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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Woman's Magickal Milestones ~ Birthdays

Another year passes.  With the first birthdays, in the Maiden stage, each one becomes a celebratory milestone, but after a woman reaches 30 in our culture, we begin to associate a feeling of trepidation with the passing of another year. Why?  What’s not to celebrate?  Forget that our society foolishly worships youth and suffers from a chronic case of Peter Pan Syndrome; instead, celebrate, be joyful, embrace each year, embrace each change within yourself.  You are not aging, you are growing.  This is the difference, this is what our culture, our society, doesn’t see, or tries to deny.  With time women grow wiser, more assertive, more complete within themselves.  They Bloom!
Grow, Sweet Woman, grow in time, grow in wisdom, grow in laughter, grow in strength, grow in love, grow in power, grow in creativity, grow in magick.


The 10th Year
The Threshold:  Childhood…Maidenhood
I still have one foot in the world of my childhood, but I can see through the open threshold before me.  The view is hazy yet.  It’s still so early, and I am still so young.  I see a shadow of the woman I will become.

The 20th Year
The Threshold:  Adolcescence…Adulthood
I’m taking baby steps, trying out my adult legs, finding my center.  Which direction will I go?  Where will I establish my roots?…roots of career and relationships.  The foundation I build now will determine the stability of my future.  Is it really all just a roll of the dice, or does destiny lay in my young and inexperienced hands?

The 30th Year
The Threshold:  Maidenhood…Motherhood
I step through a doorway to find myself standing in the mad rush of Life.  I am careening along at full speed, swerving to avoid potholes, watching the clock, knowing that I have a destination and a dead line to meet, knowing I have an appointment with Responsibility.

The 40th Year
The Threshold:  Motherhood…Middleage
I’m at a crossroads, no longer young, but not yet old.  The world around me appears to lose focus as boundaries and expectations are blurred.  What once was perfectly clear is now laced with questions.  The Universe is giving me a choice.  I watch in alarmed fascination as new paths open before me, each yellow brick road beckoning me,  “Come this way!”

The 50th Year
The Threshold:  Middleage…The Crone
I suddenly realize who I am, I mean the “me” that I must have lost along the way.  I suddenly realize that the only opinion that counts is my own.  I suddenly realize who my friends are and who they aren’t.  I suddenly realize that I am not afraid to face the world alone.  I suddenly realize that I have reached a plateau enabling me to scrutinize my past and glimpse my future.  I suddenly realize…I have arrived.

The 60th Year
The Threshold:  The Crone…The Golden Age
I’m at a crossroads, no longer middle-aged, but not yet old, not really, I say with defiance.  My body speaks to me now, still proud of its strength, its endurance.  My body speaks to me with relish, embracing the last blazing autumn of life.

The 70th Year
The Threshold:  The Golden Age…Old Age
I will reap what I have sown, whether this be children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, or the golden glow of accomplishments.  I will stop to smell the roses.  I will stop to watch the sunset.  I will stop to pet a dog, or hold a cat.  I will stop to speak to an old friend.  I will stop to say, “I love you.”; “Hello”; “Good-by”; and “I’m sorry.”

The 80th Year
The Threshold:  The Crone Glorified
I am elevated.  From this vantage point I stand in the stillness of dawn.  I stand in the midst of gentle rain on black earth.  I stand in the warmth of a loved one’s hand on my arm.  I stand, not in the shadow of The Crone, but shoulder to shoulder with her.  I am one with the goddess.

The 90th Year
The Threshold:  Rebirth
I look at the world and see it as hazy images in a crystal ball.  The images are people I’ve loved, places I’ve been, things I’ve done.  And as I stare at the images within this universal sphere, I can see that they are fading, getting dimmer, and soon they will disappear.  I know that as these images and this world are fading, there is another beautiful glorious crystal ball, and within it I can see the sunrise bursting over the horizon, lighting the way for a new journey…in the next Life.

inspirational 3
This blog post is an excerpt from my book,
The Spiritual Feminist
To order your copy, follow this link:
click  Here
more Goddess energy and information, visit my website at:
the photos are courtesy of Pinterest

Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's All About Creating Your Magickal Space ~ Wedding Showers

Do you realize, as a wedding shower guest, the amazing amount of input you have in helping a new couple build their home?  You are actually helping them create their sacred space.  Follow the link for some incredible eye-opening ideas for shower gifts, filled with magick and positive energy.

click  Here


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Unleashing Magick n' Mayhem @ The Fremont Craft Show (photo blog!)

We turned this craft show into a Craft show.  It was a hoot.  Yes, I'm guilty-- I love to "poke the bear"; and I was fully aware that my "services" (tarot reading) and my wares (occult merchandise) would raise a few eyebrows at the yearly Christiansen Field Craft show here in Fremont, Nebraska .  We did manage to connect with some amazing people, honestly curious people, friendly people, people who stood and talked and talked and talked. 

Like the lady who stood leaning over my table to confide in a hushed whisper about her lifelong ability to see the dead and her haunting experiences with premonitions.  Her story was amazing, and the fact that only her sisters were aware of her experiences brought home how secretive this woman felt she had to be about her gifts, how (for so much of her life) she was afraid she was crazy, how haunted she was, and how much she needed validation.  The longer we talked, the more her story unfolded, and finally (I knew it!) we got down to the fact that her grandmother and her great-grandmother shared these abilities.  Lovely lady, we exchanged phone numbers and a promise to go for coffee sometime.

The little girl (15) who came to my table and was shyly curious.  She was a student getting ready to compete in a debate team and wanted to know if there was anything she could use to relieve her anxiety, or enhance her performance.  I gifted her a small bottle of the Queen's Oil (swords), with instructions for a yellow candle.  Her mother had a table near ours and this girl and one of mine made a connection.  For the rest of the day, they were inseparable.

I handed out business cards to people who wanted them, and sometimes to people who didn't.  I loved it!  I'm usually not an extroverted person, but in this scenario, it was like something took over.  I didn't even mind, and actually found amusing, some of the shocked or disapproving looks from some of the passers by.  And what was even more funny was to watch (and realize from looking at their face) people who were honestly curious about the items on my table but were with a group, and they didn't want the group they were with to see that they were interested.  This made me so glad that I'm an independent soul, and that I dance to the tune of my own drummer.  I love my drummer, and I love my dance!

(click on the photos to make them Bigger)
Voodoo Dollies, in the big basket, and pet poppets in the foreground, along with
magick wands, uncrossing oil, and candles, candles candles!!

Anne's beautiful jewelry (Creations by Isabella) to the left, and my books,
to the right, along with business cards and an invitation for a tarot reading.

The tarot deck I had with me that day (no, I don't remember the name of this one),
and nope, not a single person stopped for a reading.

Me and three of my girls.

Me and my hubby, Joe.  We have to talk to Joe about the concept of craft shows (lol)!
I made $10 on this day; Anne made $10; and Joe spent $35!  It was a hoot!!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Astrologcial Tarot Readings for December are Here!

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel:

December’s Astrological Tarot Readings are up!  Although posted for the Sun Signs, if you know your Moon Sign, or your Rising Sign, more than one of these videos may be relevant to you.  Included are links to free calculators to help you find your Moon and Rising Signs.

Rising Sign Calculator:  http://www.horoscopeswithin.com/calcu…

Moon Sign Calculator: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/moonsign/ca…

If you would like a Personal Reading with me, follow this link:

BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~ http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004NMWMX4

This is the Playlist containing all 12 videos for December's readings!...Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Big O ~ Omaha NE (my photos)

Last week we had to make a morning dash into Omaha to pick up a daughter.  She had taken her younger sister to a rock concert and wound up with a flat tire.  All was okay though, the girls stayed overnight in Omaha with their big sister & brother-in-law, as they were planning to anyway.  But we had to go in the next morning and help her change her tire and retrieve her car.  I had my cell phone camera out and ready.  I love Omaha.  The energy is terrific and the city is beautiful and vibrant.
As I said, these photos were taken with a cell phone, on the move, and are completely unedited.

First stop, before we left Fremont: gas (and coffee!)...I love morning sunshine.

Headed down Douglas Street toward Old Market.  The Woodmen Tower is
is coming up on the right.

The World Herald building looming to the left.

Look into the distance...that's the bluffs you see, where the river is, and with
it the Nebraska/Iowa border.

The stoplight at 10th and Douglas...looking at the bridge that takes
you over the river into Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Old Market Area

I just caught Howard Street as we were whizzing past the intersection,
can you tell!  This is my favorite section of Old Market with some of my
favorite shops found in The Passageway, at the end of the block

Headed home, west on West Dodge Road.

A delicious pasta salad with Italian dressing that my daughter made &
sent with us.  We nibbled on it all the way home.

You can click on the pictures to make them


Thursday, November 26, 2015

"I drop a lot of money in here." ~ She Says

Adults throw tantrums, they do, and sometimes they throw tantrums in public. Really.

I work in a beautiful quaint shop in the historical downtown district of our community.  This shop is in the process of changing owners, and there is a lot going on right now.  There's loose ends to be tied up by the former owner, and there's some big shoes to fill and lots of new things to learn for the new owner.  We're in transition, and the employees are now free to pass this information on to our customers. 

For one thing, we're in the midst of restocking merchandise, so there are some empty spots on the shelves that are on their way to being full again.  Most of the people who cross our threshold have been very understanding of all this and happy and enthusiastic for both the former and the new owner.  This is an important time for both of them; they have each come to one of those all important milestones, each entering a new phase of life.

So yesterday, when this lady entered the shop, I wasn't quite prepared for her behavior.

She was well put together, middle-aged, tall and brunette. She reminded me a lot of that brunette on Laugh-In, the one who always wore colorful headbands and bangs...and the big mouth. (Jo Anne Worley)

The first hint came when she stood, a shopping list in hand, ahead of shelves full of body-care products.  The spot for her particular hand lotion was empty.  There were several other bottles in the same brand name that were there, just not the particular one she was looking for.

"Pffft...you don't have it!  I came in here for it and you're out!"

My thoughts (unspoken)
Well, that happens in retail once in a while.  People BUY STUFF, and we have to buy more.

She turned to the shelves to the left.

"You're out of my soap!  That's the only soap my husband can use!"

My thoughts: 
Throw a little Dawn dish soap on him and he'll be just fine.  This always seems to work with my cat.

Here she stood for a couple minutes waving her arms around vocalizing firmly her disapproval at the predicament she was finding herself in, at the inconvenience of it all, implying that this might just all be a conspiracy on our part to make her life difficult.

She turned to another shelf and raised an accusing finger:  "You don't even have my toothpaste!"

I turned to look at two shelves full of toothpaste and was wondering what kind it was that we didn't have and why everything was so full if there was something missing.

She stalked through the aisles, ranting and complaining all the way, finally coming to a stop near the front of the store.  I assured her that both the former and the new owner were in the process of ordering merchandise and restocking.  I explained that we were in transition.  I explained that most likely the majority of the merchandise carried by this store would be continued, along with some delightful new additions!

"Well," she said, "You might just have lost a customer.  And I drop a lot of money in here!"

My thoughts: 
1.  She couldn't have dropped as much money in here as she'd like me to think, because I don't remember her. 

2.  One ordinary individual is not going to make or break this shop. 

This woman wound up buying 20-some deodorants that were on sale, and a slew of other items that she apparently thought she would never see again, and then realized, at the end of the transaction, that over half of these deodorants were not the "right kind".  She wanted a refund.

This woman is most likely not smart enough to be embarrassed by her very public display of bad behavior.  If she's not smart enough to be embarrassed by her behavior, I'll be embarrassed for her.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mothers-in-Law ~ What I've Learned From Mine #3

MIL #3 was a woman overwhelmed and dominated, first by a strict Catholic father, and later by a strict Catholic husband.  She was child-like and sometimes surprisingly childish, overly pious and modest, almost "nun-like".  Her father's influence was so strong that she did not marry her first love, a handsome kind Lutheran man, because she didn't want to disappoint her father or the Catholic Church, and she declared loyally she would never "change" her religion.  She talked about this man often, and when she did her tone was wistful and sad.  The Catholic man she chose to marry had an extreme temper, major anger issues, and was verbally abusive.  So much for misplaced loyalty.

MIL #3 never stopped talking, usually at 100mph, with her eyes opened oddly wide in rapt enthusiasm (or mania).  At first, dutiful daughter-in-law that I was, I gave my full undivided attention to her constant stream of chatter.  The result of this was that, at the end of an hour, I was totally exhausted, left with a pounding headache.

This woman was a psychic vampire.  I taught myself to tune her out and conserve my own energy.

What did I learn from this woman?

  • Know when to stop talking.  You'd think this would be a natural instinctive thing to know, but it's not.  I've met several people who will drown you with their endless chatter; the result is one-way conversation. 
  • Don't be afraid of your own shadow.  Actually, this is most often where you will find peace and solace.  
  • Don't be afraid of new ideas; they don't bite.  You don't even have to accept them into your realm, just know they are nothing to fear.  
  • Protect, with a vengeance, your personal freedom and choices.  
  • Make Common Sense your best friend.

Friday, November 20, 2015

I'll Be *Here* December 5th!

Craft Show!

Christensen Field
Christensen Field Rd
Fremont, NE

Saturday, December 5th, 9am-3pm
I’ll be giving TAROT READINGS and selling a variety of new-age occult novelty items. Readings will run $10.00 for 10 minutes. New-Age Merchandise that will be offered includes items found on these pages plus other items not listed.
Amythyst 6

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mid-November Astrological Tarot Readings are Here!

Time Stamps:  Aquarius/2:58; Capricorn/9:25; Pisces/16:27; Aries/19:58; Taurus/27:34; Gemini/32:46; Cancer/36:50; Leo/42:13; Virgo/47:29; Libra/52:33; Scorpio/57:52; Sagittarius/1:00

Rising Sign Calculator:  http://www.horoscopeswithin.com/calcu…

Moon Sign Calculator: http://www.lunarium.co.uk/moonsign/ca…

If you would like a Personal Reading with me, follow this link:

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Radio Show Coming Up!...Crone's Cauldron

 Mark your calendars! Radio show coming up…I’ll be a guest on
“Crone’s Cauldron” (http://www.unitedpaganradio.net/) ,
Tuesday, November 17th, 9pm Eastern/8pm Central.

Also, check out Crone’s Cauldron FB page:

Yay! I'm an Event...imagine that!  Please pass this link on and be sure to join the radio show where there is an interactive chat room-- you get to ask me questions, or add your thoughts.

(Tuesday evening, November 17th, 9pm Eastern (US) -- 8pm Centeral (US) https://www.facebook.com/events/1623769641216279/

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Zodiac Tarot Readings for November 2015 ~ Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Next month’s Astrological Tarot Readings are going up at my Youtube Channel!  I hope to have all twelve videos done and out by November 2nd or 3rd.  The new videos added are for the Sun Signs:  Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, & Leo.  Remember! ~ If you know your Moon Sign, or your Rising Sign, there may be more than one of these videos that will resonate with you.  Remember! ~ These readings are Very General.  If you want a Personal Reading with me, go to my tarot website:  http://tarotreadingswithamythystraine.blogspot.com

Monday, November 2, 2015

Samhain @ Our House ~ 2015 (photos)


Welcome to our House and Samhain 2015:

We had a lovely, lively, intimate Samhain evening with the kids and family friends (a couple of whom we have unofficially adopted as our own).  The following photos are random, taken sporadically, and are completely unedited.

The Samhain Altar:
 Honoring our ancestors and family members who have passed.
My Halloween Baby:  18th Birthday!!!

The centerpiece for my table: it includes dried rose blossoms, mums snipped from my garden,
bittersweet and pinecones we picked up at the lake, and maple leaves from our yard.

The Divination Table:  I sat up a card table in the living-room this year,
instead of it's traditional location on the back porch.

Hot Dogs and Marshmallows destined for the Fire Pit.

Hot Apple Cider: my own recipe, included in my book, The Spiritual Feminist
Chili:  the traditional main dish for Samhain at our house,
also my own recipe.

The Kidz









Laura harvested her pumpkin and we weighed it:  30lbs.!
Patchouli Incense was my choice for the evening.

Until next year...Blessed Be!


(Note:  You can click on any of the photos to make them Bigger!)