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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tarot Lesson #6


Greetings, and welcome to tarot classes based on my book:
The Ultimate Tarot Guide: for Your Personal Tarot Journey

You can purchase your copy @ the link above.

You will need a notebook or three-ring binder and a pen. I recommend the notebook or binder, as opposed to typing your answers/reflections into the computer. A couple reasons for this…handwriting anything puts you closer to the topic and the energy you’re working with. This is why the emailed tarot readings I do are all written out in long-hand first, as I turn the cards, and only then typed into the computer. The second reason is that, at the end of your journey, you will have a keepsake of your adventure, in your own handwriting, to review at your leisure, to use for reflection and meditation.

You will also need a tarot deck to work with. This should be a deck that resonates with you, a deck that you’re comfortable with; but I do suggest that the deck be a standard deck, in that the major arcana, the court cards, and the suits be traditional. I recommend good old Rider/Waite. It’s a traditional set of cards that you may find yourself returning to again and again during a lifetime of tarot study and reading.

The first thing I want to tell you is that the journey you are embarking on right now will be an incredibly personal journey.

These tarot classes are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any form, nor may they be displayed to the public through blogs, social websites, personal websites, emails, etc.

Lesson 6: Categorizing the Cards

Being able to group the tarot cards into a variety of categories will make it easier for you to remember and understand, not only the traditional meanings, but also the expanded area of expertise that each of these cards touch on.

You’re going to be using the following pages in my book for this lesson. As usual, record the answers to the questions, as well as the expanded ideas and contemplations. Make note of any patterns or repetitions in the personal information that you write down.

The Major Arcana (beginning on page 26)

The Minor Arcana (beginning on page 136, The Suits; beginning on page 146, The Sets)

  • 1. List two cards in the suits that herald celebrations.

Here’s a hint: check the cups.

1a) Now list two cards in the tarot deck that mean ‘celebration’ to YOU.

Be sure to write down why you chose these cards and what connections they have for you, why they bring the joyful feeling of celebration to you. What stands out most about each card?

  • 2. In the major arcana, which card will reveal deception?

As an odd twist to this little exercise, go through the court cards and the personalities found there. Did you find a connection between the card of deception and any particular court card? Why?…explain.

  • 3. Which two cards in the suits implicate bickering and confrontation?

I’ll give you a hint: check the wands and the swords.

  • 4. Which two cards in the deck implicate being on the defensive?

Another hint: look at wands.

  • 5. Browse through the tarot deck & choose a card that would bring peace to issues.

There is no right or wrong answer here. The card you choose has to do entirely with the energy and mental images you pick up from it.

Write down what card you chose and why this card brings the energy needed to resolve issues and bring peace. What was it that inspired this feeling in you when you chose this card? Does it bring other impressions to mind?…memories, connections, feelings?

  • 6. Choose three cards from each of the four suits (Ace-10):

Use a separate section of your notebook for this, a different section for each suit, because you’re going to need plenty of room.

a) Write down the correspondences for each card; including the element, basic meaning, and astrological associations.

b) Read the in-depth meanings and explanations for each of the cards you chose, one at a time; and after reading the definition of a card, write down your own interpretation of this card– what do you automatically associate it with, what types of feelings or situations, what kind of people or circumstances.

c) Look at the three cards you chose from each suit. Without reading the definitions of the major arcana cards, choose a major arcana card that compliments, balances, or goes with the three suit cards in some way– choosing these cards purely by your own visual interpretations, feelings, and intuition.

(You will choose four major arcana cards for this part of the exercise, one for each group of three cards from each suit.)  After you’ve chosen a major arcana card for each group, write down your own interpretation of this card and how it relates to the three cards which you chose it for.

d) Look up the major arcana cards that you chose and read the definitions.

How is your own interpretation different? Similar? What new elements did your interpretation bring to the major arcana cards chosen?

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