Welcome to my blog! I don't know how your phones and devices work, but the videos and the links work better when I scroll to the bottom of this page and click on View Web Version. If you don't, you're going to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff that is included in the right sidebar... and it's prettier.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Obstacles & Deception ~ Do we sabatoge ourselves?


This is a relaxed reading from my large front porch on a hot summer day. So, what about those obstacles that we come across, were they placed there from a source outside ourselves, something we have no control over? Or did we put those obstacles there ourselves? And deception -- is it self-deception, or is someone lying to us? There's lots to ponder here.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Urban Legends ~ The Bandage Man


We're going to visit Cannon Beach, Oregon, where we'll hear the urban legend about "The Bandage Man". Along the way, we'll learn a little bit about this northwest pacific coast area, a bit of its history, and how this legend began.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Why are you still with him?


The deck I'm using today:  Steampunk Tarot, which was a gift from my significant other.  This is an in-depth (sort of) reading for me, and it might be a reading for you too, maybe.  Here is where I give a trigger warning because I've had several cups of iced coffee as I stay huddled in my darkened house embracing the AC against triple digit summer temps.  The experience has made me kind of mouthy, irreverent, and brazenly honest.


Well, this card is speaking the truth to me.  Not only did I have a lot of difficult decisions to face in life, I still have this burden, but in a slightly different way.  It seems that this phase of life, where I am now, where I'm living, how I'm living, there's so much that needs to be done, thought of, considered, acted upon.  It is relentless.  And I always thought that once we get older, this faction of life would at least let up if not disappear entirely.  Nope, I was wrong.  There's almost (almost) as much to keep track of and carry out today as there was when I was a young mother with a house full of home-schooled children.

King/pentacles (reversed)...

Oh, shit.  This is generally the card of a stable individual, usually in my readings this is a man, and this man is usually depicted as stable (did I already say that) and dependable, offering emotional and physical soundness and reassurance.  It's like the upright King of pentacles is usually your rock, so you can go about life in all its chaos and hyperbole knowing that your world is tight and secure.  Well, shit.  This card has come up reversed.  But this card is an accurate mirror for my life now.

There is nothing stable about a highly supersensitive, nervous, paranoid, quick-tempered individual, prone to telling untruths (that sounds so much better than calling it lies), and constantly on the lookout for more targets to add to the proverbial real-life or internet harem.  There just cannot be stability and reassurance with someone like this.  But there is also two sides to the coin, so don't judge me yet, which women tend to do... "Why are you still with him?"  It's always more compicated than outsiders can imagine, or more complicated than they are willing to accept.

Our age probably has something to do with why we're still together.  His dubious choices and behaviors come and go, are up and down, and when things are going smoothly, life is pretty good.  If it would just always stay on this level, that would be great.  But another reason has to do with the fact that we are two old fucks literally falling apart physically.  Getting old, always toted as a "privelege that many are denied", is also a giant pain in the ass.  

The only thing worse than going through the human aging process would be to go through the human aging process alone.  That would suck.  The way it is, hey, if he can't bend over to pick something up one day, that might be my strong day; and if I'm too fuzzy brained to drive to a doctor's appointment or Walmart, that's his day. It works, a strange Old Fucks give and take.  You wind up looking out for each other even if you never intended to, that's just how it works out.

Ponder on that.

Two/pentacles (reversed)...

Life is a balancing act.  Too many of us go through life riding the fence, balanced precariously on shaky tip-toes, like a high wire walker with arms outstretched, foolishly thinking that we could catch ourselves if we fall.  We couldn't.  If we fall, we're dead, or at least out of the game.  And what a god-awful bunch of our life is spent with our heads down, deep in concentration, determined to maintain our equilibrium.  Think of all the opportunities and wonderous things we miss perched determinedly in this wretched stance.

Pick a side, my grandma would say.


The quiet people-pleasing Libra me, the one that hates confrontation and unpleasant scenes, is being told by this card that it's okay to be a bitch, and the sooner I learn that and get over this irritating Libra fawning nature, trying to be liked by everyone (including assholes that don't deserve to be liked), the better off I'll be.  This has always been a disgusting feature wrapped around my little feather brain, whether I had to reach out the extra mile to a pissy stranger in a godamn checkout line, or some bitch trying to convince me she's my soul sister and my life-long friend and protector (not only did she not have my back, she was standing behind me holding the bloody knife after she stabbed me, successfully alienating me from mutual friends).  

Ya, that might sound a little bitter, but it's better to spit that bitter shit out than swallow it.  And that's what this Queen is telling me.

Tarot books I've written, because, why not.  The last one is the *book I would recommend for beginners, or for anyone really.  It's my favorite, and the one I feel connected with a lot of rampant feral energy that was around me at the time.  It's very transparent in a startling naked kind of way, and it doesn't care about the opinions of others... a good thing sometimes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Skinwalker Ranch ~ curses, aliens, skinwalkers, cryptids & crop circles


It was fascinating researching this plot of land in Utah that has become nortorious for the paranormal/supernatural activity experienced there. What happened to the Sherman family? Are the cattle mutilations connected to UFO activity? What is perpetrating the poltergiest activity inside the house? Why is this ranch off limits to the general public?

Monday, July 15, 2024

Spiritualism, the Fox Sisters, & the Feminist


Today our internet and talk-shows are full of mediums ready and willing to connect you with a dead loved one. How did Spiritualism, this movement, get started? Who are the Fox Sisters? How did Spiritualism inspire and promote feminism?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Spirits n' Stuff


I'm delighted to announce that I have launched a new YouTube channel:

Spirits n' Stuff

The following videos are just the beginning.  I have several projects planned for this channel, which is going to focus on spiritualism, urban legends, the paranormal and supernatural, cryptids, myths and legends, and the unknown.

Enjoy the following five videos, and you might want to leave the lights on. 

NOTE:  to some of my regular readers here, though I've touched on some of these topics on my other youtube channel, the material here is fresh and brand spankin' new.  Sometimes you'll find that there are some topics you can chat about more than once and learn something new, viewing it from a different perspective.  Enjoy!

Bloody Mary

You've seen it in movies a million times. There's a group of teen-age girls at a slumber party all standing in a darkened bathroom ahead of a mirror. They egg one girl on... "Do it! Go ahead, do it!" She faces the mirror, and in a frightened trembly voice says, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." And then mayhem follows. Who is Bloody Mary? 

History and legend gives us three possiblities: Queen Mary I, Mary Worth, and Elizabeth Bathory. Who are these women, and what might give them claim to Bloody Mary fame?

Shadow People

You've seen them, that quick flicker of movement from a dark figure lurking in your peripheral vision. When you notice them, they move faster, scurrying to remain hidden. What are they? Where do they come from? Are they real? What did I see?

Black-eyed Children (BEKS)

They're just kids asking for help, you think, until you see their eyes, and you are consumed with a sense of overwhelming dread.

The Ouija Board

So, how do you feel about ouija boards? Are you afraid of them? Do you love them? Do you use them? Do you think they're evil, or do you find them an interesting and useful divination tool to use for spirit contact? What's your take on the Ouija Board?

Soul Walk-ins

Can "other" souls inhabit a recently deceased body? Can a soul "move into" a body that is already inhabited by the original soul? Could the phenomenon of "walk-ins" explain Multiple Personality Disorder?

Spirits n' Stuff

Urban Legends ~ Bloody Mary


You've seen it in movies a million times. There's a group of teen-age girls at a slumber party all standing in a darkened bathroom ahead of a mirror. They egg one girl on... "Do it! Go ahead, do it!" She faces the mirror, and in a frightened trembly voice says, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." And then mayhem follows. Who is Bloody Mary? 

History and legend gives us three possiblities: Queen Mary I, Mary Worth, and Elizabeth Bathory. Who are these women, and what might give them claim to Bloody Mary fame?

Spirits n' Stuff

Friday, July 12, 2024

Ouija Boards ~ So, what's your take on the ouija board?


So, how do you feel about ouija boards? Are you afraid of them? Do you love them? Do you use them? Do you think they're evil, or do you find them an interesting and useful divination tool to use for spirit contact? What's your take on the Ouija Board?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

From Spirits n' Stuff ~ an in-depth look at walk-ins


Can "other" souls inhabit a recently deceased body? Can a soul "move into" a body that is already inhabited by the original soul? Could the phenomenon of "walk-ins" explain Multiple Personality Disorder?

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bump in the Night ~ Soul Walk-ins


The idea of a disembodied soul finding refuge in a recently vacated body is a little spine tingling, because it just is, but there are millions of people, spiritualities, and cultures who have believed for centuries that this is possible and does happen. Let's take a closer look.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Goddess Maia, a glass of wine, and a good time


The Divine Me: Embracing Your Inner Goddess... [excerpt, from the chapter: The Goddess in Every Month]

May ~ Maia

Origin: Greek
Influences: rebirth, fertility, motherhood
AKA: Maia Majesta
Symbols: flowers (she’s referred to as the “queen of
flowers”), braided or knotted items, doves

She was the eldest of the seven nymphs of Pleiades, the
daughter of Atlas. She is an earth goddess who also
embodies the energy of mother, nurse, and midwife. She’s
often referred to as the “grandmother of magic”.

Interestingly enough, Maia was a goddess whose rites were
restricted to women only. She was considered a “good
goddess”, or a Bona Dea.

It’s said that the nymphs, the seven daughters of Atlas had to
change themselves into doves to escape the hunter Orion.
When they flew up into the sky, they were transformed into
seven stars, thus forming the constellation we know as
Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters.

There’s not a lot of information found on this goddess,
though she was, for some reason, deemed important enough
to have a month named after her.

May’s Magick/Fairy Moon
Manifesting a Passionate Connection

So, what kind of “passionate connection” are you looking
❖ A fling… a fun time once-in-a-while thing.
❖ a soul mate… and this is one of those forever connections, supposedly being your “perfect match” for all eternity, through several lifetimes – I don’t know why this makes me feel cynical, but that’s for another book.
❖ a twin flame… and you want to think on this
one – twin flames are those people we go
through lousy crap with over and over,
lifetime after lifetime, until we actually learn
the lesson Spirit has been trying to beat into
our heads.


Anyway, whatever your taste for passion may be, let’s get on
with the manifestation of it.

Let’s begin with a glass of wine, a wine of your choice. If you
don’t drink wine, that’s okay, substitute it with a glass of
grape juice, it’ll do.

While you’re working on the crafting of this manifestation,
you will enjoy the leisurely sipping of this magical wine. (It’s
magical because you are imbuing it with your intention as
you work and as you think)

We’re going to “fix” and light a red votive candle. Be sure
you have chosen a pretty and safe candle holder for it and
that you will be placing it in a safe place to burn.

Put a few drops of rose essential oil on this candle and
massage it in good, concentrating all the while on your
intention, your desire, and sending this energy into this
candle with the touch of your hands.

Set the candle up in its holder. You’re going to take a few
drops of the wine from your glass and drip them onto the top
of the candle as well, just a couple drops will do, and do this
before you light the candle, we don’t want any human
torches here.

Grab your matches, or your lighter, and light her up.
Sit back and finish your wine, thinking about what it is you’re
doing, what you’re manifesting. Take your time, maybe
you’ll need to refill the glass, at least once. And smile.

At Amazon in Print & Kindle
click  HERE

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Soul Contracts ~ [Edit: includes Rebuttle] Soul Mate, Bump, Twin Flame


There are a few eye-brow raising explanations here for me. For instance, the idea that a twin flame contract comes unexpectedly out-of-the-blue and often happens when each of you are already in established relationships or marriages... hmmm, if someone were to look at this from a scewered perspective, they might see it as an excuse to cheat, or the idea that -- "it's okay to have an affair, this is part of my spiritual growth." *cough*  What do you'all think?

Clarifying Soul Mates

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Women ~ Warning About FB Groups for Women


Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, that's what my grandmother would say, and it sure is.  Ladies be aware that some of those "all women" FB groups you've joined are not necessarily being run by women.  Following below, you'll see two FB posts that I made as a warning as I was disovering these shenanigans in real time:

  • 1)  6-25-24   Interesting... I belonged to a group called "Laugh With Women", supposedly pretty much a woman's group, which honestly I have to admit was funny and interesting. But during the course of comments on one post at this group, someone discovered and revealed that these posts were actually being put up by some guy in Spain. I took a look, hopping from the Admin's group profile, to view their FB profile, which was pretty sparse and kind of sketchy, with lots of those polished fake photos men use to get women friends, you know what I mean -- the lady was right. When I realized this and was leaving a confirmation post on this lady's comment, suddenly everything disappeared. I unexpectedly and without warning no longer had access to this group, or to this individual's profile. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Nothing is what it seems to be.
  • 2)  6-25-24   I found another one!! I have family members at this group: Laugh with the Ladies (the original)... you guys, this is supposed to be a FB group FOR WOMEN, but of the 7 Admins, six are men and they have their personal FB profiles "Locked". There's a link to the Admin Page in the comments [you'll find that link above at this blog post]. Please check it out and see what you think? Doesn't it seem a little odd that a group Only For Women is Admin'ed by men???? I'd report this to FB, but I doubt it would do any good. Be careful out there!!

This group is only for women for laughter and fun
Admins & moderators · 7
Said Saad
Works at Capgemini Engineering
Simo Sekkoum
Works at Capgemini Maroc
Rachid Skif
Chief Information Security Officer at Aeroport Mohamed V
Skif Rachid
ENSA Khouribga - Formation Continue
Hicham Khattar
Hafid Alawi
Casablanca, Morocco
Yassine Mido
Casablanca, Morocco

Here is A Link to the Admin's page, where you can click on their name to go to their "group profile", and from there click on "view profile" to go to their FB profiles.

I just visited this site a few minutes ago and these guys are posting like crazy. I took two screen shots of posts that contained links, encouraging older women to join these FB groups for "women over 50" and for "old timers".

These "women's groups" at Facebook are not legitmate. They are not what they want you to think they are. We can assume that these individuals are trying to draw in older women for the purpose of romance scams. I know this is only an assumption, but it's a pretty good assumption at that. It's clear what's going on.

Ladies, please be careful and cautious of any "women's groups" on Facebook.

I don't know how to report this, or who to report this to, because FB isn't very user friendly in this respect. If there's anyone out there who knows how to contact the proper agency or individuals, please do. And you have to wonder exactly how many of these fake groups are out there, groups being run by predators with the perfect platform for their nefarious use.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Mystic Crone ~ Episode #34, Manic Exuberance


A lot of  people mistake lust for love, and a lot of people get so sucked into over-enthusiasm for a brand spankin' new romantic interest that this enthusiasm becomes manic, and their common sense flies right out the window.  Ya, that happens, and it's never a good thing...

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cliques ~ audio version


The truth is, you will never escape from the world of cliques, never. I thought that this eccentric novelty would disappear once life raced past the halls of junior high and high school; but no, this strange phenomenon will follow you to college and on into the workplace. It has also surprisingly followed me into the world of publishing, as well as the world of tarot. Everywhere -- everywhere -- you will find a group of ramshackle people drawing mysterious boundaries, forming unnamed clubs, clinging to each other like Neanderthals in the midst of a dangerous stone age world.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

YouTube ~ The Analytics of it All


This is all about Youtube in general and my channel in particular. I've been asked so many times: "Is your banner a real photo, someplace you really were?", "Is that a sunrise, or a sunset?", "Where is this at?" Plus, there is some additional info, as well as a little tour around a channel, my channel in particular today, so that you can figure out how to get all kinds of information for yourself, if you are a new YouTube creator, and information on your favorite channels if you're a YouTube fan.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

This podcast took a turn


This was supposed to be a simple Q&A about the tarot, but this podcast quickly took a turn and went another direction completely.  It wound up bringing up an old friendship, and an old wound, and it also took a very good look at "tolerance", and the fact that it should be a two-way street.

Please be sure to...

Like this video, and Subscribe to my channel:

Phoenix Rising

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Interview with Rachel True (The Craft)


This was fun to watch! It's an interview with guest Rachel True, who played Rochelle Zimmerman, the pretty little black witch in The Craft, and the podcast host is Christine Taylor, who played Laura Lizzie, the mean racist blond cheerleader in The Craft... What a fun interview!!  These ladies are so cool together.

Rachel True is also the creator of a tarot deck and the author of a full-sized book that goes with it, which includes 22 personal essays on her life and how it connects with each of the major arcana cards.

True Heart Tarot


Love & Intuition ~ ace of cups


skip the intro at 1:04

available @Amazon in print and kindle

Monday, June 17, 2024

Women & Societal Pressure to Stay


Normally, the only place you would see this reading is in the sidebar at my website The Witch's Corner, something special for my visitors.  But today's message seems so profound, and it feels like something that needs to be shared on as wide a stage as possible.  So here you go...

The cards:

  • 3/wands (R)
  • Queen/pentacles
  • 9/cups (R)
  • The World (R)
  • King/Cups
  • Knight/pentacles (R)
  • 5/wands (R)
  • 10/swords (R)
  • 2/pentacles

There's been a lot of "water under the bridge" where this couple is concerned. There has been broken promises; inconsistent patterns of behavior; and actions with some pretty questionable motives. There has also been consistent squabbling and a whole period of time of confrontations and arguments, leading to a terrible and very negative atmosphere, which doesn't sound like something that would be very enjoyable to be living with.

In the end, it's going to be all about someone finding a way to re-establish a healthy balance in their lives. It's going to be all about someone being able to pull themselves out from under a negative set of circumstances to set themselves up for a healthier lifestyle, a healthier relationship, or a new and healthy solitary existence.

As a witness to an older set of morals and an older style of living, I can see where we need to look at situations like this from a fresh new perspective. In my grandmother's day, a married or committed couple stayed together no matter what, and this resulted in some pretty miserable lives, as I can attest to.

My grandmother divorced a man in the 1960s to escape an abusive relationship, only to remarry him months later due to extreme societal and familial pressure. It was as big a mistake the second time as it was the first time.

I'm hoping that we live in a less judgemental era, and I'd like to think that we do. But you know what? I still listen to disparaging things said about women who have decided to end a marriage or a committed relationship here in the 21st century.

We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.

If this reading is for you, and you find yourself in an abusive relationship, or even simply an unhappy relationship, do not hesitate to exit this set of circumstances. Do not allow yourself to be pressured to stay where you are not happy in a situation that is not healthy for you.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Narcissistic Implosion ~ you need to read this, tarot enthusiast or not


10/wands (R); Knight/pentacles; The Moon (R)

The trouble with a lie is that maintaining it can get progressively more and more difficult as time goes by, and it can also become more and more impossible to hide the truth, which is naturally screaming to be seen, to be heard, to be acknowledged. Maintaining lies can become a burden, at least to most normal people...

continue reading HERE 


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Altered Reality? ~ Do you feel it?


Today feels surreal. Do you ever experience this? I do every once in a while since childhood. I'm not sure if it's your clairs kicking in, or something outside yourself (like spirit guides, guardian angels, that sort of thing) making you more aware for some reason... the sun is a little brighter than normal; sounds are a little more crystaline and clear and set apart; small details are magnified. There's just an "unreal" feel about the world sometimes, and this day is one of those days. It sounds silly, but I tend to watch the news more closely on days like this; I tend to watch my phone and messages a little closer. There's the sensation of anticipation.

TAROT TUTORIAL Episode #18, Ace of Swords


Welcome to my podcast and to these Tarot Tutorials.
You can skip the intro, class starts at 1:04

Episode 18/Ace of Swords
It's all about mental clarity and your creative spark.