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Friday, November 22, 2024

I Deactivated My FB Page


Yep, I did it.  It was about time.  Ever since the birth of the algorithm, even though I had thousands of people on my friends list, I think three of them saw my posts (sarcasm, kind of).  True.  I had been reading about "shadow banning" on YouTube, Facebook, and a couple other platforms, and I wanted to see if this is what happened to my FB profile, so I logged into my other profile (come on, we all have one), and even though I was on MY OWN FRIENDS LIST, I saw virtually nothing -- no posts --  when I went to view my main profile.  I thought, boy this is odd, I'm my own friend, but I see virtually nothing.  I'm thinking this must mean that other people on my friends list see virtually nothing as well.

I think I figured out why.

I've been promoting my books on FB for years, literally YEARS, and I got a nice bit of back and forth, responses, comments, and the like, until FB started charging you to "run ads", to pay for "sponsored" ads, and I've seen quite a few of these ads come through my feed from other authors.  But, hey, I don't make enough money off of anything to pay for promotion, and I'm not really sure how much I trust their spiel:  "If you pay us $50 for an ad, it will be shown to 3000 people".  No, I don't believe it.

So, there you go.  

I have a private page now, consisting of family, a handful of people I know from The Real World, and a few internet friends I've had for years that I've become very fond of -- and I have a few more of these people that I need to reconnect with.  Less than 30 people so far, and it feels much more cozy than 4000 people who were mostly total strangers.

I do want to say that with my private page I have now, I did take the opportunity to create three new public pages at Facebook, and I'm going to give you the links to those pages here.

The Mystic Crone
click HERE

I began this page with a few posts which include episodes #30 to #37.  From now on, when I post on The Mystic Crone Blog and The Mystic Crone YouTube, I'll make sure that I post the latest podcast on this Facebook page.  Let it be known that there are a slew of podcasts @ this YouTube, if you haven't checked them out, and as we say -- spiritual readings are Timeless.

You'll find mystical readings inspired by Spirit using the tarot.  

They say that once you reach a certain age you become invisible, and to an extent, that's true. However, with age and invisibility comes a certain sense of power.

"Reclaim your power, O' ancient one.
Walk the paths of your ancestors,

communicate with the spirit world,
and challenge the shadows.

The universe will be still to hear
your whispered words of wisdom."

~ Mystic Crone

Spirits n' Stuff
click HERE

I have 22 podcasts uploaded to my Spirits n' Stuff YouTube, and I managed to post all of these to this new Facebook page.  I will certainly try to post new podcasts, as they're created, to this page as well.  You can subscribe to this YouTube channel to be notified when I upload a new video.

Spirits n' Stuff explores the world of spiritualism, the supernatural, the paranormal, cryptids, myths and legends, hauntings, and the unknown.

BOOKS by Amythyst Raine
click HERE

At this Facebook page, I've created ten posts, a post for each book, including info from the back cover text, a banner created for each book, and in the comments you'll find a link to purchase each book at Amazon.  I won't be creating anymore posts on this page.  Basically, you'll find my books here with the info you need to browse & purchase.

Amythyst Raine is a Best-Selling author of metaphysical books on tarot and intuitive reading, witchcraft, Wicca, paganism, women's mysteries, new-age spirituality, the pagan Goddess, gray magic, and green witchcraft.

EDIT... I've added a new page!

Sage Scribe & Quill
click HERE

Blog posts... Topics: new-age, supernatural, paranormal, divination, mysteries, urban legends, psychology, relationships, books, and every day life.

There you have it, my new experience and journey on Facebook, going forward.  I would be absolutely thrilled if you visited these pages and click the like or follow button, feel free to leave comments, watch podcasts, buy books, or enjoy an intuitive inspiring spiritual reading.

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