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The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening is ranked #12 New Release in Paganism @ Amazon!! Holy buckets... thank you so much for supporting this book and ordering! Keep doing that at this link: click HERE
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A destructive experience, an unpleasant transition, or a lost opportunity can be avoided by laying down the sword and entering negotiations. It (that sword) is probably getting pretty heavy by now, you've been holding it for quite some time, it's a metaphor for your defensiveness in or about a particular situation.
You feel powerless in the face of seemingly impossible decisions. This is causing an abundance of anxiety and sleepless nights.
You're receiving a genuine and very generous offer or opportunity, but it's that chip on your shoulder that's going to reflect the final outcome. Either way, the events connected here are going to play out very fast. This means there will be no time for second guessing.
Time is of the essence.
I'm thrilled to have the proof copy of my new book (The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening) in my hot little hands! And I'm even happier to be able to share a sneak peek inside the book with you. It's beautiful, filled with charming illustrations, my own original photos, ample pages of beautiful water color lined paper for writing your notes, interesting boxes of additional info, and quotes from people who have wise words to pass along.
*click on the images to make them Larger
The nine cards I've just laid all tend to figuratively spread out in a wide fanning ark around one particular card: the Ace of cups. (a new relationship)
You'll find the source for this post below.
So, I've basically spent this lazy hot Sunday wrestling with Microsoft word doing final edits on my ninth book. I'm actually tired, it's almost like it was a physical wrestling match rather than a pitting of my wits against technology. But after a nice cold beer, very refreshing, and some calm moments at the dining room table with my new tarot deck, I feel ready to take a look at the cards and see what all they have to say to us -- nine cards, that is. Here we go...
Someone has given you a long laundry list of rules, do's and don'ts, too many to take in. The cards tell me that this is a very demanding individual, one that feels entitled and is use to getting their way. I don't see you acting on all these demands; but I do see someone standing near your shoulder, whispering wise counsel in your ear... this is either a family member, friend, confidant, or a loved one who has passed and still wants to look out for you.
The cards tell me that there once was a situation that felt fairly happy and normal, but things have changed. There now appears to be a setting where everyone is doing their own thing and no one seems to be thinking about how this will affect the family unit as a whole. While half of the clan run amuck, there are two individuals so caught up with their own drama they are completely oblivious to the chaos around them... except for one person, so it seems, and this individual has had enough. They will be making an exit, stage right.
The cards tell me that this individual has become disillusioned, frustrated, and simply does not know what else to do to cope. So their solution is to simply leave. (I have to wonder, amidst all the hubbub and noise and confusion, will anyone notice their absence?)
The bottom line for this scenario is that you can't get rid of burdens so easily... anxiety, worry, indecision, melancholy will all be there, this individual will just be wallowing in them in their own solitary little world.
To the noisy self-absorbed people in this story -- shut up and listen. To the couple who are so wrapped up in themselves they aren't paying attention to anyone around them -- maybe you need some time apart, this sounds more like myopic obsession than love. To the individual who leaves the sinking ship... if you are not able to move forward while leaving this chaos cleanly behind you, go back and make some noise, find your voice, stop suffering in silence, knock a few heads together (figuratively) because it appears you've never done this before. It's long overdue.
There's one thing standing between you and happiness, just one thing... the truth.
Beware well thought out words and eloquent soliloquies of love and admiration, or explanation. There lurks beneath this beautiful and glossy surface the dark and murky reality of deception.
Sometimes we believe what we choose to believe, because we think it makes life easier. It doesn't, it makes life an illusion.
I wish I had more to say, but today's message is just that simple.
You have been pitted against conventionality for quite some time now. You may even find yourself nose to nose with an individual that is closed to all those things your heart is open to. You've approached them before, many times, armed (you thought) with all the right words to fracture the wall they have built around themselves.
They keep a very tight rope on those they are connected to, those more pliable individuals, often shielding them from a truth, or the real story, about you -- and them -- or something even bigger. The cards tell me this has been an ongoing thing for a very long time now, so long that how or why it started may be lost in the dark mist of time and motive and reason.
They are impenetrable at this point, but you already know that. In their mind they are right, and they always will be. This idea is so entrenched within them, whether it is a reality or not, and even if it never was. They've grown to believe it, for real. The cards tell me that it's time for you to shift your focus now, to yourself. Happiness is only a decision away.
You've lost enough time.
Your Daily Cards:
3/pentacles; 3/swords; The Magician -- reversed; 10/wands -- reversed
You've been chipping away at something for quite some time now, diligently, even patiently. The cards tell me that this is not the first such scenario for you, twice before you've done this. "The third time is the charm", I hear in my head. This is what people around you were telling you, at the beginning anyway. Many of these people have since fallen by the wayside, grown impatient with you and your newest project, feeling that they've seen this all before.
Still, you keep chipping away, focused and undeterred by the lack of support.
It hurt, deeply, whatever this thing was that caused your heartbreak, this thing that brought you so much sorrow out of the teeth of despair, this thing that had once been hopeful, and bright, and potentially miraculous, all shiny and new. Though it feels as those this thing rests in the past, you still shed a tear on many a day, brought on by memories and having survived the storm.
The cards tell me that there was one major individual who had a hand in all this, supported by someone too cowardly to come out publicly and truthfully state their opinion. Beware this individual, they did not support you then, and they do not support you now. They lurk around the edges of your life disguised as a friend.
You have not yet manifested what it is you so desire, but your persistence is to be admired. There is another direction that you are meant to go, even though you are trying very hard not to think about this possibility. But do think, deeply and with much clarity, be open to other options, choose wisely, maybe you have done all you can chipping away at this thing. Maybe Spirit is offering you an alternative, another opportunity, another life path, that is waiting for you.
Know that changing direction, changing focus, changing your life will not make the burdens of regret, sadness, or heartbreak go away. You will just be made stronger, and you will be able to carry them more easily on your journey, bolstered by new experiences, renewed energy, and unexpected blessings received along the way.
Todays Cards:
Someone is so exhausted from trying to walk a tightrope, trying to balance something overwhelming and impossible to contain. You are just so worn out -- physically, mentally, emotionally -- trying to maintain a balance where one is no longer possible. There is just a great feeling of weariness from this card for this reading. This may be someone trying to balance two jobs, two relationships, or two sets of any type of circumstances that has just become such a burden.
The one thing I can tell you, is that between these two things, you are closer, more attached, more comfortable with one than the other; which should at least make the decision easier, the choice more clear cut.
The houses we're going to be looking at today: Myrtles Plantation; Chamber's Mansion; Franklin Castle, LaLaurie Mansion; Sprague Mansion.
I grew up in a house filled with paranormal activity and hauntings. When I was young, in my grandmother's house, no one ever talked about it, or the strange occurrences were shrugged off and given lame mundane explanations. It probably made the adults living in that house feel more secure about the world around them. Logical excuses were easier to assimilate into our conventional mid-west lives.
But, aha, I kept a journal, not only during the time I lived with my grandmother in the old house on East Second St in Mitchell SD, but also in the house I raised six of my children in located in
Fremont NE.
Here's a link to some of those experiences. The newest posts will be at the top, but there's more juicy interesting experiences if you scroll down as well: click HERE