Since I'm over 13,000 words and 69 pages into a project, I suppose it would be a good time to announce that there is a new book in the works. And because I still haven't decided how I'm going to publish this book, whether with Amazon's KDP program, or with a standard publishing company, I should call the title and cover a "working title and cover". The book... "The Divine Me, Embracing Your Inner Goddess". There are portions of this book that are highly personal, but then, getting to know and embrace the goddess within means getting to know and embrace yourself and everything that goes with you. I'm using myself as an example. So, beware world.
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Friday, August 26, 2022
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
A Time Out ~ How long are you willing to wait?
- My first impressions of these cards, my "scratchings", as I call them:
Someone coming to a full stop because they're stubborn and unwilling to compromise.
Someone who's getting tired of waiting for them to come around.
They may have been working on this issue for a long time, may also be work related.
A time out, whether wanted, or asked for, or not.
Still stubborn, hanging onto their opinion, not budging
Something has come to a screeching halt, whether this is progress in a personal relationship, or plans for a future goal, work ambitions, travel plans, or something else that you had your heart set on and were excited about. Everything just stopped. It feels kind of deflating, actually, like there was this big adrenalin rush -- excited and happy energy -- and then, boom, like someone pulled the plug.
Because this relationship, or these plans, involve a person who is extremely stubborn, bull-headed, and completely unwilling to compromise. They don't seem to want to budge an inch. They've drawn a line in the sand and it looks like they'll fight to the death for the principle of the thing, for what they think is right -- though it feels an awful lot like someone has their priorities all messed up here. Honestly, idiot, you feel like you just want to smack them (Spirit's words, not mine).
And you -- whom this reading is really for -- are getting so tired of waiting for this stubborn person to come around. You might be waiting for a very long time, even an indefinite period of time, Spirit warns. You have to ask yourself how long you're willing to wait for a compromise, and would the wait really be worth it, even if this person eventually comes around to a positive point of view -- whenever that might be.
This is an issue that's been on the table, in the work's, for a very long time. And it's very possible for some of you reading this that this is work related, just to give you a heads up, in case you might want to consider moving on to something new.
There is a definite time-out coming to this situation, whether it's wanted or not. There is the feeling that something might be time sensitive here, or that you might just plain run out of energy to deal with it, or the whole idea gets to the point where it just dissipates, like fog when the sun comes out. And you know what, just like the day changes when the fog lifts and the sun shines, your life might change that way too, get all sunny and promising again, if you let this issue die and move on to something more constructive, more promising.
Think about it. I don't see this person letting their guard down long enough to listen to anyone else's opinion, or to look at this from a new perspective, anytime soon. They feel pretty set in their ways. It's your time too, how long are you willing to wait?
Monday, August 1, 2022
How to Find (and use) Ley Lines
Ley lines are straight lines that, amazingly, connect the world's ancient megaliths, monuments, and energy centers. Ley lines also include waterways, naturally forming ridges, and various routes the ancients used as trade routes and migration pathways to form an Earth grid. In case you're wondering, it is possible to use these lines to your personal advantage once you have a few tips.
- Ley Line Energy Mapping
Ancients believed these basic energy points where cosmic energies meet Earth are so powerful that they performed various sacred rituals at these sites. In 1969, John Michell applied the principles of feng shui landform to the concept of ley lines as points of energy due to the land formations. He believed these lines travel around the Earth and the places where they intersected create unique and unusual energy vortexes.
Two popular ways to locate and identify ley lines include using Google Earth or the ancient divination art of dowsing rods. Using these two tools together, you can also chart the ley lines of your property, home and business/office.
- Google Earth
One way to find ley lines is with a combination of Google Earth and a plug-in created just for ley line exploration. Bethe Hagens on VortexMaps provides the Google friendly downloadable UVG grid plug-in.Download the UVG-grid-compiled -by-B-Hagens.kmz file.
- Log on to Google Earth.
- Scroll down the left hand side menu and click on the Project icon.
- Click New project.
- Click on Import KML file from computer (Choose the kmz; it will download).
- Click on Present for full screen.
- Explore the extensive overlay of ley lines and the Earth grid.
- Click back arrow to return to the opening screen.
- Find the area on the map you wish to create a new ley line.
- Click on the icon, Add place marker.
- Move your mouse to the area you wish to mark and click to anchor the place marker.
- Move your mouse to any other areas and add place markers as needed.
- Once finished with place markers, click on Add line or shape.
- Move your mouse to one of the place markers and draw a line to connect it to the other place marker.
- Repeat as needed.
- When finished, save your project.
- How to Find Ley Lines Using Dowsing Rods
Dowsing for ley lines is like dowsing for water. The dowsing rods become the conduit between the person conducting the dowsing and the energy lines. Like water dowsing, an adept dowser can determine the flow of the ley lines. When you cross an energy line, the rods will draw towards each other. A strong energy will cause the rods to cross over each other. It is possible you may find offshoots (branches) of a ley line. These will be weaker and the dowsing rods will move closer to each other, but not cross.
Supplies needed:
1 - Pair of copper, brass, or wood dowsing rods
1 pk - Colored flag marker (optional to use different color to mark weaker energy lines)
- Begin your dowsing outside your home.
- Start in the backyard and work your way around the side yard, to the front and then the other side yard.
- Anytime the dowsing rods cross over each other, place a colored marker in the ground.
- If you're also marking offshoot lines that are weaker, then use a different color.
- Once you've identified the energy lines outside your home, it's time to move your dowsing inside.
- Helpful Dowsing Tips
When dowsing outside, keep in mind that trees, power lines, metal, and underground piping can interfere with your readings. It is helpful to know about any underground piping or other manmade lines on your property, such as buried power lines. When using the dowsing rods inside your home, be aware that electronic devices, electricity, and metal, all give energy readings that might be misconstrued as ley lines.
The best way to determine if you are picking up authentic ley line energy is to compare your readings from outside with those inside. A ley line is a straight line, although there is something called a cupped ley line that follows the contour of a hill. If the straight ley line runs through your property in the front of your home and the back of your home, then it should show up along the same straight line inside your home and not take a different path.
- Tips for Using Ley Lines
Many energy workers believe that you can tap into the energy of the lines in order to conduct various healings and transformations. Some boost their individual abilities by connecting with specific ley lines. This is often referred to as ley line tapping.
- Healings
The theory behind using ley lines in healing techniques is based on the energy meridians used in acupuncture and other eastern healing arts. Healers believe they can tap into the energies of the ley line and serve as a conduit of that massive energy to transfer to their patients. When they properly direct this powerful energy to areas in the body that need healing, this energy can heal disease. The ley line energies unblock, energize, and correct the malfunctioning body meridians.
The electromagnetic energy of ley lines have also a significant influence on your emotions, perceptions, moods, and even your memory. You can use crystals, especially quartz, to amplify and tap into ley line energies to effect all types of benefits. For example, you can hold a crystal in your hands while meditating. If you know the exact coordinates of a ley line, you can focus on these to tap right into its energies. You can use crystals to assist in healing a specific chakra.
- Defense Weapon
Some people practice ley line tapping for a defensive or offensive purpose. These individuals claim to use the stream of energy to zap negative energies directed by an attacker in an attempt to harm an individual. When used as a defensive mechanism, the connection to the ley line energy is used like a fire hose to spray the ley line energy against the attacker and the energy being directed at the victim. Once the battle has been won, the victor simply turns off the hose nozzle and disengages the link in the same fashion you would unscrew a hose connector to a spigot.
- Burial Site
There is a direct correlation between ancient burial sites and ley lines. According to ley line researcher and author David Cowan, these lines were once called faery paths. In his research Cowan discovered that funeral processions to the church cemetery were taken along known faery paths. Not all faery paths were straight; many were circular. The dead were placed outside the lines. Cowan subsequently believes that this was done to ensure any negative energy of the body would be neutralized with this placement to both straight and cupped ley lines.
- Science Remains Skeptical About Ley Lines
Science has yet to recognize the validity of ley lines, but those who have tapped into this powerful cosmic/Earth energy don't require scientific proof. From the Druids to various ancient civilizations, these lines have been marked by what many believe to be sacred symbols that have withstood thousands of years and likely will survive many more.
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author: Sally Painter
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