Writers are generally people who also like to read-- the two sort of go hand in hand, naturally. So, who are my favorite authors? What do I like to read?...

Most of my reading involves nonfiction books on occult topics by Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham, Ann Moura, Ly de Angeles, Raven Grimmasi, Laurie Cabot, Konstantinos, Raymond Buckland, etc. I love Anne Rice and when I'm in the mood, Poe. I adore Tennyson, had a crush on him when I was 18. Sir Thomas Mallory and all the tales of King Arthur, Charlotte Bronte and her sister Emily, Alice Hoffman (
Practical Magick-- which turned into the modern witches' anthem), Dan Brown, Marion Bradley (
The Mists of Avalon-- practically a bible for the spiritual feminist), the diaries and letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh-- and her classic
"Gift from the Sea",
"The Diary of a Witch" by Sybil Leek, books by the late Betty McDonald:
"The Egg & I" and
"Onions in the Stew". I like books on real life mysteries: The disappearance of Amelia Earhart, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. I love books about real life forbidden romance, such as King Edward VIII and Wallis Warfield Simpson. I use to love to read tawdry cheap love novels, but I no longer have the time or patience.
I tend to gravitate toward work that touches me in some way, that hits a key, connects with me on a personal level, or satisfies my curiosity.


The following is a list of the occult/new-age books you'll find on my shelves. This list was compiled a couple years ago, so I'm pretty sure there's been an addition here and there:
1. Wicca: The Complete Craft, D.J. Conway
2. Solitary Witch, Silver Ravenwolf
3. Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft, Raven Grimassi
4. Palmistry, Roz Levine
5. Wicca, Vivianne Crowley
6. The Wicca Book, Sally Morningstar
7. A Grimoire of Shadows, Fitch
8. The Astrological Oracle, Lyn Birkbeck
9. The Goodly Spellbook, Lady Passion & Diuvei
10. Utterly Wicked, Dorothy Morrison (signed by author)
11. Witch: A Magical Journey, Fiona Horne
12. You Are Psychic, Katz
13. A Witch’s Notebook, Silver Ravenwolf
14. Crafting the Body Divine, Yasmine Galenorn
15. The Enchanted Candle, Lady Rhea
16. What’s Your Wicca IQ?, Laura Wildman
17. The Second Circle: Tools for the Advanced Pagan, Venicia Rauls
18. The Witch’s Book of Wisdom, Patricia Telesco
19. The Modern Witch’s Spellbook, Sarah Lyddon Morrison
20. The Witch in Every Woman, Laurie Cabot
21. Psychic Development for Beginners, William H. Hewitt
22. Chakras for Beginners, David Pond
23. The Wicca Bible, Ann-Marie Gallagher
24. The Spells Bible, Ann-Marie Gallagher
25. Crystal Energy for Your Home, Ken & Joules Taylor
26. A Wizard’s Bestiary, Oberon Zell Ravenheart & DeKirk (signed by author)
27. Pagan Christmas, Ratsch & Muller-Ebeling
28. The Book of Chakras, Ambika Wauters
29. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, Joanna Martine Woolfolk
30. Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, Raymond Buckland
31. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination, Stephen Karcher
32. Witches, Hans Holzer
33. Crones Don’t Whine, Jean Shinoda Bolen
34. Dowsing for Beginners, Webster
35. The Teen Spell Book, Jamie Wood
36. Don’t Kiss Them Good-bye, Allison Dubois
37. Diary of a Witch, Sybil Leek
38. Old Souls, Tom Shroder
39. The Ghost Hunting Casebook, Natalie Osborne-Thomason
40. The Secret Teaching of All Ages, Manly P. Hall
41. Celtic Magic, D.J. Conway
42. The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, Arthur Edward Waite
43. Guide to Tarot, Sarah Kettlewell
44. Reading the Tarot, Leo Louis Martello
45. Llewellyn’s 2003 Wiccan Almanac
46. Llewellyn’s 2003 Magickal Almanac
47. Llewellyn’s 2003 Herbal Almanac
48. Llewellyn’s 2005 Magickal Almanac
49. The Witches’ Almanac 2004-2005, Elizabeth Pepper & John Wilcox
50. The Witches; Almanac 2006-2007, Elizabeth Pepper & John Wilcox
51. Psychic Circle, Amyzerner & Monte Farber
52. To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Silver Ravenwolf
53. To Stir a Magic Cauldron, Silver Ravenwolf
54. To Light a Sacred Flame, Silver Ravenwolf
55. Moon Magic, D.J. Conway
56. Embracing the Moon, Yasmine Galenorn
57. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham
58. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews, Scott Cunningham
59. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham
60. Spell Crafts, Scott Cunningham & David Harrington
61. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic, Scott Cunningham
62. Nocturnal Witchcraft, Konstantinos
63. Witchcraft: Theory & Practice, Ly De Angeles
64. The Magic Power of White Witchcraft, Gavin & Yvonne Frost
65. The Witch’s Book of Magical Ritual, Gavin & Yvonne Frost
66. Elemental Powers, Amber Wolf
67. Green Witchcraft, Ann Moura
68. The Lost Books of Merlyn, Douglas Monroe
69. Modern Magick, Donald Michael Kraig
70. Book of Shadows, Phyllis Curott
71. Silver’s Spells for Protection, Silver Ravenwolf
72. The Magical Household, Scott Cunningham & David Harrington
73. Magical Herbalism, Scott Cunningham
74. Drawing down the Moon, Margot Adler
75. The Gods of the Witches, Margaret A. Murry
76. The Book of Magickal Art, Hindoo magic, & Indian Occultism, Dr. L.W. De Laurence
77. The Everything Astrology Book, Trish MacGregor
78. The Complete Book of Dreams, Pamela Ball
79. The Everything Dreams Book, Trish & Rob Macgregor
80. The Everything Tarot Book, M.J. Abadie
81. The Everything Wiccan & Witchcraft Book, Marian Singer
82. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Wiccan & Witchcraft, Denise Zimmerman & Katherine A. Gleason
83. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tarot, Arlene Tognettie & Lisa Lenard
84. Guide to Astrology, Julia & Derek Parker
85. Mythic Astrology, Liz Greene
86. Darkside Zodiac, Stella Hyde
87. The Astrology Directory, Annie Lionnet
88. The Book of Runes, Ralph H. Blum
89. The Learned Arts of Witches & Wizards, Anton & Mina Adams
90. The Tarot Directory, Annie Lionnet
91. A Magical Course in Tarot, Michele Morgan
92. The Complete Book of Tarot Spreads, Evelyn Burger & Johannes Fiebig
93. Tarot Mysteries, Jonathon Dee
94. Tarot Tips, Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone
95. Power Tarot, Trish MacGregor & Phyllis Vega
96. Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition, Raven Grimassi
97. Spells, Charms, Talismans & Amulets, Pamela Ball
98. Herbal Medicine, Dian Dincin Buchman
99. The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, Judika Illes
100. Llewellyn’s 2008 Witches’ Companion
101. 1,001 Symbols, Jack Tresidder
102. Tarot Reading, Bridget Reed
103. Simply Tarot, Leanna Greenaway
104. Visconti Tarot, Giordana Berti & Tiberio Gonard
105. Spells Dictionary, Antonia Beattie
106. Angel Signs, Heldane, Seraye & Lagowski
107. Tao Oracle, Ma Deva Padma
108. The Secret Language of Relationships (astrology), Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elfers
109. The Complete Illustrated Guide to Palmistry, Peter West
110. Crone’s Book of Charms & Spells, Valerie Worth
111. Tarot Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis/illustrations Robin Wood
112. Essential Reiki, Diane Stein
113. Women Who Run With the Wolves, Clarissa Estes
114. Teach Yourself Cyrstal Healing, Roger C. Croxen
115. Crystal Healing Secrets, Brett Bravo
116. Hoodoo Herb & Root Magic, Catherine Yronwode
117. The Grandmother of Time, Z Budapest
118. Crossing to Avalon, Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
119. Crystal Prescription, Judy Hall
120. The Gilded Tarot Companion, Barbara Moore
121. Summoning the Fates, Z Budapest
122. The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries, Z Budapest
123. Celestial Wisdom, Z Budapest