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Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Narcissist & Their Distinctive Eyebrows ~ a study


So, it would appear that there are several physical factors that may give unsuspecting individuals out there a heads up when they are being targeted, contacted, or love-bombed by a new person, and this unusual red flag that will out a narcissist is their very dramatic, very distinctive, often highly groomed eyebrows.  No kidding.  The study indicated that this information holds true for BOTH male and female narcissists.

Following are excerpts on this fascinating topic, as well as related topics, along with links to complete articles for your reading experience, and acknowledgement of authors where this information is available.

Read on.  And pay attention to those eyebrows.

Who knew??

Because grandiose narcissists strongly desire recognition and admiration, they seek to maintain distinct eyebrows to facilitate others' ability to notice, recognize and remember them, thereby increasing their likability and reinforcing their overly positive self-views... the study reads. [1]

Can you spot a narcissist by their eyebrows? It's complicated.

The study asked people to take the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, a self-assessment that measures traits of narcissism. Then, participants were asked to identify which of these people were more narcissistic, based solely on their facial features.

What the study found was that the distinctiveness of one's eyebrows played a critical role in others being able to accurately identify them as more narcissistic.

[note: the article did to go on and caution that not everyone with distinctive, bushy, or overly groomed eyebrows is a narcissist, but I did find it amazing, as did the people running the study, that these types of eyebrows showed up so consistently in narcissistic individuals.]

Research reveals you may be able to spot a narcissist through the eyebrows. A series of studies by Miranda Giacomin and Nicholas Rule, “Eyebrows Cue Grandiose Narcissism” (2018),  demonstrated how eyebrows accurately convey grandiose narcissism. The authors describe grandiose narcissism as: the tendency to be egotistical, self‐focused, and vain. They identify it as a common dark personality trait, whereby an individual exhibits positive qualities such as extraversion and self‐confidence, but also negative traits such as vanity, selfishness, egotism, and a sense of entitlement. [2]

Giacomin and Rule note that even though narcissists “may not naturally be more attractive than non‐narcissists, narcissism seems to carry an enduring physical signature in the face that goes beyond adornment.” Their research sought to find out what that was. They explain that finding facial features associated with narcissistic traits can help understand how they manipulate their appearance to gain notoriety, status, or recognition. And being able to recognize such features will help people avoid the often negative consequences of becoming involved with them.

Giacomin and Rule note that eyebrows play a significant role in facial recognition, impacting perception even more than the eyes. They cite previous research showing that people recognize celebrities without their eyes, but not without their eyebrows. They suggest that because narcissists crave recognition and admiration, perhaps they cultivate distinctive eyebrows in order to be noticed, recognized, and remembered.

They also note that given a narcissist's focus on cultivating an attractive appearance, eyebrow grooming, from plucking, to waxing, to tattooing, enhances this goal. They note that because narcissists often aggressively pursue potential sexual partners, their “grandiose eyebrows” could signal sexual prowess.

Just the eyebrows are enough to reveal narcissistic tendencies -- no other facial feature is predictive of the trait. People can identify narcissists just from looking at their faces, psychologists have discovered. In fact, the eyebrows alone can reveal narcissistic traits in people, research reveals. [3]

Grandiose narcissists have thicker and denser eyebrows and people automatically pick up on this cue. 

It turns out that maintaining distinctively thick and well-groomed eyebrows is a trait synonymous with those who rate highly on the scale of grandiose narcissism, a form of narcissism often with a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style. [4]

Narcissists may maintain distinct, thick, and dense brows to enhance recognition, which they are motivated to attain.

This may also facilitate a desire to be remembered and liked by others, which reinforces positive views they have of themselves.

In addition to bushy brows, other scientifically-backed indicators of narcissism include hypersensitivity, obsessively talking about oneself and a severe lack of empathy.

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