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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Confessions of a Pagan Mom~ Confession #5

Wow, there's no way I can top confession #4, so I would imagine that I'm going to have a difficult time getting over this hump (confession #5).  And actually, I'm kind of looking at these confessions in a different light-- instead of trying to come up with a Single Confession per post; I'm going to start grouping confessions by topic. (I thought this was rather clever, and I'm having a rather down day today, so allow me to revel in a very small amount of self-back patting.)

Confession #5...the topic:  Food

1.  When I was pregnant, I ate chocolate ice cream for breakfast regularly.
2.  I hate sea food-- icky creatures that I wouldn't even want to pick up in my bare hands, and you expect me to put them in mouth! Ack.
3.  I almost always eat dessert first. (Who doesn't?!)
4.  The past couple years I've taken to claiming that I can't cook, and then flubbing things up when I try.  My latest adventure with this charade was when I botched a box of Mac n' Cheese, and my 14-year-old daughter whipped up the next batch in a cheesy, saucy, creamy delicious touché.
5.  I will eat a whole can of black olives by myself.
6.  I will eat a whole can of black olives by myself, secretly, so I don't have to share. :)
7.  When my hubby is running out to the Quick Shop for his energy drinks and cigs, and he asks me if I want a candy-bar...I say "no", when I really mean "yes".
8.  When my kids were babies, and I was spoon feeding them Gerber's Chicken Noodle baby food, I would sneak a bite now and then...I loved the flavor!
9.  After I've actually cooked a meal, I can ignore the pots & pans for at least 3 days.
10.  Once in a rare while--...okay, then!-- whenever I think I can get away with it, I drink directly from the great big liter bottles of pop in the fridge. (There, are you happy?)



  1. LOL...........I love reading your blogs. You are not alone on tilting the 2 liter up once in a blue moon..........whoops! Well it's out now :)

    1. lol!....Well, when I come to your house, I'll take a cup of coffee then. (har)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, the shame! Wait till you hear my little food secrets. Yikes.
