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We explore all kinds of esoteric connections with the tarot in my big chunky tarot book, The Ultimate Tarot Guide for Your Personal Tarot Journey. Here's examples of some of the information that can be found in this five star book including: stones & crystals; health, Kabbalistic health correspondences; astrological sun signs, moon signs, and rising signs; gods and goddesses; the numbers; calculating the numbers for yourself; the planets; and the elements.
- Stones, & Crystals
I love the tarot, and I love crystals and stones. The only thing better than any one of these things is these three things all together. To mix the energy of a tarot card with the corresponding energy of a stone or crystal is to invite magick into your life. I’ve already added one favorite stone to each major arcana card correspondence in the major arcana section, but this energy is so overwhelming, so connective, so inspiring, so creative, that I’m devoting this space to more information and connections on this topic. Let the magick find you!
The Fool/Green Tourmaline ~ wonder, joy, openness, patience
The Magician/Quartz Crystal ~ concentration, life force, balance, expansion
The High Priestess/Agate Geode ~ psychic power, complexity, esoteric knowledge,
etc. etc.
- Health
10/swords ~ death, acupuncture, internal bleeding, nervous disorder,
back surgery, slipped disk, immune system, exhaustion, chiropractic issues
2/cups ~ fertility/infertility, venereal disease
4/cups ~ alcoholism, diet, circulation, dehydration, depression
etc. etc.
- Kabbalistic Health Correspondences
The Fool ~ respiratory organs
The Magician ~ cerebral nervous system
The High Priestess ~ lymphatic system
etc. etc.
- Astrological Sun Signs/Moon Signs/Rising Signs
You’ll find a chart similar to this under the section for the suits, listing all the astrological connections, suit by suit – card by card, for pentacles, swords, wands, and cups. However, I’m leaving this section here, as you might want to locate a card for a particular zodiac sign, and this chart will make it very easy to do so.
Aries ~ Major Arcana: The Emperor
Minor Arcana: --
King of Pentacles ~ Aries/Taurus
Queen of Wands ~ Pisces/Aries
Two of Wands ~ 1st decan of Aries (Mars)
Three of Wands ~ 2nd decan of Aries (Sun)
Four of Wands ~ 3rd decan of Aries (Venus)
etc. etc.
- Gods & Goddesses
I believe that tarot works through Spirit and our connection with the Divine, in whatever pantheon or framework of spirituality that we follow and find comfort with. The following chart is created using the major arcana cards and the pantheons of Egyptian, Sumner-Babylonian, Greek, and Roman gods and goddesses. However, always remember that no matter how many charts and confirmed correspondences there may be for the tarot, once you’ve developed your own relationship with the cards, you may discover unique connections that come to you personally. Don’t question their validity, embrace them as a gift from the Universe.
The Fool: Egyptian/Bes; Harparkrat; Shu ~ Sumner-Babylonian/Enkidu; Enlil; Ellil ~ Greek/Pan; Zeus; Aeolos ~ Roman/Pan; Silvanus
The Magician: Egyptian/Ptah; Thoth ~ Sumner-Babylonian/Enki; Ea; Nabu ~ Greek/Hermes; Roman/Mercury
High Priestess: Egyptian/Isis; Khonsu ~ Sumner-Babylonian/Innana; Ishtar; Nannar; Sin ~ Greek/Demeter; Selene; Artemis; Hecate ~ Roman/Ceres; Luna; Diana
etc. etc.
etc. etc.
- The Numbers
Numbers contain energy, and associations, and power, and magick, and potential. Do you have a favorite number? And how did you come by this number? What does it mean to you? How does it make you feel? All of the numbers in your life are important and have a direct effect upon you in some manner and at various levels. The entire universe is built upon and works around and through a numerical system, from the number of days it takes Earth to rotate around the sun, to the number of days it takes a fetus to come to term in the womb. Numbers are an integral part of our life and the world around us. The tarot is immersed in numbers. It’s built on a numerical system. The numbers of the tarot cards takes you on individual journeys through higher realms and through your own psyche. In order to more fully understand this journey, we need to have at least a rudimentary look at the numbers themselves.
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Letters: a, j, s
The character: the individualist
Energies: Developing the self, the All, wholeness, unity, beginnings
etc. etc.
- Calculating the Numbers for Yourself
I’ll use myself as an example for this exercise, Amythyst Raine, born on September 24, 1957.
1) Soul Number ~ calculate your soul number by reducing the day of your birth to a single digit:
2 + 4 = 6
2) Fate Number ~ calculate your fate number by adding all the digits of your birth date (day, month, year) and reducing it to a single digit:
2 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 37
3 + 7 = 10
1 + 0 = 1
etc. etc.
- The Planets
When I first began my own tarot journey, the one thing that I was most
struck by was the inter-connectedness of everything. I was amazed to
discover that it all works together, all of it, and it’s all tied to the cards: the
energies of the planets, of colors, and herbs, and crystals, even to the
letters of the alphabet, numbers, and zodiac signs. This realization was an
eye-opening “aha” moment.
Below you’ll find the basic energies and correspondences for the planets.
You should know, and some of you will realize, that these correspondences
not only relate to the tarot, they also relate to a variety of pagan spiritual
paths and are incorporated into the practices of many of us.
I wanted this book and the information contained here to specifically focus
on tarot, and I even toyed with the idea of paring these sections down and
trying to keep them solely focused on the cards. I soon realized this was
folly. Certain connections exist and cannot be denied without diminishing
their energy and their power.
The Sun is filled with healing and hope, warmth and the promise of growth.
It’s imbued with masculine energy and is closely connected to the god.
As it pertains to tarot ~ for clients male issues often come to the forefront,
their health, happiness, fulfillment, optimism for the future. But it’s energy
is also all encompassing for everyone. You’ll find an abundance of
strength, unwavering support, and ridiculous amounts of in-your-face
positive energy. The future can only be looking up, and if healing is needed
in some aspect of your life, you’ll know it’s coming up with the Sun.
Day of the Week: Sunday
Color: yellow, gold
Herbs: angelica, bay, carnation, cedar, chamomile, eyebright, frankincense,
ginseng, goldenseal, juniper, marigold mistletoe, peony pineapple,
rosemary, St. John’s Wort, sandalwood, sunflower, tea, witch hazel
Stones: amber, carnelian, diamond, sunstone, tiger’s-eye, topaz (yellow)
Element: Fire Energies: magick for the god, male health issues, passion, healing, spiritual connection, transformation, relationship issues
etc. etc.
- The Elements
All four elements, Earth ~ Air ~ Fire ~ Water, are also connected to the tarot on a variety of levels… physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m not going to list long paragraphs of general correspondences for these elements here, as I’ve already done this in two of my books (The Gray Witch’s Grimoire & Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way). I’m going to concentrate here on their connection to tarot and perhaps a personal choice I have for an herb and stone that connects their energy to me.
Earth ~ Pentacles
The Physical Realm
Tarot: pentacles
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Planet: Earth
Color: green
Direction: north
Herb: patchouli
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