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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

PODCAST, Short n' Sweet ~ How did you lose control?... and more


Good morning, World! I finally got another Short n Sweet podcast taped this morning -- there's five cards here, five cards means five stories. If you want an expanded reading, email me to request one and let me know which scenario we're working with. What connected with you?

Friday, June 23, 2023

PODCAST, Requested ~ The 12th House: Secrets, Sorrows & Self-Destructive Behavior


Cool beans! Someone connected with one of the handwritten tarot readings I posted here at The Tarot Parlour's FB page yesterday, reading #12, for the 12th house of the zodiac -- Sorrows, Secrets & Self-Destructive Behavior. Here you go...

Here's a link to the original FB post...
click  HERE

Thursday, June 22, 2023

It's All About the Journey, Not the Destination


Everyone wants to cast spells. That’s the first thing people think about, and the most popular aspect of witchcraft. I think it might have something to do with the awesome feeling of regaining your personal power, of being in control of your life, of being responsible for your destiny and it’s outcome. But it also has to do with mystery and drama, the visuals, and our childhood idea of “magick”.

That’s what everyone seems to concentrate on at the beginning– learning to cast spells and do magick. For most of us the idea is new and daring and exciting, made more so by society and the mainstream view of religion and witchcraft. It’s “taboo” in so many social circles, conservative communities, and even some countries around the world. Witch hunts still exist in Africa, and your life is literally in danger if you’re labeled “Witch”. Likewise for certain areas of the Mid-East. You can be put to death. This idea seems outrageous, doesn’t it, in our modern world. But we’re not always as modern as we’d like to think we are, and people still tend to be frightened and irrational when it comes to things they don’t understand, or things they were taught to view as evil.

I remember the early years, pouring over books of correspondences, aligning moon phases with intentions, jotting down ingredients, planning the moment of the casting down to the astrological hour– spending days planning and aligning and gathering. It’s all part of the process you know, it all plays into raising energy. And then, that magickal moment, when the circle was cast, and I was “between-the-worlds”, sitting there with the spell candle and ingredients, the athame and crystals and stones and figurines of the god and goddess; and yes, even the black cast iron cauldron (so clique, but so necessary).

Did the spells work? Actually, 95% of the time, they did. Don’t count the foolish one’s of youth, or the spells whipped up in the white heat of anger. They don’t work, the energy being too fractured and scattered (maybe Spirit is looking out for us this way, maybe this is like the safety on a gun, so that we don’t unintentionally do harm in a rash moment). Casting spells is a lot of work, raising energy to move energy in the universe takes a lot out of you. The power is there, no mistaking that, but it takes considerable effort on the part of the witch to work with it.

You reach a point, after the first few years, after you’ve immersed yourself in that first frenzied layer of activity, when you start to look at witchcraft and see more detail emerge. You see below the layers of magick spells and spell casting, and all the hoopla surrounding it. You start to look at the fabric of witchcraft- and you start to weave this into your daily life, creating your own mosaic, slipping quietly into your niche in the universe.

Okay, you’ve got spell casting down pat, you’ve experienced The Power, you know the magick is real, you are “Witch” through and through. Now what?

For me the second stage of my journey actually began with a spell. The spell was done to touch the universe, my Spirit Guide, and other higher energies floating through the astral, and ask them: “What am I suppose to be doing? Why have I been drawn to this path? What is my Gift? How am I suppose to use it?”

The answer emerged in the flames of a purple candle.

6 Misconceptions About Witches

From The Witch's Desk (originally posted Jan 2015 @ Magickal Connections)... 

6 Misconceptions About Witches

1. Witches always wear black.

Granted, black is a staple color in my closet, but not for any witchly reason. I like basic black because it goes with everything, it feels right when I wear it, my jewelry looks good against it, and it’s a good basic “color” for me. I know plenty of witches who virtually never wear black, but prance about the world in pretty pastels of pink and lavender, blues and greens, and other very unwitchly colors.

2. Witches sacrifice human infants.

Really?…Really. Pleeeeze– I birthed seven babies in my lifetime, and I have yet to sacrifice nary a one. I’ve grounded a few, preached at a couple, pulled my hair out over another, and puzzled over them all. But sacrifice them? Not yet (she says mischievously).

It should also be noted, under this “sacrificial” theme, that witches do not sacrifice animals. On the contrary, some of the most enthusiastic animal rights activists will be found in the pagan community. We tend to honor the animal kingdom, to consider animals our brethren, creatures that we have the pleasure of sharing the Earth with. We embrace their energy, learn from their inherent goddess given wisdom and instincts, and feel humbled when they allow us into their circle of trust.

3. Witches cast spells.

Not necessarily. Some do, and others don’t. It depends upon what road you take within this widely divergent spiritual path. My “thing” is divination, clairvoyance, psychism; at it’s very basic– the tarot. I have cast spells, lots in the beginning, but fewer and fewer as I was shown by the Goddess my true path on this journey, my unique gift. And besides, as magickal practitioners will tell you, casting spells– casting them correctly– is time consuming and a heck of a lot of work. You have to put some effort into it, as in anything, to get the most out of it. I have grown lazy in my impending old-age.

4. Witches are in league with and worship the Devil.

Really…no, this time I mean Reeeaaally! The Devil (or Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, etc.) did not arrive on the horizon of civilization until Christianity came along and needed a Fall Guy. It’s rather insulting that that they invent this despicable character, and then they accuse us of playing with him. They can keep him…the gods and goddesses of the world-wide pantheons are so much more interesting and desirable, awe inspiring, beautiful, and magickal.

5. Witches curse people.

Well, I’ll give you this one. Some witches do, or have, or if they haven’t, they still have the ability and the power to do so. However, most witches– and I know a few– would not even consider doing such a thing, under any circumstances. And here’s something else to think about, scary and true…Anyone who has ever deliberately wished something bad on someone has thrown a curse, whether they are a witch or not. The universe hears you, and it’s constantly moving energy according to your wishes and desires. My grandmother told me once: “Be careful what you wish on others.” And she also expanded on this thought by adding, “What you wish on someone else will come back on you.” (She was a woman ahead of her time.)

6. Witches are ugly old hags?

Well, umm, I hope not. If this is true, I’m screwed. Witches are women and men of all ages, sizes, ethnicities, and nationalities. They live in the world in the same capacity as every other human being. They inhabit the work force and a normal healthy place in society. A witch could be anyone that you’ve ever met in the course of your life, under the most ordinary mundane of circumstances, and you never even realized it…think about this.

With all that said, as a woman standing on the threshold of her 60th decade, I’m more than ready to embrace the Crone, or the Hag, in all her glory. I’m ready to move beyond youthful vanity and revel in the aspect of me that is the most important…what I am, who I am, from the heart.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

PODCAST, Requested ~ 2nd Time Around


It is a requested reading ~ Remember the scenario was all about "leaving something behind" and "moving towards something else". The original card was the 6 of swords, and its title was "transition"... and you know what? The second time around just might work.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

PODCAST, Requested ~ Burning Your Bridges


So, you took off on a wild hair, creating chaos in the wake, and burning your bridges behind you as you went.  You don't like where you wound up?  Well, you can't go back, that's for sure... so, now what?

Friday, June 2, 2023

Stuck in the Middle ~ Ace/wands


The person caught in the middle has a robust enthusiasm and passion for life, and this may be one of the things that explains why they are "stuck in the middle".  Their passion and enthusiasm are often accompanied by rash impulsive action, and this is so often not a good thing.  Not enough forethought is put into results and consequences.

On one side is a history of negative patterns, obsessions even; and on the other side is all the mental and emotional fallout that has resulted over a period of time due to these destructive patterns, not only to this character, but to the people his actions touch as well.

As you can see, this has not dulled this character's enthusiasm one iota, they still plummet through life scooping up and embracing whatever they view as a spectacular opportunity.  My advice to this character would be to slow down and think before making decisions, or taking action.  But you know, this Ace of wands is not going to take this advice, it's not in their nature.

If this is someone you know, the most you can do is be there to support them when life and karma catches up to them and the predictable outcome falls upon them.  If this is you, I hope you have a good support system.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Today's Spell, Potion, Powder ~ Florida Water


Does anyone need a recipe to make their own Florida Water? Yes?… Well, here it is:

  • Two cups of vodka or any alcohol of your preference
  • Two tablespoon of orange flower water
  • 6 drops of essential oil of bergamot
  • 6 drops of essential oil of rosemary
  • 6 drops of essential oil of lavender
  • 6 drops of essential oil of rose attar
  • 3 drops of essential oil of sage
  • 2 drops of essential oil of neroli

Mix all of these ingredients together and let it sit for a couple days. Note that you can adjust any of the essential oils, strength-wise, to attain a scent that is to your liking.

If there’s anyone reading this who doesn’t know what Florida Water is used for, it’s mainly for cleansing and protection, but there are other uses I’m going to list below. There is a company who produces a marketable brand of Florida Water, and you can find them online easy. (So I’m going to be lazy and not go searching for it right now.)

Here’s a list of uses for you, but that’s not saying that some of you might not think of a few new ways to use Florida Water:

1. Cleanse your house by adding salt and Florida Water to a bucket of water and mop the floors.2. Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.

3. Cleanse your altar and your magical space before casting a circle.

4. Provide it as a thank you gift to the deities or energies you’re working with.

5. Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.

6. Put Florida Water in your palms and clap them to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.

7. It can be used in your rooms for a Happy Home and to combat melancholy and depression.

8. Florida Water can replace Holy water in magical practices and rituals.

9. Add Florida Water and Van Van oil together in order to attract better clientele.

10. Use it to dress candles for magical spells and rituals for Protection, Communication with Spirits, Cleansing and Breaking Hexes, and to remove malevolent magic.

11. Add a few drops to a bottle of ink and use it to empower your written petitions.

From The Witch's Desk ~ Questions from You


I’ve been thinking about becoming a professional tarot reader. How is it different from reading for people for free? What do I need to know to read tarot professionally?

How is it different– reading for free versus reading professionally?

For one thing, there’s way more pressure! When a client is paying for a reading, they have to realize, and you have to realize, that they are paying you for your time, not the reading itself. When people are paying for a service like this, a lot of them automatically assume that they are going to receive some sort of super spectacular, eye-opening, occult, mysterious, right-out-of-a-movie experience. This is unrealistic. What they will receive is the information that Spirit is guiding you (the reader) to see, to pass along. What they will receive is universal wisdom from a Higher Source. What they very often receive is extremely good advice and insight from someone who is viewing their situation through the cards and from a vantage point that allows for a very unfettered unbiased view. What they also might receive (and this is just as amazing to the reader as to the recipient) is a message from a loved one who has passed. What they will receive is an honest insightful connection through a form of divination that has proven to be remarkably accurate and incredibly inspiring.

What do you need to know to read professionally?

First, and most important, you have to be thoroughly familiar with the tarot. You have to be practiced and comfortable reading for others. You have to have self-confidence in your ability to read tarot cards, and in your own intuition. You have to be able to read from a variety of tarot spreads, or no spread at all. You have to be able to do readings in less than perfect conditions– such as in large busy noisy environments with a million distractions.

You have to be able to have empathy for people, for all different kinds of people, even people with whom you might have nothing in common. You have to be totally nonjudgmental. You have to be able to look at every type of circumstance and not let your own moral, religious, or personal feelings touch or taint the reading. You have to learn to handle difficult people without loosing your cool, or your temper.

But most important…You have to really care.

Today's Tarot Tutorial ~ The Tower, major arcana


16 The Tower

Keywords: free-falling; jumping ship; shit hits the fan; cataclysmic; inevitable; Warning

Archetypes: Wrong-Way-Corrigan; Gilligan; Larry, Moe, & Curly Joe


  • Number/7
  • Planet/Mars
  • Element/Fire
  • Astrological Sun Sign/Sagittarius

Upright Interpretation: 

Oh, my– she says with a weary sigh. I can’t tell you how many catastrophes, or catastrophic changes, this card has heralded in all its shitty glory. Even when the changes are good, or at least necessary, this card and the events it warns of are never easy. It makes me tired, anxious, and spell-bound for my clients, usually all three at the same time. You’d think, with this card coming up as a warning, that it would make facing the future and what’s coming easier, but it doesn’t. It just laces life with an unusual amount of unwanted Anxiety. (Where’s my Valium, the three figures on this card ask, as they plummet to the earth.)

Reversed Interpretation: 

Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? (They always ask after a shot, after you’ve had a tooth pulled, after you’ve faced something– anything– that you’ve been dreading). And your answer?…Hell, yes! It was a stupid question, it always is. So the calamity might be behind you, or it might not have been as bad as you thought, but you’re still going to have to lick your wounds and pull yourself together for Life’s next round. Hopefully you’ve learned a few things from the experience, coming through the fire storm wiser and more profound. If not, believe me, as long as you’re living you can be sure of one thing– there will be a next time. It’s part of this insane process called LIFE.

Study Questions:

1. What is your first impression of this card?

2. What does this card mean to You?

3. Are there details on this card that especially stand out for you? If so, write them down and explain.

4. How does this card define relationships?

5. How does this card define financial circumstances?

6. How is this card relevant to health issues?

Affirmations for Meditation:

1. I can take it; I can handle it.

2. I will survive it.

3. I will not let adversity get me down.

4. I will land on my feet, like a cat.

5. I will be ready for the next upheaval Life throws at me.

A Tarot Reading for The Tower:

The Tower ~ 9/pentacles ®; Knight/swords ®; Judgement ®

Tower, you taunt us mercilessly, making sure that aside from everything we’ve come through, all we have endured, we shall never be satisfied; not with ourselves, not with the outcome, not with the present, not with the past. You wreak, dear card, of sacrifice at no price, of an unhealthy self-ego, of dissatisfaction and restlessness that will haunt us through our dreams, through this life, and possibly through the next.

You wield a sword of profound cruelty, even when the truth is carried within its tempered steel, a truth that you choose not to soften, but to let lay bare everything within us that we are terrified of, everything we try to hide, everything we choose to keep somewhere within the darkness of our psyche, that cobwebbed nook in our brain where all the Old Things lay. As this knight charges forward, completely oblivious to the destruction of his words and his actions, so you charge forward in our life, leaving a path of destruction behind…old wounds laid open once again.

And you dare to open the door to judgement…Or do you, in some profound and twisted way, force us to come to terms with life on a primeval level? Perhaps paving the way clear for new growth, new starts, renewed motivation and determination.

From The Witch's Desk ~ Doing Readings for the Public, advice & tips

I use to have a major tarot reading gig the end of each year at Ameristar Casino in Council Bluffs, Iowa. This lasted for seven years. It was a crazy 6 hour marathon of non-stop readings. People would wait in line for ridiculous amounts of time to receive a reading, and I always thought there had to be a better way of handling the crowd. As the New Year’s evening wore on and the spirits flowed (and I’m talking about the bottled ones), the crowd became louder, more impatient, and overwhelming. It was even worse when midnight rolled around and I was finished. Yes, it ends– I was done at 12:00am. I had been reading from 6pm to 12am, and there were often still people standing in line, people who had been standing in line for very long periods of time when they could have been doing something much more fun.

Understandably, these people were angry when I shut down my booth. Considering where we were and the occasion, they could get belligerent and rude, but not always, so I still have some faith left in human nature.

The readings themselves, which were suppose to be mini-readings, so I could read for as many people as possible, often became very touchy moments when an individual thought they could settle down for a long chat, turning a mini-reading into a long tarot/therapy session. They were often miffed when I cut it off, handing them a business card and telling them they could purchase a reading from me any time of the year, it wasn’t just a holiday thing. Ameristar paid me hourly, so the readings its clientele received were “free”. (Oh, horrors, that these individuals must actually pay me personally for my time.)

Almost always, without fail, I was sick the next day. I don’t think it was illness of the flu-season/germ variety; I think it was caused by a dramatic depletion of my own energy, and perhaps even a hanging on of the negative energy that came from so many people, so many problems and issues, just so much energy period that wasn’t my energy. Finally, as the 8th year rolled around, Ameristar abruptly informed me that my services would no longer be required. I’m not sure what happened, if the business changed hands and new management wasn’t attuned to tarot reading and that sort of thing, I don’t know. But this was the end of a long run, and my kids were thrilled when I spent a New Years evening at home with them for the first time in seven years.

I learned a lot from my years doing these readings

1. Don’t become personally, emotionally, and energy-wise drawn into a client’s dilemma.

It’s okay to care and to sympathize, but don’t fall into the trap of being sucked into their emotional crisis to the point where it’s going to affect you (physically, emotionally, mentally), as though it were your own crisis. You have enough going on in your own life to deal with. This sounds so cold, but it’s necessary, especially if you’re going to be dealing with a multitude of people and lots and lots of very negative energy and depressing circumstances and situations.

You’re there to read the cards. You’re there to pick up messages from the universe that most people don’t know how to connect with; and you’re there to verbalize all this wonderful magickal information coming through, whether it’s a voice from the past, a glimpse of the future, or affirmation that they are at least headed in the right direction.

2. When reading at a public venue, provide a sign up sheet, so that people don’t have to stand in line, waiting for their turn.

This is only going to work at a venue of reasonably small size, so that you can call out the next name on your list and the individual can hear you. It wouldn’t have worked at Ameristar; the casino was too large, too chaotic, too noisy, and people would have most likely been wandering off where they wouldn’t have been able to hear me anyway. But at shops and bookstores, this is perfect. Your client can wander the store, browsing and shopping, while they wait their turn. This works. Everyone is happy.

3. Post a sign, big and bold, with the time that you STOP giving readings.

This is going to be especially important at a venue with no sign up sheet. I did a holiday party reading for Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Omaha one year, with long, long lines of people who became increasingly fidgety and upset as the evening wore on. Between the time allotted me for the evening, and the number of people waiting in line, I knew that I would not be able to read for everyone who wanted a reading. I actually stayed over a half hour to 45 minutes past the time I was paid for in order to read for a few more individuals. When the time came to stop reading, I was confronted by several angry people storming my table, demanding my business card, declaring they were going to “report” me to the individual who set up the party…I have to smile as I type this. How do these people think I would ever be able to read for them after blasting me with so many negative emotions and nasty rude behavior.

First, hotel security should have been present during the event; and secondly, someone from the company should have been nearby to over-see things, or at least to handle their own unruly employees.

4. If you’re reading at a hotel or other large venue, request security be present, or at least close-by, just in case you need them.

(See #3)

5. Wear comfortable clothing, and make sure that you have something to drink with you.

You’re going to do a lot of talking. You might do a week’s worth of talking in just a few hours. Your mouth is going to get dry. There have been times, during the course of these marathon reading sessions, where I have lost my voice.

6. It’s nice to have someone come along with you to the larger events, a “go-for” person, or someone to fill your seat when you take a bathroom break.

7. If you’re reading for several hours at a venue, do not hesitate to take a bathroom break when needed, or even pause to eat a cookie, or stretch your legs.

This is not slave labor. No one in any other line of work would work through hours without a break or food. The first year I read at Ameristar, for some crazy idea, I thought I should go through the whole six hours without a break! It was a big mistake, and I paid for it dearly the next day. And surprisingly, most people seem to be very understanding when you say, “I need five minutes.”

8. Protect yourself, your space, and your energy magically and holistically!

On the evenings that I was doing public readings, I wore lots of moon stone and lapis and citrine. The next day I wore lots of smokey quartz and hematite. You want to ground and center yourself after marathon tarot reading. Be sure to eat something. You want to bathe with intention to cleanse your body, mind, and spirit– I like to add a pinch of sea salt laced with lavender essential oil, as well as a pinch of rosemary to my bathwater. Smudge the tarot decks you used, the bag that you carried all your stuff in, the inside of the vehicle that you drove to and from the event. Check your chakras, check your aura. You get the idea. Anything that is cleansing and grounding for YOU, do it.

I hope I haven’t scared anyone away who has thought about doing public readings. If you follow some of this advice, you should do just fine. It’s a learning experience. It’s also extremely rewarding, and you just might be amazed and delighted at some of the interesting, intelligent, special people that you meet through these events. I had people coming back to Ameristar year after year, and one of the saddest things about ending that era was not being able to reconnect with these individuals each New Year’s Eve.

Happy Tarot Reading, good luck!

Today's Spell, Potion, Powder: Quitting Powder, aka Boss Fix Powder


This Hoodoo formula could be called “Love Fix Powder”. It allegedly forces someone to quit bothering you and leave you alone, halting unwanted romantic and sexual advances. As a bonus, it may also be used to stop any attempts at placing a hex on you.

1. Blend and powder the following ingredients:

  • ground cinnamon
  • ground nutmeg
  • powdered newsprint– Preferably from the target’s favorite publication or even a newspaper that has been in their possession
  • tobacco taken from a cigarette– ideally obtained from that person, but their favorite brand would be a good second choice.

2. Use the resulting powder in any of the following ways:

  • Sprinkle it where your target is sure to sit on it or step over it.
  • Sprinkle it to create a boundary of safety for yourself.
  • Carry it in a mojo bag as a protective talisman.

Elemental Invocation ~ Earth, Air, Fire, Water


The Earth, The Air, The Fire, The Water…gather here, at the crossroads of reality, between the world of the living and the world of the dead, where time does not exist, where the past and future are one.

Touch me now, with all my senses, including those that rise above the mundane, so that I may feel your presence, feel your power, feel the essence of what constitutes your being.

You are, I am.

Earth…you are the soft and glossy fur of an animal beneath my hand; you are the agonizing pain of birth; you are the solidity of the ground beneath my feet.

Air…you are my first breath and my last; you are the spark of my creativity; you are the mental connection I maintain in this life with those I love.

Fire…you are the passion that fuels my enthusiasm and resolve; you are my instinct for survival; you are what compels me to leave common sense behind and unleash the instincts of the animal within.

Water…you are my visions and my dreams; you allow me to see past the physical world to other realms and possibilities; you are my second sight, my empathy, my connection to spirits that walk the earth.

You are, I am.

Touch me now, touch me now to light me from within, that I may feel, that I may grow, that I may see, that I may know.

© Amythyst Raine 2011

From The Witch's Desk ~ Paranormal Journal: Doppelganger, or Astral Travel?


(July 2015)

Yesterday morning my husband and I had a very unusual paranormal experience, and when we were in the midst of it, we weren’t even aware of it! We get up early at our house Monday-Thursday, because my partner works 1st shift, and he has a short commute to the next quaint Nebraska village-down-the-road. So this all occurred sometime between 3:15am and 3:45am; he left the house around 3:30ish.

He’s up first and heads out into the kitchen. Laura (our 19-year-old daughter) is sleeping on the couch, as is usual for her. She has her back to the living-room, her wild blonde hair in a pony that’s all flouncy on the pillow. I follow my partner out to the kitchen and glance at her too, with all that curly hair scattered all over her pillow, thinking we have to be quiet so we don’t wake her up.

My partner exits the front door, and I go back to the bedroom to get some flip-flops so that I can go out and crack the big garage door for our outdoor cats– a thunderstorm was coming, complete with fantastic lightening, and the wind was picking up. I tip-toe back up the stairs when I enter the house (it’s a split foyer), and I glance once more at Laura sleeping on the couch, then I quietly make my way down the hall so I won’t wake her up. I even watch the news in the bedroom with the volume real low so that she won’t be disturbed.

At 7am, my partner calls on break.

First thing he said was, “So, who did Laura lend her car to?”

I was totally stupefied. “What do you mean?”

He said, “Her car was gone when I left this morning.”

I said, “No, it couldn’t have been, she’s asleep on the couch, she wouldn’t lend her car to anyone.”

I had been so intent on the storm and the lightening when I made my fast jog to the garage and back, that I hadn’t even noticed whether her car was in the driveway or not.

I said, “Just a minute.”

Phone in hand, I walked down the hallway to the living-room. The couch was empty. I looked out the window and saw that her car was not in the driveway.

How could this be? We BOTH saw Laura sleeping on the living-room couch.

Now I was worried. This was so extraordinarily odd, and one of the first things I thought of was a doppelganger, which in the old definition means someone who’s passed making themselves briefly visible in a mundane setting.

I texted Laura. I called her phone. I left a message for her on Facebook giving a very short version of the above occurrence. Eventually, I got a text back from her... she agreed this was weird, because she’d been gone all night. She was never home!

Laura wasn’t home at all when we thought we saw her sleeping on the couch.

I’ve talked about this with Laura’s sister Anne, and we recall that this type of thing has occurred off and on throughout the years in this house, with the figure always resembling Laura:

Laura’s youngest sister Emma had seen her enter her bedroom during the night, but it couldn’t have been Laura, because when Emma called to me and I checked Laura, she was sound asleep in her bed.

My partner was upset one evening because he saw Laura down the hallway, moving from one doorway to the next, when she was suppose to be asleep, but when I checked her, she actually was asleep in her room, it hadn’t been Laura he was watching.

There have been several other incidences like this when one or more family members thought they saw Laura when it could not have been possible, and it was in fact not her.

The only other explanation I have, and I’ve talked with Laura about this, is that she has the ability to astral project, but she only does it sub-consciously in her sleep.

We’re all shaking our heads over this last incident though. It went way above and beyond the realm of weird.