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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Cryptids ~ The Beast of Bray Road


The Beast of Bray Road, is the name given to a wolf-like creature reported to have been witnessed in or near Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. The creature has become a part of Wisconsin folklore and has been the subject of multiple books, documentaries, and a 2005 horror film.

Named for the rural farm road on which it was first purportedly sighted, reports of the creature in the 1980s and 1990s prompted a local newspaper, the Walworth County Week, to assign reporter Linda Godfrey to cover the story. Godfrey was initially skeptical, but later became convinced of the sincerity of many witnesses. Her series of articles later became a book titled The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf. Skeptics maintain that the creature is likely the result of misidentification of known animals, most likely gray wolves.

  • Description
The Beast of Bray Road is often described by alleged witnesses as being between 6 feet and 7 feet tall, with a humanoid style body covered in fur or hair, with a head resembling a wolf, and large glowing red or orange eyes. It is purported to have been seen moving as both a quadruped and a biped, and some reports describe it more closely to resembling a traditional werewolf or Bigfoot.

  • History
The creature was allegedly first sighted in 1936 on the grounds of St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children in rural Jefferson. In the 1980s, several alleged witnesses reported the beast had made contact with their vehicles, leaving long scratch marks on the doors and trunks. One witness stated she hit something while crossing Bray Road. Upon exiting her vehicle to determine what she had hit, supposedly a large wolf-like creature with red eyes chased her back into her car, leaving claw marks in the rear passenger door. Sightings have also been reported during daylight hours, with several witnesses stating they observed an unusually large wolf-like creature running on all fours through corn fields. One stated the creature was in pursuit of a deer.

Animal mutilations have also been reported in the area around Bray Road with animal remains, including deer and livestock, partially eaten with specific organs removed from the animal carcasses. Another witness reported driving down Bray Road late one night and observing an unusually large wolf-like creature eating an animal, which had been hit by a car on the side of the road. The creature reportedly ran into the woods as the eyewitness approached it in their vehicle.

In February 2018 and July 2020, alleged witnesses reported observing a large hair-covered upright creature in Spring Prairie and Lyons, both in Walworth County.

  • Is the beast of Bray Road a true story?
Despite years of research and numerous investigations, the true nature of the Beast of Bray Road remains a mystery. While skeptics often attribute the sightings to mistaken identification or elaborate hoaxes, those who believe in the creature continue to seek proof of its existence.

  • What happened on Bray Road?
What makes Bray Road haunted? The Elkhorn road is reportedly where a wolfman-like creature, the Beast of Bray Road, prowls. According to eyewitness accounts, the beast has been seen kneeling over a deer, walking on its hind legs, and reaching to the back of a truck to retrieve a roadkill deer.

  • When was the last sighting of the Beast of Bray Road?
The creature reportedly ran into the woods as an eyewitness approached it in their vehicle. In February 2018 and July 2020, alleged witnesses reported observing a large hair-covered upright creature in Spring Prairie and Lyons, both in Walworth County.

Vehicle Encounters:
Witnesses have reported the beast making contact with their vehicles, leaving claw marks or scratches.

Chases and Confrontations:
Some individuals claim to have been chased by the creature, either on foot or in their vehicles.

Animal Mutilations:
The area around Bray Road has seen reports of animal mutilations, with livestock and deer found partially eaten and with specific organs removed.

Daytime Sightings:
While many reports are from night-time, some witnesses claim to have seen the creature during daylight hours, including one witness who saw it running through a cornfield.

Upright Posture:
A key characteristic of the reported beast is its ability to stand and walk upright, unlike typical wolves or bears.

Footprint Evidence:
Some witnesses have reported finding large unusual footprints that could belong to the creature, with one woman claiming footprints over twelve inches long.

Specific Incidents:
1999: an 18-year-old girl was driving down Bray Road near Delevan, when she says her right tire hit something, lifting it up off the ground. She stopped and got out to see what she had run over, but there was nothing there. She looked to the side of the road and saw a massive wolfish form standing on two legs. She rushed back into the car, and as she peeled away, the beast leapt onto her trunk, but slid off in the slick rain and she sped home.

1936:  Enter Mark Shackleman. Mark was the night watchmen for the grounds of the St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children. While the Indian burial mounds in the distance and the strangeness of a monastery-turned-school might be enough to freak anyone out, this was Mark’s job, and he was used to it.

But one night in particular, he noticed something strange -- a shadow. He got closer and shined his flashlight near it to reveal a creature hunched on all fours near the burial mounds. Mark later said the way it was digging, it seemed canine. However, even at a distance, Mark knew it was far too enormous to be a run of the mill dog, or even wolf. After a few strained seconds, the creature looked at Mark. At this point, it is said that the creature unhunched itself and revealed that its hairy body must be at least six feet tall. Despite the thick fur and canine face, Mark noted it seemed to have the muscular body of a man. Then, it growled. Frozen, Mark waited and began to smell rotting meat. Then, impossibly fast, the creature took off towards the treeline.

1980s:  A woman alleged that the monster invaded her premises and tried unsuccessfully to break into her house. Then it went to her stable and attacked a horse, leaving a deep injury on the animal’s back. The same woman said the unidentified creature left 12-inch footprints.

Skeptics and Believers:
The legend remains a mystery, with skeptics attributing sightings to misidentification or hoaxes, while believers continue to seek proof of its existence.

A documentary film titled "The Bray Road Beast" was made in 2018 by Seth Breedlove's production company, Small Town Monsters, to uncover the history of the Bray Road Beast.


Suggested Reading:

The Beast of Bray Road
by Linda S. Godfrey

Monsters of Wisconsin
by Linda S. Godfrey

Real Wolfmen:
True Encounters in Modern America
by Linda S. Godfrey

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