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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Start planning... animated tarot reading, with an expanded written addition


The cards you just viewed in the video:

5/pentacles; 6/swords/ (R); 5/cups (R)

This is such a sorry set of cards, I felt that we could use an expanded version of this reading to gain some clarity.  So here we go...

Queen/pentacles; Ace/cups (R); The Fool

Your usual self-confidence in your financial situation and decisions will be wounded by this set-back; but someone close to you may be either oblivious to it, or they are aloof to it.  Whichever way it is, you are the one who's going to be fretting and stressing over this series of events.  It's hardly surprising that this new set of circumstances will put a strain on a relationship that may already be strained and even at a pivotal point right now.  If you were wondering if there was an end in sight to the relationship, there is... now.  This financial set-back is like the straw that broke the camel's back, just one more issue that you can't agree on.

Page/cups; 10/swords; 9/pentacles

This is a time where the veil thins, as they say, only this veil has to do with relationships and new connections.  You will find that there's someone close to you just waiting to step up to the plate and be supportive of you, your circumstances, the trials and tribulations you're facing.  This may be someone who stood beside you in the shadows for a very long time, and you had no idea that is them who would be there to help you pick up the pieces.  

There's enough negativity that goes with financial setbacks without including a cold and unresponsive partner.  It's time to pull the swords out of your back, and also to stop feeling sorry for yourself and the state of your relationship and life, and move forward on a more positive note.  Enough is enough.  When it's over, it's over. It just takes some people a while to see this.

Your life is set on a new course.  There's a new journey to make.  There are plans to set in place.  Once you start moving forward on such an expansive level, there's no time to look back, or to wallow in regret.  It's time to plan for a new future, and this time, learn from your mistakes so that you don't repeat them.  

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