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Sunday, April 30, 2023
PODCAST, Requested ~ The Perfect Couple, reveals crippling control
Friday, April 28, 2023
PODCAST, Requested ~ Secrets & Decisions
Thursday, April 27, 2023
PODCAST, Requested ~ The voyeur from your past
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
PODCAST, Short n' Sweet ~ a voyeur from your past, to a dark secret revealed, plus more scenarios
1) The Lovers ~ Looking beneath the surface
2) King/pentacles ~ you had the rug pulled out from under you
3) 6/cups ~ there is a voyeur from your past
4) The World ~ You're at the top... for now
5) Justice ~ Something kept in the dark will be exposed
If one of these scenarios resonates with you and you would like an expanded reading on the subject, email me at:
Type "Expanded Reading" in the subject line, and let me know which card/scenario it is that you want me to expand on. *Note ~ these readings are FREE, and these readings are done for entertainment purposes only. I do not guarantee that every request will result in a video.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
PODCAST, Requested ~ odd reading, my 3rd attempt
Monday, April 24, 2023
Hello, Monday! ~ It's Promote-a-Book Day!! (and time to set the record straight, again)
Today, it's all about... The Spiritual Feminist
in Print or Kindle
"So many people throughout my life have told me who I am, what I must do, what I can't do, what I have to complete, and what I will never be able to accomplish, and then I met the Goddess." (From The Spiritual Feminist)... The Spiritual Feminist empowers today's modern woman through the Goddess, connecting her to ancient matriarchal divinity and spiritual practices which invoke this energy. It embraces the essence of womanhood in its entirety, through mental, physical, and spiritual affirmations, connecting personal energy and lives through the four elements--Earth, Air, Water, & Fire, with affirmations and invocations.
- I love the maiden mother and crone and it works well for me however it leaves out a huge group of people (unable to bear children, lesbians and transgender communities) I with there were an alternate group for them sets of people so they didn’t feel left out as they are also people...
- I thought this was going to be a book about spiritual feminism.
Case in point:
Feminist spirituality is a grassroots religious movement inside and outside established religions that reclaims the power, value, and dignity of women. It is a commitment to bringing about in oneself and in the world an alternative vision of justice and equality for all. It focuses on women's heritages, women's body as the locus of the divine, and women's work of replacing patriarchal, hierarchal societies with equality for all. This empowering spiritual quest starts with women's search for meaning rooted in women's experiences. It is Earth-centered and embodied and oriented toward global justice. Feminist spirituality stands at the heart of human transformation, challenging accepted ways of knowing and being. It includes feminist knowledge, rites, religious practices, prayers, and beliefs.
The term "feminist spirituality" emerged during the second wave of the modern feminist movement in the United States in the 1970s. Feminists charged that Judaism and Christianity were sexist religions with a male God and male leadership that legitimized the superiority of men in family, religion, and society. They began to examine traditional arguments for female subordination, deploring the exclusion of women from the ministry, and rejecting teachings that denied women's selfhood. Some gathered in consciousness raising groups to voice their own experience, critique patriarchal culture, and work to transform it. Some recovered a Goddess-centered religion that grounded women in a sacred, embodied self....
Book Launch: 2015 This book is dedicated to the goddesses within my ancestral lineage: Lu Raine, Alpha, Tracy, Ruby, Bonny, Darlene, Georgia, Judy |
Thursday, April 20, 2023
PODCAST, Short n' Sweet ~ 9 scenarios, is this your story?
1) 8/swords ~ it's time you escape2) Magician (r) ~ short cuts & broken rules3) 8/cups (r) ~ you regret walking away4) Hierophant (r) ~ you accepted bad advice5) Knight/wands ~ get back on your horse6) The Star ~ who's responsibilities got dumped on you?7) High Priestess (r) ~ the wallflower8) 3/wands ~ you're neglecting something that's important9) King/swords ~ he's hanging onto a secret
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
PODCAST, Q&A ~ All About Writing
1. At what point should someone call themselves a writer?
2. What difference do you see between a writer and an author?
3. What do the words "writer's block" mean to you?
4. How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?
5. What is the most difficult part of the writing process?
6. What advice would you give a writer working on their first book?
Monday, April 17, 2023
PODCAST, Requested (Scenario #5, King/cups) ~ understanding this hedonist...
And has he met his match?
Magical Connections & Correspondences ~ through the tarot
in print and kindle
- Stones, & Crystals
- Health
- Kabbalistic Health Correspondences
- Astrological Sun Signs/Moon Signs/Rising Signs
- Gods & Goddesses
etc. etc.
- The Numbers
- Calculating the Numbers for Yourself
- The Planets
- The Elements
From The Ultimate Tarot Guide... that dire 10 of swords/up close & personal
For example: The Ten of Swords... (and no, not every card is so dire, but the 10 of swords is, after all, iconic in its misery)
Swords ~ It's all about life (and certain individuals in it) catching us off guard. Its all about a sucker punch, either from the universe, or through a human connection.
Gossip, lies, misfortune, back-stabbing, illness, surgery, death
10/Swords ~ The saddest thing about this card, when the fatal blow comes from human hands or lips, is that our illusion of friendship or love is instantly shattered, never to return to it’s rosy former state. The sense of betrayal is so thick you can taste it, and if this is your first unfortunate experience with it, it will be very bitter indeed. The figure on this card looks so solitary, but you need to understand that just out of the frame there stands all the individuals who could have sounded an alarm, individuals who could have come forward to support you and affirm your good character, individuals who were either two-faced or intimidated. Whether this difficult and somewhat tragic set of circumstances takes place among a group of friends, the workplace, school, or within a relationship, it is devastating, and the after-effects can last a lifetime.
Check your health. Often this indicates that problems lay, not with humanity and it’s petty loyalties, but with the body and Destiny’s fate.
My Personal Connection:
The ten of swords is an impressionable dramatic card, there’s no getting away from that. My personal connection with this card and its energy was developed quite early with the idea of female friendships and loyalty. Her name was Debbie S., and we met in high school. I took her friendship and her loyalty for granted, thinking it was an endless boundless infinite state of being, until she showed up with my soon-to-be ex-husband for a divorce hearing, arm in arm, making sure he felt her support and sympathy. The ten of swords is quite appropriate in it’s usually shocking appearance in most tarot decks. It’s energy can leave you blind-sided, open-mouthed in disbelief, and it can quite quickly make mince-meat of your naïve and trusting nature.
The thing about it is, we don’t all learn the lesson this card is trying so hard to teach us right off the bat. So you may find that you will have many such disturbing scenarios in life until you finally get the message the universe is trying to send you. When that clicks, you will realize how important it is to set boundaries, to protect your space, your physicality, and your spirituality. You will discover that you have to protect yourself from the energy of this devastating card and its consequences. If you can’t learn to do this, you will have a repetition of negative events.
Bringing the World of Tarot to You ~ my "Ultimate Tarot Guide"
The following is an excerpt from my great big chunky Tarot Book... "The Ultimate Tarot Guide: for Your Personal Tarot Journey". This book is available in Kindle or Print at This Amazon Page.
Customer reviews
But we want to be real here. Just like individuals who work retail and deal with the public up close and personal on a daily level, you will need to dig deep within yourself for patience and perseverance. You’ll have to know when to listen and allow your client to vent and get something off their chest; but at the same time, you’ll have to know when a client is going too far, when a client may be a bit off mentally, when a client may be trying to manipulate you and the reading.
My case-in-point is The Saga of Evil Gloria ~ I often do telephone consultations with clients. Usually these sessions go remarkably well and everyone comes away with a warm and fuzzy feeling and hopefully a few answers, if not a solution, to their issues. Usually this is the way it goes.
Then one day I had a telephone consultation with “Lilly”. I knew which direction this was going to go the moment that I answered the phone, because she started talking and she didn’t stop. Lilly spent the better part of a half hour trying to convince me that she was completely, totally, so over her ex-boyfriend “John”, who was stolen from her by Evil Gloria, a woman whom Lilly claimed used black magic to wrench John from her. Damn Gloria.
Here is where I tried to interrupt Lilly so that I could begin the reading. I was abruptly cut off by Lilly’s voice saying, with only slightly veiled disdain: “I’m paying you to listen to me.”
“Well, no”, I replied, “You’re paying me to read for you, and without some quiet, I can’t do this.” I thought this was a remarkably diplomatic way of telling Lilly to shut up.
Anyway, it didn’t matter. Lilly started off on another ten minute tangent of how Evil Gloria stole John with her tremendous powerful utterly awful black magic. About this time, she also started listing off all the psychics that she’s went to and how they’ve all told her that she would be happily reunited with John and Evil Gloria would meet a guy named Karma. Lilly went on to talk about all the money that she’s spent on magic spells that she paid other people to do for her regarding this situation. Her speech was interspersed for some reason with lot’s of “I would never try to convert you…” and “I don’t mean to be rude– but…”. Lilly also kept referring to John as her Twin Soul, but from the look of the tarot cards that I kept laying, I’d say that John was getting comfortable with Evil Gloria, and maybe he was seriously considering a restraining order against Lilly. And I thought to myself, if he wasn’t, he should be.
Time was passing, the clock was ticking, and this conversation was going no where fast.
I tried interrupting Lilly once more, just barging in and beginning the reading by identifying the cards I laid and touching base with them before jumping through the intuitive hoop. I no more than said one sentence when Lilly’s by now very irritating voice cut in saying, “I don’t want to hear the book meanings of the cards, I can look that up myself.” Well, that’s true, but I was just identifying the cards for her (because she couldn’t see them) and laying a foundation before allowing intuition to take over. Most telephone clients appreciate this, and this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a negative response. But by now, I realized that Lily wasn’t exactly on an even keel.
I’m beginning to get fed up with Lilly and am losing what patience I have left. I’d rather refund Lilly for the reading and hang up on her.
I begin talking over her, telling her what I see: John is happy, John and Evil Gloria are established in a relationship. It doesn’t matter how Evil Gloria got him, the fact is that they are together now. But Lilly is just not ready to let it go, and the energy from this entire situation is so toxic that I suggested she back away and have no contact with either of these people. I also advised her to smudge her living space of negative energy and to take a cleansing bath.
There was a very small and surprised, “Oh” from Lilly. A period of about three seconds of blessed silence was suddenly broken by a new barrage. Lilly began to indignantly point out that all these psychics she’s been going to have all told her that she will get back with John. I cut her off saying, “I don’t care about the psychics that you’ve seen. There’s no way for me to know if they are legitimate, or if they are just telling you what you want to hear.”
Once more I told her what the cards were telling me, emphasizing the fact that no, she is not over losing John, far from over it, that there were issues she was going to have to deal with, negative energy she was going to have to clear, and ways to move on that were going to have to be found. And that was the end of the consultation.
It literally took me the rest of the day to rid myself of Lilly’s intense overbearing disturbing energy. As for Evil Gloria…I don’t believe that Evil Gloria stole John with witchcraft. I have a feeling that Evil Gloria doesn’t talk much.
- Introduction… 9
Personal EssayLet’s get StartedThe DeckMajor ArcanaMinor ArcanaReversalsShuffling the DeckCare & CleansingSeasoning Your Tarot DeckReading for Friends & FamilyPaying ClientsReading at Public Events
- The Major Arcana Cards… 26
- The Minor Arcana Cards/The Suits… 136
- The Sets… 146
- The Court Cards… 225
The KingsThe QueensThe KnightsThe Pages
- Magickal Connections, Correspondences, Charts, & Other Info:
Crystals & Stones… 257Health… 259Kabbalistic Health Correspondences… 260Astrological Sun Signs… 261Gods & Goddesses… 266The Numbers… 269The Planets… 273The Elements… 281
- Tarot Spreads
The Medium Spread...283My Best Opinion… 289The Horoscope Spread… 293The Chakra Spread… 316Romeo & Juliet Spread… 324Past, Present, & Future… 335Connecting with My Higher Self… 340Decisions… 345The Key… 350
*Note - in this section, I'll do a reading for each of these spreads so that you can see exactly how it can go when you connect with it. Then I set each spread up for you to do yourself, everything all lined out, spaces ready to fill in the cards, and plenty of writing room for you to interpret the spread and record it.
- Tarot Lessons
Lesson 1: Card a Day… 360Lesson 2: Interpreting a Three-Card Spread… 363Lesson 3: Expanding the Tarot Connection… 366Lesson 4: Court Cards/Familiar Personalities...369Lesson 5: Tarot Meditation… 372Lesson 6: Categorizing the Cards… 377
Sunday, April 16, 2023
"Face: One Square Foot of Skin" ~ new book by Justine Bateman
This book is available @ Amazon
in Print, Kindle, & Audio
YouTube Video: Justine Bateman, in conversation with Nancy Etcoff, discusses Face: One Square Foot of Skin
" filled with fictional vignettes that examine real-life societal attitudes and internal fears that have caused a negative perspective on women's faces as they age."
--The TODAY Show, a Best Book of 2021
"With her new book Face: One Square Foot of Skin, Justine trying to push back against the notion that women's faces are 'broken and need to be fixed'...The book is a meditation on women's faces, and the cultural pressure to be 'ashamed and apologetic that their faces had aged naturally.'
--New York Times
"[Bateman] studies the topic of women and aging in her new book Face: One Square Foot of Skin."
"There is nothing wrong with your face. At least, that's what Justine Bateman wants you to realize. Her new book, Face: One Square Foot of Skin, is a collection of fictional short stories told from the perspectives of women of all ages and professions; with it, she aims to correct the popular idea that you need to stop what you’re doing and start staving off any signs of aging in the face."
--W Magazine
"The actor and author of Face: One Square Foot of Skin wants to push back against the ubiquity of plastic surgery."
--Vanity Fair
"Justine Bateman extends her creative talents to include fiction in this collection of vignettes that focus on how we’ve learned to react to women's faces as they age. Based on Bateman's own real-life interviews, the stories dig deep to uncover why we’re uncomfortable with faces of a certain age, and argue that confidence--and not cosmetic procedures--are the answer to the problem."
--Town & Country, one of the Best Books of Spring 2021
"Through a selection of short stories, [Bateman] examines just how complicated it is for women to get older, both in and out of the spotlight."
"Bateman asks, what if we just rejected the idea that older faces need fixing. What if we ignored all the clanging bells that remind women every day on every platform that we are in some kind of endless battle with aging."
--TIME Magazine
"[Bateman] argues that American society has long equated the signs of aging on a woman’s face with unattractiveness. But she also asserts that women need not participate in such prejudice by accepting and internalizing it."
"Right on, Justine Bateman. Thanks for helping us embrace our faces just as they are."
"It's been a long time since I read something that made me want to stand up and cheer."
Face is a book of fictional vignettes that examines the fear and vestigial evolutionary habits that have caused women and men to cultivate the imagined reality that older women’s faces are unattractive, undesirable, and something to be "fixed."
Based on "older face" experiences of the author, Justine Bateman, and those of dozens of women and men she interviewed, the book presents the reader with the many root causes for society’s often negative attitudes toward women’s older faces. In doing so, Bateman rejects those ingrained assumptions about the necessity of fixing older women’s faces, suggesting that we move on from judging someone’s worth based on the condition of her face.
With impassioned prose and a laser-sharp eye, Bateman argues that a woman's confidence should grow as she ages, not be destroyed by society's misled attitude about that one square foot of skin.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
PODCAST, Requested (scenario #5) ~ The Secret... revealed
1) King/cups ~ remorseful, ready to change2) Death ~ haunted and ready for transformation3) Justice (R) ~ deliberately frivolous accusations4) High Priestess ~ discovering your spirit guide5) 5/swords ~ a secret powerful enough to affect your life6) 8/wands ~ until they respond, you can't move forwards
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
PODCAST, Short n' Sweet ~ 6 scenarios, frivolous accusations, a secret that taints everything
1) King/cups ~ remorseful, ready to change2) Death ~ haunted and ready for transformation3) Justice (R) ~ deliberately frivolous accusations4) High Priestess ~ discovering your spirit guide5) 5/swords ~ a secret powerful enough to affect your life6) 8/wands ~ until they respond, you can't move forward
If one of these scenarios resonates with you and you would like an expanded reading on the subject, email me at:
Type "Expanded Reading" in the subject line, and let me know which card/scenario it is that you want me to expand on.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time to Set the Record Straight
Most of the time most authors ignore negative reviews, most of the time. But once in a while there comes a point where the record needs to be set straight and there needs to be some clarification, especially when there are reviews that are not a fair assessment of the book or where there is information that is misunderstood. It seems like there's always something in life that needs to be cleared up, doesn't it? Well, that's what I'm going to do today in this blog post.
The topic:
My book, "Tarot for Grownups"
![]() |
Available At Amazon |
Here we go...
- Astonishingly, in this book, all, even the positive cards have some negative "twist".
- I just wish that the author would have went into more detail as to HOW she arrived at the negative meanings. For example, what about the King of Cups makes him want to screw every woman he gets his hands on? What makes the Queen of Pentacles promiscuous early in life? What makes the Queen of Cups a naïve slut? I can appreciate the attempt at fresh irreverent meanings but some of her meanings just seemed like a far intuitive leap solely based on her own extremely unique experience.
- it's all very well selling this book in as a no nonsense, cut-and-dried kind of book but I felt that the author had a very negative approach with no positive traits in her descriptions of people.
PODCAST, Requested (mutiple scenarios, 3) ~ Something needs to come to a conclusion
Monday, April 10, 2023
"Tarot for Grownups" ~ an irreverent look at grownups and life, through Tarot
"Tarot for Grownups"... meaning this book is not for kids or the 'tweens' who are playing with their first tarot decks: Tarot for Grownups is a no-nonsense book written to tell it like it is in a black and white, cut-and-dried way. This book is written for grownups, and it looks at their world through the magick and mystery of the tarot, addressing adult issues with unabashed candor and a healthy dose of sarcasm.
This book is deliciously irreverent.
If you don't have a copy, you can purchase one at Amazon by clicking HERE
The following is an excerpt. It's a short and sweet list of the Major Arcana cards with an adult twist to the meanings. In the book, this will be followed up with an up close and more personal look at these cards and what they may imply...
The Major Arcana:
Life in a Shot Glass
0 The Fool: Road sign…“Idiot’s Cross Here”…drive slowly.
1 The Magician: The hand is quicker than the eye.
2 The High Priestess: Use your fricken’head!
3 The Empress: Life is preggers.
4 The Emperor: All man, and don‘t you forget it.
5 The Hierophant: Get a life, for Christ’s sake.
6 The Lovers: Hooking up.
7 The Chariot: Run baby, and don’t look back.
8 Strength: Get a spine.
9 The Hermit: “I ‘vant to be alone.”(Greta Garbo)
10 Wheel of Fortune: Don‘t bet on it.
11 Justice: Holier than thou.
12 The Hanged Man: Pity party.
13 Death: Your mother warned you, and you didn’t listen.
14 Temperance: How dull can it be?
15 The Devil: What you do when no one’s looking.
16 The Tower: Shit happens.
17 The Star: The glass is half full, if you squint.
18 The Moon: Liar, liar, pants on fire.
19 The Sun: Everybody smile…say ‘cheese’.
20 Judgment: I told you so.
21 The World: What goes around comes around.