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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Back in the Saddle Again ~ sort of


For those who don' know, I've been pretty much out of commission since the week of the Winter Solstice (Dec 21st) with very badly pulled back muscles, excruciating, I could hardly get up and down off the sofa by myself.  I really did it up good with a combination of activities I should not have been doing in the first place, like wrestling a 50lb bag of cat litter across the front yard and up our camper steps.  I shall not do that again, but I was childishly proud that I accomplished this feat at the time.  Little did I know.

During most of this period, I virtually stopped posting on social media, stopped creating videos, or doing tarot readings, or doing much of anything really.  I was trying to cope with the pain without having to go to the doctor and experience all the hub-bub and inconvenience that it would cause.  Anyway, as I told my significant other, "What's a doctor going to do, tell me my back muscles are strained and provide a prescription for medication that I probably won't take?"  So far, I've managed on my own with ice packs and a rotating combination of aspirin and Ibuprofen.

It's getting better.  I just have to remember that when I hit a good day it does not mean that I can jump up and resume physical activities as usual.  I've set myself back a couple times doing this.

Thank you to those who were aware of this situation and sent me lots of positive energies and good wishes, and thank you to those who didn't know but who kept visiting my blogs and websites and watching my videos.  I can't wait to begin creating new material again, and I'm so anxious to do some new tarot readings.  It's been a while.

Peace out, and to my northern peeps, stay warm and stay safe during some of this nasty winter weather.

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