An innovative Video Series
Explore the world of women, witches, and pagans on a variety of levels at Woman Speak. Reconnect with The Goddess. Find healing, empowerment, and sisterhood through Matriarchal Divinity. The topics are pagan, occult, new-age, paranormal, and supernatural. The topics will also center around feminism, relationships, family, careers, writing, and books.
Woman Speak– exploring women’s issues.

My Youtube channel: click Here
Individual “Woman Speak” episodes are also listed here as Links:
I AM…celebrating You and your connection to The Goddess.
This week’s goddess is Pele, and we’re going to use her energy, along with the element of Fire, to manifest desires and wishes into our lives with a ritual. (Also included, a special thank you to The Spellery magazine for allowing me to be a part of their 1st edition and their magickal launch!)
The Goddess is Copia; the tarot card is seven of wands. In this episode you are invited inside the Witch’s house to snoop in her Magickal Cupboard! What do you think you’ll find?
The Goddess is Snake Woman, the energy and magick are all about unity and communication, whether women gather for rituals, discussions, or private conversations. I’m joined this week by 2 of my daughters for an UNEDITED round-table discussion. It’s lively, off-the-cuff, and totally unpredictable! Also joining me this week are two black cats: Dolly & Salem.
This week the goddess is Airmed. The topics are herbs and green witchcraft. Our project– we’re going to create a Witch’s Bottle for Love Magick. You’ll also find a section at this video on precautions for love magick, encouraging common sense, as well as the use of mundane efforts to keep your life running smoothly, and to keep yourself safe. The National Domestic Abuse Hotline number will be found at the end of this video.
The goddess is Aurora…and with this goddess comes the happy anticipation of Spring, new beginnings, second chances, clean slates, rejuvenation. Plant new life-seeds now, and watch your future blossom. To honor & invoke this goddess, we’re doing a short ritual to The Four Winds (Aurora’s children)…join me.
The goddess is Cybele. The topics include sexual orientation, transsexuals, transgender individuals, acceptance, and tolerance. We talk about learning to accept ourselves and celebrate our unique individuality. We also talk about how society has to move forward and improve how it accepts– and treats– people who live their lives “outside the box”. Ms. Jenner…this one’s for you.
The Goddess is Aphrodite, the topic is birthdays and how we celebrate these milestones in connection with the Goddess and all the unique stages in a woman’s life. The discussion is about– Beauty. What’s beautiful, what’s not…How has our society and culture influenced our idea of physical beauty, our idea of youth and aging…How can we relearn to recognize and appreciate the inner beauty we all possess? How can we redefine what’s beautiful?
Come plant rosemary with me…the Goddess is Thalia, the herb blessed Rosemary. Where ever you might live, whether on an acreage, or in an apartment, plant a garden to invoke goddess energy. Here’s what to plant at the four corners and at the elemental quarters. And what shall we put in the center?…let’s find out.
Topics include: Astarte; Tarot/Knight of cups; finding the warrior goddess in you; our “knight-in-shining-armor”– chasing the fairy tale; the duality of woman’s nature.
Women are incredible! To traverse life we have to take on so many different personas and faces. But we do it, and we do it So Well! Discovering and honoring the warrior goddess within yourself does not mean that you have to sacrifice the soft, beautiful, uniquely feminine side of your nature– both energies are in your power and control.
Topics include: White Buffalo Calf Woman; Tarot/the 2 of cups; 10 tips for women– surviving the modern world. Relationships– Is your Ex badmouthing you publically? How you can deal with this situation, both on a mundane level and magically.
I’m very excited at this taping because my new book, “The Spiritual Feminist”, had just came out on Amazon and was available to be pre-ordered. Included in this discussion is a note about the special dedication page and the very personal aspects of this book. Also…Spell casting information; Magickal Connections– and a blog post I was working on at the time (Witchcraft: It’s All About the Journey, Not the Destination); Lisa Allen (Master Herbalist & Astrologer); as well as other personal stuff (kidz & carz).
The goddess is Lucina. The magick is Knot Magick done during a Baby Shower to see the mother and child through to a safe birth. This magick is unleashed in a ritual after labor has begun. Good stuff!– feminine bonding and support. Also included, personal stuff, daily chit-chat.
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