True magic is neither black, nor white, it's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time.
The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life keeps a balance on its own.Lirio ~ from “The Craft”
This is that.
A specific object is chosen to represent the target of a spell. Through sympathetic magick, this object actually ‘becomes’ the target. Whatever happens to this object, happens to the target.
The most common form of this magick, and the one I have personally used the most, are poppets-- those infamous dollies of hoodoo fame. A poppet does not just represent the
target, it actually becomes the target, with the addition of personal items and effects belonging to the subject, secret rituals to breathe it to life, and the movement of magical energy to manifest and transform the very being of this cloth creation into the flesh and blood essence of your target. This is why it’s so important to keep these poppets in secure safe locations.
A relationship and connection between a magickal object or objective are associated with and represented by a specific item or items.
A good example of this type of magick would be the Witches’ Bottle. Say for instance that you want to create a bottle to draw money and wealth. You would add to this bottle a number of items, all designed to draw the energy of money and wealth to the bottle, and thus to you. These items would include coins and paper money, herbs for wealth and prosperity, stones, and personal talismans. This bottle is, in effect, representative of your desires and your objective, which is to draw money to yourself. And it will do just that.

Directive Magick
This affects that.
This magick raises energy while the practitioner focuses and visualizes their goal and uses an item or items to move this energy toward manifestation.
The most common form of this magick, and the easiest to work, is candle magick. The candle is imbued with the energy of your goal by carving various symbols and sigils upon it, dressing it with oils and rolling it in herbs that carry the energy of your intentions. As the candle is consumed by the flame, you will maintain a visualization of the end results of this spell, so your goals and intentions are sent out into the universe and the cosmos with lightning speed and absolute assurance of magickal manifestation.
Transference magick moves a malevolent energy out of one object or individual and into something or someone else.
The mildest example of this type of magick would be protective magick utilized to block negative energy or to send it back to its source. A more intense form of Transference Magick would be an exorcism; and the most extreme form would be a hex or a curse.
Money, Money
come to me
come to me
When it comes to money spells, it’s become common place to equate these magickal endeavors with such sanctimonious cliques as ‘I’m only doing this spell for necessities’, ‘money spells are not done to make you rich’, ‘only ask for what you need’, blah, blah, blah. Ya, right-- and who believes this. There isn’t anyone who wouldn’t love casting a money spell, only to wake up the next morning filthy rich. If I could-- I would, and so would a lot of people, they just won’t admit it.
But what we view as the successful manifestation of these spells, and what the universe views as successful manifestation of these spells is often two very different things.
This was brought home to me one fine summer day.
One of my daughters and I were going to take a walk together. When they were younger, I would love doing this on an individual basis in order to have one on one time with each child. This was also the day I was casting a money spell, and I was just finishing up this little ritual, and kind of hurrying through the end of it, as my daughter was calling to me, ready to go for her walk.
The green candle was still perking along, flaming in magickal anticipation as we started off down the road together.
We had gone quite a ways when we decided to turn onto a dead-end gravel road. The end of this road stopped at a wire fence, staunchly held in place with large square posts. Beyond the fence was a wide grassy pasture, where a beautiful black horse was lazily grazing and swatting at flies with its thick tail. Surprisingly, the horse came when we called, and we were enthralled to be able to touch this beautiful animal and to look into its big brown eyes.
We were leaning on one of the large square posts supporting the fence, and I just happened to glance down to see a small square object partially buried in the dirt.
“What’s that?” I ask my daughter.
She bends down to retrieve it, and brings up a very dirty piece of paper, folded several times into a small square. She begins unfolding it, and unfolding it, and unfolding it, until it is fanned out in her hands. Her eyes open wide in astonished amazement…it is a $10.00.
She bends down to retrieve it, and brings up a very dirty piece of paper, folded several times into a small square. She begins unfolding it, and unfolding it, and unfolding it, until it is fanned out in her hands. Her eyes open wide in astonished amazement…it is a $10.00.
Take a pint or quart sized jar that has a good lid with it-- I personally prefer canning jars-- and add to this jar: a good helping of honey; Drawing Powder; regular sugar; and brown sugar, just to sweeten the pot up with a little maple magick. To this sweet mixture you will also add a fist-full of coins and a dollar bill.
If you’re creating this money mojo for your business, add a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon and some of your own personal effects to stir the energy up and give it purpose and direction.
If you’re creating this money mojo to successfully complete a business deal, add personal effects from the person you’re doing business with. If it’s not possible for you to get your hands on anything of this nature, then add a pinch of dirt from this person’s home or the bank where this deal will be completed.
You can also create this money mojo jar to get someone who owes you money to pay it back-- but you’re going to need their personal effects to add to this jar in order for it to work, along with a slip of paper upon which you’ve written the amount owed to you.
If you’re creating this money mojo for your business, add a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon and some of your own personal effects to stir the energy up and give it purpose and direction.
If you’re creating this money mojo to successfully complete a business deal, add personal effects from the person you’re doing business with. If it’s not possible for you to get your hands on anything of this nature, then add a pinch of dirt from this person’s home or the bank where this deal will be completed.
You can also create this money mojo jar to get someone who owes you money to pay it back-- but you’re going to need their personal effects to add to this jar in order for it to work, along with a slip of paper upon which you’ve written the amount owed to you.
Graveyard Dirt
Should you not have access to real graveyard dirt, the following botanicals can be used as a substitute: valerian, patchouli, and mullein.
Graveyard Dirt is one of the main ingredients of Goofer Dust-- the dirt, not the botanicals.
This consecrated dirt can be used to hex, curse, and for spells of retribution; but it can also be used for protection and healing.
You can gather cemetery dirt from particular graves:
- A loved one who would protect you in life will protect you just as enthusiastically in death.
- The dirt from a mason’s grave will have an extra ‘oomph’ of magickal power to it.
- The grave from someone who had been incarcerated may add a potent punch to a hex.
- The banker’s grave may bring prosperity and wealth faster.
- The doctor who healed in life will still lend his healing energy after death.
- Ask permission from the spirit first, as a courtesy.
- Leave a silver coin as a token of thanks.
- Only gather dirt for positive magickal use on the waxing to full moon.
- Gather dirt for the dark side of magick on the waning and dark moon.
- from beneath a beautiful tree
- from the four corners
- from the elemental compass points:
north/earth for money spells and prosperity,east/air for communication and mental endeavors,south/fire for passion, lust, or love,west/water for psychism, visions, and dreams.
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