture the way to call the Hag is to recite the Lord's Prayer backwards.

In contemporary western culture the phenomenon of supernatural assault are thought to be the work of what are known as shadow people. Victims report primarily three different entities:  1. a man with a hat, 2. the old hag, 3. a hooded figure. 

Sleep paralysis, in combination with hallucinations, has long been suggested as a possible explanation for reported alien abduction.

In Brazil, there is a legend about a mythological being called the pisadeira ("she who steps"). She is described as a tall, skinny old woman with long dirty nails in dried toes, white tangled hair, a long nose, staring red eyes, greenish teeth, and an evil laugh. She lives on the roof tops, waiting to step on the chest of those who sleep with a full stomach.

  • The scientific explanation of sleep paralysis

Evidence suggests that sleep paralysis is caused by an overlap of REM sleep and wakefulness. The hallucinations accompanying the sleep paralysis are “identical to hypnagogic hallucinations and are probably a consequence of dream imagery occurring during wakefulness”

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Narcissist's New Supply ~ how they find it


Be sure to check out Ask Anoushka's YouTube channel...

How does a narcissist find their next supply?

The Mystic Crone ~ today's podcast: Look and Look Again


Today we're going to pick a random tarot card and write down our interpretation of it. Then we're going to leave it set out for the day, and we're going to go back two more times to look at the card and write down our interpretation of it... with surprising results.

This is my second YouTube channel, and it is connected to my other blog:

The Mystic Crone
click  HERE


Monday, March 11, 2024

The Princess Kate Photo Hoopla


So I read an article this morning on goodmorningamerica.com about all the hoopla over the photograph Kate Middleton released of her and her children, the first official photo post-surgery, and how it's been pulled all over the world and taken down because they declare that it has been suspiciously edited. It also said that Kennsington Palace does not intend to re-release the unedited version. Why?

By refusing to re-release the unedited version, they just added more fuel to all the speculation and conspiracy theories going around. Why not just re-release the untouched photo if the only thing "wrong" with it is that it's not quite as polished as the "suspiciously edited" version?

My opinion? The photo does indeed look weird, something is really "off" about it.  And could it be that they refuse to re-release the original because there is no original, the entire photo is made up of composites.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom ~ what an eye-opening and fun set of cards!


Daily Cards/Daily Wisdom... I had so much fun with this series of 8 cards! They were both eye-opening and fun. You'll have to see how many of them you connect with. Also, to my troll (s), it's going to be okay, really, it is. I know you might feel bitter or betrayed the way life has played out for you, but you may have also dodged a bullet and you don't even realize it.

Monday, February 26, 2024

"Where is Wendy Williams?"... and do we really care?


Am I the only one who finds this whole Wendy Williams saga suspicious? 

  • #1 Ms. Williams supposedly okayed this documentary/reality special that's coming out.
  • #2 Her niece said that Ms. Williams was the executive producer. 
  • #3 Just before this TV special is released, the news is let out that Ms. Williams has been diagnosed with aphasia and FTD. 
  • #4 And just hours before the show is going to run and the public has the chance to see it, this mysterious unnamed guardian files a motion to stop the release of the documentary. 

You know, all of these circumstances lined up together would be about the best damn publicity stunt there is to bring as much attention as possible to this show and to hype it up so that millions of people would be sucked in to watching this supposedly real-life drama explode all over TV land. 

Am I the only one who wonders if this entire thing was a set-up to jack up the ratings?  There's something really off and weird here.

So many questions... and so few answers.

Update: two of the producers were interviewed by ABC news, trying to justify why they made this documentary in the first place, what part the family had in it, how Wendy felt about it -- two years ago, in the beginning, and they're backtracking trying to convince the public that had they known her diagnosis they never would have filmed any of it.  When asked if Wendy had any final say about whether this would air or not, they hemmed and hawed, saying, "Well, we haven't actually spoken to her since April of 2023."  Here's a link to the news clip... click  HERE

Podcast, Mediumship Reading ~ Conversation with a Loved One


So is someone finally taking responsibility for their actions and decisions from the other side? Better late than never?

Sunday, February 18, 2024

My Uncanny Valley Experience ~ The Doll from Hell


I received the doll when I was 3 or 4-years-old.  She was a gift from my Aunt, and she was the same size as me.  She had shoulder length auburn hair and bangs, big blue eyes with dark lashes, a stretchy narrow gold headband, a light blue and white party dress, and black patent leather Mary Jane shoes.  She eventually found a permanent spot in my upstairs bedroom, and this is where she stayed for many years to come, and so did I.

I grew to be very afraid of this doll, and I grew to hate her.

It started when I was about 6-years-old.  I would get an uneasy feeling around this doll.  She stood as a sentinel at my bedroom door, and I would have to pass by her every time I entered or exited the room.  I noticed that when I did this, the hair on the back of my neck would stand up.  This is something that I kept to myself, thinking it was just me.  I never told anyone of my experiences, or even how I felt about this doll.

But there was an even more disturbing phenomena, which became more pronounced and troubling with time, and it's also something that I never told anyone... out of the corner of my eye, with my peripheral vision, I would see this doll move.  She would raise an arm slightly, or turn her head.  And I always had the unnerving feeling that it was watching me.

One day, when I was about 9-years-old, I was exiting my bedroom door, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the doll raise her arm.  Without hesitation, I bolted down the short hallway, spun around the banister at the top of the stairs, took the first 2 or 3 steps, and then leaped from the staircase to the floor below.  I don't know how I did this without getting hurt.  I didn't go back upstairs for hours that day.  I put it off as long as I could, dreading going back up to my room.

When my grandmother passed away, I was 28 and still living in this house, still the inhabitant of the upstairs bedroom, and that wretched doll still stood guard at that bedroom doorway.  Now, having the house to myself, I picked it up and shoved it in the upstairs hallway closet.  Everytime I passed through my bedroom doorway and walked down that short hallway, past the closet door, the hair on the back of my neck would stand up.

Fast forward decades later, I'm 36-years-old.  I'm visitng my Aunt in South Dakota, and my sister had come out to her house to visit as well.  My Aunt dug out photo albums from our childhood, and my sister and I sat in a huddle at the kitchen table, pouring over these photos and reminicing.  We came to a photo of a 4-year-old me and the life-size doll.  My sister lowered her voice, leaned in close to my face, and she said.... "Did you ever see her move?"

Patti PlayPal 1959 ~ everything is identical to my doll, except the hair, which was more auburn, straight, and to the shoulders.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Uncanny Valley... What is it?


I have never heard of this term until today, but it makes a lot of sense and puts a name to something that so many people experience -- fear of dolls, mannequins, clowns, elves, robots, etc.  Why are they so creepy?  Well, there's a reason...

Uncanny Valley, definition:  a term that describes the “eerie sensation” people feel when they encounter a robot with human-like characteristics. It was first coined in 1970 by Masahiro Mori, a robotics professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The Uncanny Valley theory:  Uncanny Valley is a theory in aesthetics suggesting a humanoid object appearing almost, but not exactly, like a real human can evoke feelings of eeriness or revulsion, rather than familiarity, due to the object's proximity to reality yet noticeable imperfections.

Why do we experience Uncanny Valley:  Some cognitive explanations of Uncanny Valley include the idea that we assign humanlike qualities or a mind to artificial people, this can cause cognitive dissonance and confusion since we don't know if we should treat them as human, or trust them to behave as such.

Why is the movie, The Polar Express, considered Uncanny Valley:  The Polar Express is controversial and creepy to some viewers thanks to its animation style, which created a phenomenon known as Uncanny Valley. While the filmmakers clearly opted for a more realistic art style, many of The Polar Express's characters look human but not human enough.

For those who are creeped out by The Polar Express, know that you're not alone. What's more, while the visuals were pretty impressive when the movie was released back in 2004, it hasn't aged well and the sense of Uncanny Valley has arguably worsened with its age. The creators of The Polar Express made the fatal mistake of filming actors with motion-capture technology, which gave every character dead lifeless eyes.

Is Uncanny Valley a psychological response:  There are a number of psychological phenomena in which dramatic emotional responses are evoked by seemingly innocuous stimuli. A well known example is the Uncanny Valley effect, whereby a near human-looking artifact can trigger feelings of eeriness and repulsion.

Does everyone experience Uncanny Valley:  Further, neuroscientists have found that not everyone experiences Uncanny Valley the same way; one may be more or less affected by the phenomenon based on previous life experience.

How do you overcome Uncanny Valley:  For those professionals who create humanoid figures and characters for movies and books... A good way to avoid Uncanny Valley is to move a character's proportions and structure outside the range of human. One reason Gollum was so successful is that he has big eyes, and the shape of his face is not quite human. Grendel in Beowulf is also disfigured and deformed.

Why is Uncanny Valley so creepy:  Mori coined the term Uncanny Valley to describe his observation that as robots appear more humanlike, they become more appealing, but only up to a certain point. Upon reaching Uncanny Valley, our affinity descends into a feeling of strangeness, a sense of unease, and a tendency to be scared or freaked out.

Friday, February 16, 2024



The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess... [excerpt]
• Dance

Long, long ago, I would dance. I would put on several layers
of the large discarded house dresses, party dresses, and
petticoats of my grandmother and my aunts, slip my small
feet into their oversized high heels, and spin in the middle of
my bedroom, making the long skirts fan out around me.

This was my dance...

[page 169, from the chapter: "Facing the Mirror: How do you connect with the physical you?]

Purchase your copy of The Divine Me at Amazon, in print and kindle:

click  HERE

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Paranormal Investigation #1 ~ Bump in the Night


This is the first of a couple paranormal investigations that I documented at the time with photos as well as copious notes that became a blog post and have today turned into this video. This took place in Fremont NE, the year was 2009, and we were off to experience a haunted house. Enjoy! (We did)

Sunday, February 4, 2024

My Beefs ~ #2 I like Meghan Markle


I can, from personal experience, empathize with this woman on some of the most important points (or criticisms) that come up:

1.  Estranged from a father that double-crossed her...  CHECK

2.  Has a bitchy half-sister that she only met once...  CHECK

3.  Had to leave a family of super toxic poisonous in-laws...  CHECK

Yep, and to the mass of general public all over the world that thinks they know what they don't know, well, what can I say.  You have to be there to really know the stories and the reasons.

I hope for Meghan that she has the support system and the stamina to hold up, live her life with gusto, and outrun negative people and negative criticism, because that's what I did.  Sometimes, because people have made the choice to hate you, ramped up on adrenalin and group bully mentality, nothing you ever do will be right, there will always be those people out there who choose to find something wrong...  CHECK

My Beefs ~ #1 Smudging


I smudge my house with sage.  I've been doing this for over 40 years, and I will continue to do so, though probably not for another 40 years.

Smudging:  burning sacred herbs such as sage to cleanse a space, object, or ourselves of negative energy.

American (or Canadian) Indigenous People are not the only people upon our beautiful planet who smudge.  And by the way, kudos to them for being among those of us who follow this practice.

Note... "smudging" is not a term that is protected by either copyright or trademark.  It is a word in the dictionary, and it is free to be used by the public.

More information:

Spiritual Appropriation ~
It's a Conundrum for the American Melting Pot

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Bucket List Locations ~ Chino Valley AZ


This should be a relatively easy bucket list fulfillment considering that Chino Valley AZ is only two and a half hours away from Casa Grande AZ, my current location. Imagine that! The song is true -- it's a small world after all.

From CG to Chino Valley... 2 hr 29 min (155.8 mi) via I-17
(Chino Valley is located 10 miles north of Prescott)

Chino Valley
Town in Arizona

Description: Chino Valley is a town in Yavapai County, Arizona, United States. According to the 2021 U.S. Census, the population of the town is 13,492. Wikipedia
Area: 62.48 mi²
Elevation: 4,708′

Chino Valley is an unscathed and undiscovered destination in the Central Arizona Highlands and it is much cooler than you’d think!

Chino Valley is vastly wide open spaces, big blue skies with a culture defined by friendly people, unique eating establishments, and outdoor adventure.

Founded in 1864 and later incorporated in 1970, Chino Valley is the first original Territorial Capital of Arizona. Our rural community has 4 beautiful distinct seasons and boasts a truly hometown feeling.While you are visiting you will be in awe of how friendly our community is. We wave at each other as we pass. Come witness the “Chino Wave.”

Chino Valley AZ Website

Chino Valley AZ Website

click  HERE

5 Best Places to Eat in Chino Valley

Chino Valley is in the middle of Arizona, and both locals and guests can enjoy a unique dining experience there. It's not surprising that food lovers have a hard time deciding what to eat in a place with so many different kinds of food and so many different flavours. In this piece, we'll talk about the top five must-visit restaurants in Chino Valley, Arizona. Each of these restaurants offers a unique dining experience.

1. The Ranch House

When you walk into The Ranch House, the smell of steaks cooking will take you to a world of country charm. This family-owned steakhouse is known for its delicious cuts of prime beef and its warm and welcoming atmosphere, making it a go-to spot for meat lovers.

2. Si Es Mi Tierra

With the lively food of Asi Es Mi Tierra, it's never been easier to go to Mexico. This restaurant serves authentic and delicious Mexican food, like sizzling fajitas and flavorful enchiladas, that will take your taste buds on a trip.

3. Chef's Table

This is the place to go for a private, high-end eating experience. This farm-to-table restaurant has a carefully chosen menu that changes with the seasons and features the best locally grown food.

4. Cravings

Cravings is a secret gem in Chino Valley with a menu full of dishes from around the world. From Thai food to Mediterranean flavors, this cozy restaurant has a mix of flavors that will please even the pickiest eaters.

5. Pinon Grill

Set in a quiet area with beautiful views of the mountains, Pinon Grill serves delicious American food in a peaceful setting. Whether you order one of their famous burgers or some fresh seafood, you're sure to have a great time at this place.

Chino Valley, AZ, has a wide range of great places to eat, with everything from sizzling steaks to unique flavours. The Ranch House, Asi Es Mi Tierra, Chef's Table, Cravings, and Pinon Grill all offer different kinds of delicious food, so every time you go to Chino Valley, you'll want to come back for more. Start out on a tasty adventure and enjoy all that this charming town has to offer.

(Source: original.newsbreak.com)

5 Things to Do in Chino Valley

1. Sycamore Canyon Wilderness

A wilderness area covering 56,000 acres, Sycamore Canyon offers color in its cliffs, peaks and even a marsh-like region in what is otherwise desert.

Mountain lions and black bears are the stand-out mammals who find their home here, though you may prefer not to see them. The ringtail cat, a cousin of the raccoon, is common but nocturnal and has become the State’s official animal after a poll of schoolchildren. You may have to make do with the birds, and by day and you will both see and hear them.

This is a great place for camping, with cabins available for rent. Designated trails will lead you through the Wilderness whether you trek or ride a horse. Fishing and swimming are also popular activities here.

2. Verde Canyon Railroad

The Railroad opened in 1912 and the route that it follows today, between the old mining towns of Clarkdale and Perkinsville, takes you on a trip that is impossible to do in any other way.

The 40-mile round trip includes the train going through a manmade tunnel, but everything else is truly natural. The Railroad’s luxury cars will have you imagining a bygone age, making this experience popular with significant numbers of visitors..

An “Arizona Treasure”, the railroad is one of the definite highlights when spending time in the region.

3. Chino Valley Aquatics Center

Chino Valley’s temperatures make this Aquatic Center a great place on all but the coolest of days.

Swimmers are in their element and the facilities are suitable for small children, with a very shallow entry pool. The waterslide is fun, and for those wanting to swim any significant distance, they can pick a swimming lane.

If the kids cannot swim, they can take a lesson and perhaps after a few lessons, they will be off. You might like to try some water aerobics while the kids are taking their lessons.

4. Granite Creek Vineyards

There is more to Granite Creek Vineyards than just the wine. It also plays a part in introducing local musical talent to visitors.

You will have the chance to sample the wines with a nice lunch, with most popular brands being Sunset Red Blend and Prairie Sun Pinot Gris. They compare favorably with the best wines available in the state.

Enjoy some time there or perhaps even consider booking a special event there with family and friends.

5. Coconino National Forest

This scenic forest is known for its flora and fauna. Indeed, there is a type of small sunflower that is only found in the forest.

The vegetation varies from the bottom of the canyon at 4,500 feet, to the mountain tops 2,000 feet higher up. Pine and deciduous trees contrast beautifully with snow-covered peaks, streams and stunning red rocks.

100 species of mammal, 300 different birds and 16 different kinds of fish are just some examples of the wildlife that justifies a visit to this stunning forest.

(Source: thecrazytourist.com)

Daily Cards/Daily Energy ~ Two-Faced


Finally, after being laid up for over a month with back issues, I'm slowly rejoining the world of the living. I have created a new tarot reading, and I chose to go with my blog The Mystic Crone. Happy reading...

click HERE

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Back in the Saddle Again ~ sort of


For those who don' know, I've been pretty much out of commission since the week of the Winter Solstice (Dec 21st) with very badly pulled back muscles, excruciating, I could hardly get up and down off the sofa by myself.  I really did it up good with a combination of activities I should not have been doing in the first place, like wrestling a 50lb bag of cat litter across the front yard and up our camper steps.  I shall not do that again, but I was childishly proud that I accomplished this feat at the time.  Little did I know.

During most of this period, I virtually stopped posting on social media, stopped creating videos, or doing tarot readings, or doing much of anything really.  I was trying to cope with the pain without having to go to the doctor and experience all the hub-bub and inconvenience that it would cause.  Anyway, as I told my significant other, "What's a doctor going to do, tell me my back muscles are strained and provide a prescription for medication that I probably won't take?"  So far, I've managed on my own with ice packs and a rotating combination of aspirin and Ibuprofen.

It's getting better.  I just have to remember that when I hit a good day it does not mean that I can jump up and resume physical activities as usual.  I've set myself back a couple times doing this.

Thank you to those who were aware of this situation and sent me lots of positive energies and good wishes, and thank you to those who didn't know but who kept visiting my blogs and websites and watching my videos.  I can't wait to begin creating new material again, and I'm so anxious to do some new tarot readings.  It's been a while.

Peace out, and to my northern peeps, stay warm and stay safe during some of this nasty winter weather.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

PODCAST ~ Micro-Readings: 3 readings, one story?


There are three micro-readings here, which means there are three sets of cards with one sentence interpretations, but for someone, these three readings are telling us one story.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Conscious Awakening Network


Did I mention how much fun I had being interviewed by Glenda Dawson? Well, I had a lot of fun. She's my kinda' gal, it was a hoot.

Personal Demons, be gone!


Our first tarot reading for the new year!  Be sure to join me at my tarot website and my YouTube channel.

Deck: Rider Waite version
Cards: The Devil -- reversed; 5/swords -- reversed; Page/wands

You will be starting this new year off on a very promising positive foot, which is a much needed change for some of you. You'll find that you have shook off some personal demons that have been plaguing you and causing so much trouble in your life on a variety of levels. You've also either come to a truce with a group of people you were in conflict with; or you walked away from the conflict and this is one of the demons you got rid of. For some of you, this might not represent a group of people you were in conflict with, but it may represent a conflict that you were battling within yourself. Either way, it's gone.

Many of you will find that you're starting off the new year with a new beginning that includes lots of passion, enthusiasm, and promise. For some of you, this may indicate a new relationship on the horizon, but for others it is showcasing new job and financial opportunities. This card, as do all the Pages, also infers that open, honest, enthusiastic communication will benefit all new endeavors coming up in this new year.

The Tarot Parlour

Monday, January 8, 2024

Book Excerpt: The Divine Me ~ the goddess Eostre -- Easter? Estrogen?


The following blog post is a short excerpt from my book, The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess, pages 82-85, from the chapter "The Goddess in Every Month".

Available @ Amazon in Print & Kindle

click  HERE

·         March ~ Eostre

Origin: Germanic
Influences: spring and dawn, fertility, birth
AKA: Ostara
Symbols: rabbits, eggs, spring flowers, butterflies

This goddess is all about spring, birth, fertility, and the changing of seasons, the return of spring bringing with it the planting season, the return of warmth and promise and new beginnings.

The oddest myth that follows Eostre is the story of how she saved a bird from freezing to death in the winter.  Its wings were frozen together.  Eostre magically changed the bird into a rabbit, a rabbit which retained its ability to lay eggs. 

I don’t know about you, but this puts a whole new spin on the Easter images I grew up with.

I would imagine, in ancient times, when the rituals of this goddess were regularly practiced among the people, she was looked upon with a sigh of relief, as in another winter has passed and we survived.  Symbolically, it seems, the celebration for this goddess on the spring equinox would herald the return of daylight, as well as preparations for planting and the birthing of farm animals for sustenance.

In other words, it feels like the world is coming out of a dark frigid isolating winter and things are starting to move again, coming to life. 

Hmmm… “Eostre” sounds an awful lot like “estrogen”, just saying.

March’s Magick/Seed Moon
A Protection Spell

The main thing about someone who thinks they need a protection spell is that there’s something that’s making them feel threatened in some way. 

Who, or what, are you afraid of; or what is the set of circumstances that makes you feel threatened?  What do you think you need protection from?  Think about it, and then proceed with the following spell, if you still feel that it’s needed:

Let’s create a mojo bag for protection, as this is a very versatile way to create protection for a wide variety of reasons.

v  Start with the bag, a drawstring bag – I would choose black to repel negative people, entities, or circumstances; to banish unwanted things; to neutralize negative energy.  But you choose whatever color makes you feel safe and secure, warm, and fuzzy… protected.

v  Second – write down on a small piece of paper what you want protection from, be specific, be blunt and to the point.  Next, take a red ink pen or marker and with intention, along with much vigor and emotion, maybe a little cursing and spitting, draw a large red X through this list.  It’s okay to get emotional, get angry, get all riled up – what you’re doing is raising energy.

v  Third – let’s add some other “ingredients” to this bag, just so the universe and Spirit get the full picture.  This could be personal effects from an individual, and not just the stereotypical “hair and fingernail clippings”.  It could be the button off a shirt, a coin from their purse or wallet, a photograph, a piece of jewelry (an earring, or ring, or necklace chain), a tube of lipstick, a cigarette butt – you get the idea.  Be creative.

Tie this bag closed, preferably with three knots.  Keep it in a secret safe place and allow it to work undisturbed.  Should the time come when you no longer feel the need for it, you can: 1) toss it in the flame of a fire and let it burn to ash, 2) dismantle the bag and its ingredients and toss them into the trash, or 3) bury it somewhere off your property.