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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

How to Play YouTube Videos on This Blog


For some reason, YouTube is now forcing people to sign in to watch videos posted on my blog.  The thing is, when this command comes up, there's no link to carry out this action.

You can get around this.

Simply click on the three little vertical dots in the upper right corner of the video, click on "share", and then copy the link, repost this link in a new window. 

I know, what a pain in the ass.

I will try embedding videos and see if this makes a difference, but if it doesn't, I'll just start posting direct YouTube links to a video and not the video itself.

It's always something.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Soul Retrieval


Soul retrieval is a shamanic practice that involves returning a separated part of the soul to the core soul. It's believed that trauma can cause soul parts to split off and flee.


What happens in a soul retrieval?

The key goal of soul retrieval is to bring back the parts of ourselves that we have lost through negative life experiences and to ultimately bring ourselves back into a state of balance and wholeness. Soul loss is a spiritual survival mechanism, where the soul fragments, some of which separate from the energy body, in order for the individual to cope better with pain. 

How do you know if you need soul retrieval?

There can be many different signs of soul loss. These can include a sense or feeling of: somehow being incomplete; that something is "missing"; numbness or flatness; feeling like you're just going through the motions; fatigue; weakness; anxiety; depression; and emptiness. When unresolved, from the shamanic point of view, soul loss can can evolve into more serious physical, emotional, or mental illness.

What can cause soul loss?
  • Any form of abuse, e.g., sexual, emotional, physical, or mental
  • An event of prolonged grief, pain, and fear that made you feel helpless or impotent
  • Deep-seated addictions, e.g., substance dependency, gambling, eating
  • A near-death, or an out-of-body altered states of consciousness experience (such as an ego death)
  • Being forced to act against your morals or values
  • An experience of intense rejection or abandonment
  • Witnessing the unexpected death of someone
  • A sudden and shocking accident
  • Entering a relationship without strong personal boundaries (resulting in an unhealthy relationship and losing your personal power)

A soul retrieval exercise:

Fill a glass of water and hold it in both hands. Focus your intention on the glass of water and say three times: “Everything I have taken from others, I put into this water." Take the water outside and pour it onto the ground, knowing that everyone stands on the Earth and all things can be returned to them this way.
Next, refill the glass of water and focus your intention on the water again. This time repeat to yourself three times: “Everything that has been taken from me, I now reclaim.” Drink the water and give thanks.

Soul retrieval exercises can be done daily.

When soul retrieval is practiced daily, these transformative practices can help you:
  • Overcome difficult life challenges
  • Clear negative emotions and cultivate positive qualities
  • Revitalize your personal and professional relationships
  • Feel more engaged and productive at work
  • Experience healing on all levels -- physical, emotional, and energetic
  • Bring happiness and well-being to others

How long does it take for a soul retrieval to work?

Once the lost parts of your soul have been retrieved, it can take time to fully integrate them into your being. The healing process may continue for days, weeks, or even months after the session.

How will you know if soul retrieval has worked?
  • You’ll recover from traumatic experiences
  • You’ll be reconnected to your true self
  • You’ll have a clear sense of purpose
  • Heart energies will be opened
  • Chakras will be balanced
  • It will become easier to release the past
  • You’ll be more willing to forgive
  • You’ll be released from being “stuck”
  • It will be easier for your body to heal itself
  • You’ll feel that it is easier for you to be joyful and love other people
  • You’ll have emotional and mental clarity
  • You’ll establish healthy boundaries
  • You’ll feel connected to the divine and all living things
  • You’ll have an expanded consciousness
  • You'll be connected to spiritual guidance
  • You’ll experience more comfort, courage, and faith


by Mateo