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Sunday, September 10, 2023

My Personal Experiences with The Clairs ~ both amazing & creepy


My experiences with The Clairs...

My own creepy (true) stories, settle 'round the campfire with a hot-toddy or a beer, and watch the flickering flames from the campfire contort our features while I tell you my scary tales.... buhahahah


My earliest experience with clairvoyance and a vision was when I was 12-years-old, in 1969.  I've often related the story about my uncle who passed away on Easter Sunday of that year and the odd vision I had of him only hours before his death.

As the family was gathered in the living-room, my uncle stretched out on the couch, digesting a delicious Sunday meal, I watched in amazement as the the couch became a coffin, and the back of it, the open lid, closed over my uncle.  I was shocked and quickly scanned the faces of the adults in the room, realizing that no one else had apparently seen this incredible thing.

I also used to receive visions that appeared in my head as white chalk words (in cursive) on a blackboard.  They were always amazingly accurate and took me totally by surprise.  This continued for 8 to 10 years, when it abruptly stopped, just as abruptly as it had started.  I was a bit disappointed, it was a unique experience, and I rather enjoyed it.

One of the most moving and amazing blackboard visions still sticks with me.  This was years ago, when I was still married to ML.  His son called, and I answered the phone.  He wanted to know if his dad was there, because he would like to talk to him, but his dad was not home at the time.  That's okay, he assured me, he would call again later.  As I hung up on this call, the vision came.  I knew why my step-son had called.  This is literally what I saw in my head:

It was so exciting I couldn't contain myself.  When ML got home I told him his son had called and that his son was going to tell him that he's getting married.  "Act surprised," I said, beaming.


One of the most memorable and recent experiences I've had with clairsentience is an experience that I actually included in my last book, The Divine Me, on page 61.  The short version... I was at a stop light at an intersection and when the light turned green, I simply knew I should not go, and my body confirmed this by freezing up.  Once the rampant speeding car barreled though this intersection, the speeding car that would have broadsided us if I had been making my turn, I knew that it was safe to continue, and so did my body.

Clairsentience works overtime for me when I'm doing readings with a deck of tarot cards.  They seem to be a trigger for me, and one glance can reveal things about my querent that I just "know".  If people really were aware of how revealing this can be, there might be some who would choose not to get readings at all.  And I've often wondered if it works like this for other readers, and if not, what are they picking up and how?

This happened one time when I was at a Scooter's Coffee Shop doing a reading for a lady.  She was 30-something, blond, and looked so quiet and nice and slightly worried and sad.  I laid my first a row of cards out on the table and I said (in a discreet whisper), "Someone is having an affair.", me thinking it must be her husband or boyfriend, what do I know.  She vehemently denied it, "Oh, no, nope, no."  I kept telling her "Yes, someone is having an affair."

Probably in desperation by now, she leans over the table, cups her hands around her mouth and in a stage whisper says, "Me, it's me, I'm having an affair."


I receive this type of psychic experience during readings as a voice inside my head, and I've experienced it at other times, also inside my head, when meeting new people, visiting new places, or preparing to do life-changing things, like signing contracts, etc.  The one time that I did experience clairaudience outside my head was a terrifying incident when I was alone in the house in my upstairs bedroom, having just turned in for the night.

I lay there in the dark on my right side, with my eyes closed, when I felt a hot breath on my left ear and heard the whispered words:  "Call me if you need me.".  The voice was a familiar voice, it was the voice of someone I knew.  However, this was not them, but something mimicking them, and I was fully aware of this and terrified.  

I closed my eyes tighter and started repeating every positive spiritual mantra and prayer that I could think of, including the Hail Mary.  This seemed to anger whatever this was, and I felt my bed (a large heavy antique bedstead) raise up in the air for a foot or two and then drop.  I kept my eyes shut tight and kept repeating the mantras and prayer.  Eventually, I must have fallen asleep.  

When I woke up in the morning, I actually looked at all four legs of the bed to see if I could tell whether they had been physically moved.  Everything looked normal, but it was months before I slept in this room again, or even slept on the second floor.

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