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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Today's Daily Tarot Cards ~ Time to Let it Go

The Deck: Pagans Way Tarot

The Cards:  Princess of Swords, 9/cups (R), Princess of Wands

Two opposing forces... 2 women?  2 lovers?  2 very unique and very individualistic people from a unique relationship angle?

The first princess is the one who needs to have the last word, or she think's she did have the last word.  Let her think that.  It's to your advantage.  She may also have her minions about her, her little clique who will come to her defense, get in a huddle, put those wagons in a circle.  Ignore them.  They really have no clout, they're just for show.

If a difficult situation has come to a climax, move on.  Don't re-open channels just to make a point, to leave a last jab, to prove something.  Let it go, let it go, let it go.  Like ships passing in the night, warships that have turned off their radar, leaving no trail to follow.  Stealth is the key to success here.  Pass quietly into the darkness.  Leave it behind.  Move on... These are repetitive phrases that keep running on here with this card --  Putting these analogies to practical use, it's saying block a phone number, disconnect on social media, draw back and dislodge.  It's not worth opening old wounds, keeping a conflict alive, pouring salt in old wounds.  They tend to get pussy and infected.  

You will not appreciate where you are now if you have a nasty after-taste in your mouth from a previous life, or previous decisions and actions.  Rinse and spit.  You need a nice clear clean playing field to move into a bright future.

There's personal power in the ability to turn your back and walk away from something.

It does not mean that you're callous.  It does not mean that what once was important to you has lost all value.  It just means that your life has changed, your direction has changed, and your priorities have changed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

And the Journey Continues ~ A look At the Contents

The 10th Anniversary Edition:

Tarot: A Witch's Journey

You'll find two table of contents in the New Revised Illustrated Edition of this book:

  • There's a table of contents for the "Spells", because I know you want handy access to them.


   Mojo Bag Spells

The Bag of Retribution ~ 313        
For Safe Travel ~ 316
To Increase Male Fertility ~ 319
For Safe Childbirth ~ 325
The Bag of Riches ~ 327
The Lovers Bag ~ 329
To Uncover the Truth ~ 332
The Personal Power Mojo Bag ~ 334
For Protection ~ 337

   Candle Spells

To Promote Fidelity ~ 340
To Catch a Thief ~ 344
To Gain Employment ~ 348
The Wish Spell ~ 351
To Regain Balance in Your Life ~ 355
To Summon Someone
From Your Past ~ 359
Blessings for a Happy Home ~ 362
Reaching a Decision ~ 365
Achieving Victory ~ 368
Banishing Nightmares ~ 372

  •  You'll find the information re-edited into a format that's so much easier to read and access.

Table of Contents

The Tarot/Major & Minor ~ 6
The Minor Arcana ~ 9
Court Cards ~ 45
The Major Arcana ~ 61
Frequently Asked Questions ~ 90
Intuitive Reading ~ 106
Deeper Tarot Connections ~ 112
Reading for Friends & Family ~ 119
The Querents ~ 122
Letting a Client Go ~ 127
Tarot Spreads ~ 133
Criminal Cases Files ~ 183
Astrological Correspondences ~ 219
Minor Arcana Zodiac/12 Houses ~ 234
Numerology & The Tarot ~ 251
The Kabbalah Connection ~ 275
Tarot Magic ~ 301
Circle Casting ~ 308

  • Along your journey through the tarot, you're going to want to take notes, and I give you several pages for this opportunity:

My Notes

  • I'm delighted to have tarot images gracing the pages of this book, so that you can develop a visual connection with each of the cards.

Be sure to order your special Anniversary Copy of
Tarot: A Witch's Journey