Re-connect with the Goddess… The Spiritual Feminist

If you haven’t already met the Goddess, I think it’s time for an introduction; and if you’re already acquainted, you’ll rediscover some truths and revelations, as one always does with divinity. I’ve chosen forty-five of my favorite goddesses from across a wide variety of cultures. This is only a proverbial drop in the bucket, as far as a listing of goddesses goes. These are some of my favorites, some whom I’ve invoked over the years for inspiration, revitalization, magic, protection, and just because the energy felt good. Pay attention to the aspects of each divine name listed here: her particular energies, her specialties, the areas of your life that she can help you with. Listen to her story, feel her magic, open your heart and mind to the Feminine Divine, and draw into yourself her wisdom and power. “Her Story” is not just a mythical tale of the goddess. It’s our story, our voice.
#1 Goddess Connection ~ Airmed, Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Artemis, Astarte
#2 Goddess Connection ~ Athene, Aurora, Baba Yaga, Bast, Baubo
#3 Goddess Connection ~ Black Tara, Blue Tara, Brighid, Cailleach, Ceres
#4 Goddess Connection ~ Cerridwen, Copia, Cybele, Demeter, Eostre
#5 Goddess Connection ~ Flora, Freya, Green Tara, Hathor, Hecate
#6 Goddess Connection ~ Inanna, Isis, Kalima, Kuan Yin, Lakshmi
#7 Goddess Connection ~ Lilith, Lucina, Mama Cocha, Mami Wata, Morrigan
#8 Goddess Connection ~ Oshun, Pele, Persephone, Red Tara, Shakti
#9 Goddess Connection ~ Shitalia, Snake Woman, Sophia, Thalia, White Buffalo Calf Woman
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