Welcome to my blog! I don't know how your phones and devices work, but the videos and the links work better when I scroll to the bottom of this page and click on View Web Version. If you don't, you're going to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff that is included in the right sidebar... and it's prettier.

Monday, July 23, 2018

What's in the August Newsletter?

The August newsletter video: As I was taping this episode the weather was becoming *Darker and Darker and Darker* and soon it began to rain, so during various sections of this video you may hear the rhythmic plunk, plunk plunk of water leaking around the sky-lights on my porch roof, you may hear the steady sound of rain, and occasionally the wind will rise. It's all good. There's a nice Q&A section at the beginning where I explain a little bit about my online coven experience and why I won't do it again; you'll also hear some court case questions, as well as other questions and answers dealing with Black Cat Oil and the use of Rosemary & Amythyst in the bedroom.

The second portion of this video deals with my personal experience with Independent Publishing. I really believe that this is a new wave for the future. There's also informal chatting about writing, deciding to write a book, and snippets of all kinds of ideas based around this topic. Hope you enjoy our visit though this video and the awesome summer weather!! Other videos include: Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way The Witch's Corner ~ Florida Water, Lode Stones, Love Magick Articles:
  1. August Moon
  2. August Moon Magick
  3. Pagan Holiday
  4. Lammas
  5. August ~ Crafting Your Magick
  6. Radio Interview ~ with Spaced Out Radio and host David Scott
  7. Tarot Lesson Today ~ Princess of Swords
  8. Binding a Gossip
  9. Plantain ~ Magickal & Mundane
  10. Money Magick ~ What else could it be?
Special Offer for August: Earth Spell Bag with a 3/Card Audio Tarot Reading ~ $25.00 + 6.99 postage  



Saturday, July 21, 2018

Tarot Insights ~ All 12 Signs ~ July 2018

WARNING: The extremely blunt assessment of some of the zodiac signs may be offensive to some people. These readings are channeled for the energy of a Zodiac Sign, Not An Individual. No disrespect is meant, I just communicated honestly what was coming through the cards for me. Also, this is an "F-Bomb" warning.


The first reading, for Pisces, is relatively tame. After that the energy becomes very pointed, outspoken, and often brutally honest. These readings are channeled for Sun Signs, Moon Signs, & Rising Signs.

 If you enjoy these FREE readings, and you would like to support this reader so that she can continue to produce these videos, it might be nice if you would occasionally PURCHASE a PERSONAL reading from her tarot website: The Tarot Parlour http://tarotreadingswithamythystraine.blogspot.com   

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Spiritual Feminism ~ What's it all about?

What's it all about?... It's about embracing the feminine divine.  It's about matriarchal divinity and the mysteries revealed.  It's about connecting with the feminine aspect of Spirit.  It's about connecting with 45 goddesses from around the world!  -- Cultural Appropriation... Bring it on!  I'm an American; I'm a blend of numerous cultures and peoples with every generational step back I take... from parents, to grandparents, to great-grandparents, great-great grandparents, and beyond.  It's all about learning how to incorporate Spirit into our lives; it's about learning to love ourselves and feed our egos with healthy affirmations.  It's about self-empowerment; it's about learning to empower and support each other!

Listen to the following radio interview for an
in-depth discussion on these topics and more!

  You'll find all of this and more in my book,
The Spiritual Feminist


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Florida Water Recipe

Does anyone need a recipe to make their own Florida Water?  Yes?... Well, here it is:

Two cups of vodka or any alcohol of your preference
Two tablespoon of orange flower water
6 drops of essential oil of bergamot
6 drops of essential oil of rosemary
6 drops of essential oil of lavender
6 drops of essential oil of rose attar
3 drops of essential oil of sage
2 drops of essential oil of neroli

Mix all of these ingredients together and let it sit for a couple days.  Note that you can adjust any of the essential oils, strength-wise, to attain a scent that is to your liking.

If there's anyone reading this who doesn't know what Florida Water is used for, it's mainly for cleansing and protection, but there are other uses I'm going to list below.  There is a company who produces a marketable brand of Florida Water, and you can find them online easy. (So I'm going to be lazy and not go searching for it right now.)

Here's a list of uses for you, but that's not saying that some of you might not think of a few new ways to use Florida Water:

1. Cleanse your house by adding salt and Florida Water to a bucket of water and mop the floors.
2. Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.
3. Cleanse your altar and your magical space before casting a circle.
4. Provide it as a thank you gift to the deities or energies you're working with.
5. Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.
6. Put Florida Water in your palms and clap them to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.
7. It can be used in your rooms for a Happy Home and to combat melancholy and depression.
8. Florida Water can replace Holy water in magical practices and rituals.
9. Add Florida Water and Van Van oil together in order to attract better clientele.
10. Use it to dress candles for magical spells and rituals for Protection, Communication with Spirits, Cleansing and Breaking Hexes, and to remove malevolent magic.
11. Add a few drops to a bottle of ink and use it to empower your written petitions.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Breaking Another Barrier

Good morning, World! I start today off with an email from my publisher ~ "The Gray Witch's Grimoire" has broken another sales barrier! Whoop! These milestones are happy events that make all those weeks and months of working on a book worth-while and satisfying! Below are links to purchase this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or directly from Moon Books.

You can purchase this book at ~

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Gray-Witchs-Grimoire-Amythyst-Raine/dp/1780992734/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-gray-witchs-grimoire-amythyst-raine/1109430180?ean=9781780992730

Moon Books:  http://www.moon-books.net/books/gray-witchs-grimoire-the

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What's in the July issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter?

The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~ http://www.thewitchscornernewsletter.yolasite.com/july-2018.php

Below are the articles and essays you'll find in the July issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~
  1.  This is Magick
  2.  21 Summer Memories
  3.  The King of Cups
  4.  Elemental Invocation
  5.  July's Moon and Moon Magick
  6.  July ~ Crafting Your Magick
  7.  Crystals and Stones ~ A Crystal Grid (video)
  8.  Herbs and Planetary Connections
  9.  The Newsletter Video
  10.  Special Tarot Offer for July
and more...

"Earthing" is something we all need to do more often to "ground" us all !!! <<<Agreed. Yet another reason why I rarely wear shoes. Used to get in trouble quite a bit for frequently taking them off(especially at work). XD