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Thursday, August 10, 2017

MiLady Coffee Shop ~ My new favorite place to be!

I have a new price-- and a New Venue-- for local private tarot readings.  Be sure to Check-It-Out here: http://tarotreadingswithamythystraine.blogspot.com/p/local-private-readings.html

On Monday, an hour before I was to leave Fremont for Omaha and work, I got a text from my daughter, "meet me for tea."...So I did.  We had a delightful hour at the brand spankin' new coffee shop in Fremont called, "MiLady", located at the corner of Park and 6th St., just a block off Maine and nestled in the historical downtown district.  We fell in love with it; with the building; with the location; with the employees; and especially with the products.  I immediately said to my daughter, "This is the PERFECT place to meet clients for tarot readings!!!"

Important Stuff:

The May Brother's Building
105 East 6th Street
Fremont, NE, 68025

Daily Brew
Single Origin Pour-over
Caffe Latte
Cafe Mocha

caffeine free
Milkshakes (Chocolate, Vanilla, Caramel)
Hot Chocolate
Italian Soda
Tea (Hot or Cold)


Monday ~ 7AM - 7PM
Tuesday ~ 7AM - 7PM
Wednesday ~ 7AM - 7PM
Thursday ~ 7AM - 10PM
7Friday ~ AM - 10PM
Saturday ~ 7AM - 10PM
Sunday ~ 7AM - 7PM

 *Bring in your own reusable cup or mug and get 10% off your order!

MiLady's Website:  https://www.maybrothersbuilding.com/coffeehouse

Here's a photo-rama of "MiLady" ~  (these are completely Unedited Photos from my phone, and remember, you can click on them to make them BIGGER)

My daughter!  This is where we sat.


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