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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Learning Something from this "Princess"

The deck used for this blog post:

I’ve been reading tarot for quite some time, and I began reading just for myself and my family. Needless to say, over the years, every court card in the deck became a family member to me, filled with both positive and negative traits.

And I have to say here, just so we’re clear, that not every family member or individual will mirror all the negative personality traits associated with the card, or all the positive traits.  Most people are a healthy mixture of each. It’s those few who go to extremes that make it really interesting, but not always pleasant. 

The court cards are interesting for me in that they are a psychological profile for a variety of personalities, and once you become familiar with these characters, you will notice that when you meet someone, you will automatically associate them with one of the tarot court cards, at least this is my experience.

The Princess of Swords:  First, the following is an excerpt from my book, Tarot for Grownups, and in this book I very clearly state the positive and negative aspects of this character from both extremes.

  • First, the negative side (ouch):

This Page is a bitch in the making. He/she is a younger version of the King or Queen of swords. It’s already difficult carrying on a conversation with this Page, because everything is all about them.  It’s the only topic they care to discuss, just saying, there's a bit of narcissism going on here. They’re conversation is blunt, verging on rude. Vanity is already at work here, and because of their youth and immaturity, it can actually get to the point of ridiculous. They have a skewered view of how attractive they are, or how accomplished, how smart, etc. Even now, and very sadly, they are setting a solitary path for themselves by alienating people who may actually love them. They treat people like shit, and then act all puzzled when friends and acquaintances disappear.

  • Now, the softer side:

Like all the personalities of this suit, this Page is the most intelligent and usually has a very high IQ. They tend to have a sort of tunnel vision when they are engrossed in the study of something in particular, or are involved in a hobby. This Page shares all the swords outwardly cool mannerisms, which so often masks a sensitivity they try to hide. This individual will often latch onto relationships with pets in order to protect themselves from the possibility of being hurt in human relationships. It’s a survival mechanism.

As you can see above, I’ve listed the extremes. Individuals that I know, who are connected to this card, have in reality run a happy medium. They’re smart, so smart it’s scary sometimes, and they love academics. The person this card stands for in my world will be a life-time student... learning, writing, reading, teaching.  This will be part of their existence for as long as they live. The softer side also shows up for them, in that they love animals and have, over the years, acquired their own little menagerie. And I do believe that the reason they have this deep connection with animals is that it’s easier for them to relate. Animals (pets) love you for who you are, just the way you are, it’s a kind of unconditional love that most human beings are not capable of.

Now the fun part, this is where you get to add your two cents, as it were. It might be a good idea to grab a notebook and pen so you can jot down answers and impressions as they come to you:

  • 1) What color on this card catches your eye first?

For me it's Blue. 

My interpretation of this color:  The element of Water, pointing to dreams, visions, psychism, intuition, and emotions. I feel this card is awash in human emotions, some smooth and tranquil and others roiling and churning. Blue is also the color connected to the throat chakra, and this tells me that issues of communication are being raised, perhaps new lines of communication need to be opened. I also connect the color blue to the goddess (and the Virgin Mary).  Perhaps this is from my years in a Catholic Parochial school passing the life-size statue of Mary in the hallway wearing beautiful sky blue robes.

  • 2) What element is the court card connected with?

The suit of swords is connected to the element of Air.

Also emphasizing once more communication.  Now I’m really paying attention. Whenever an issue like this surfaces more than once, or keeps resurfacing, a red flag should be going up. Along with communication, creativity and mental endeavors are highlighted.  But it’s this communication issue that I’m focused on. So what’s the deal? Who’s not talking to whom? What relationship in this individual’s life is breaking down?  How can we get the lines of communication cleared and running again? Your mind should already be spinning with the reading of this card.

  • 3) What image, or images, on this card jump out at you?

I’m just going to let my mind roam here, and you should do the same thing.

Yellow halos around the characters head and the sword: 

Catholic saints come to mind, the idea of sainthood, medieval artwork, purity of mind and intentions; but also illusions and delusions. Has communication broken down because of a misinterpretation somewhere along the line? Also, Excalibur, and with this image comes all the pomp and integrity of ancient knights and the fight for truth and justice.  The message I'm getting here is, "Let's get to the bottom of this."

 Her bare feet planted solidly on the stones: 

Stubbornness; digging in for the long haul; not wanting to be the first to back down. But also, someone who tends to be very level headed, maybe even extremely conventional; someone who’s solidly grounded, not easily swayed; someone who has a game plan and generally sticks to it. 

The bird in flight behind the Princess: 

An idea taking flight, an expression of freedom or a desire for freedom, something that this individual maybe hasn’t thought of yet, but something that will come to them in time.  Also, with this bird, comes a stronger connection to the element of Air and all that it entails.  This is telling me to pay attention.  It’s once more reinforcing the idea of communication as a central theme to the reading of this card. 

The flowers: 

To me they are indicative of spring. I’m so often asked for a specific time-line when it comes to readings, but very rarely does this come to me; and when it does, it generally comes to me through the idea of seasons or moon phases. When I looked at the flowers on this card, that little voice in the back of my head, the one that’s only a light whisper, barely audible, it said, “Spring!”. This would indicate to me that this season is important to this individual for some reason, or it means that the events surrounding this reading are going to culminate around springtime.

We’ve answered three questions in connection with this card, and look at all the information that was revealed in these three questions. Always look beyond what you have written down as your own answers. If necessary, pick apart each interpretation to take it to a deeper level.  For instance, I mentioned my association with the color blue to the Virgin Mary. I could take this one step deeper and list all the associations that I have for this deity. 

Do you see what I mean? You can keep going ever deeper, from one impression to the next, bringing out unexpected results. Mind you, this type of individual card analyses doesn’t have to be done as part of a reading for a client or friend, though it could be.  Personally, I mostly use this practice as a private meditation, in which you will uncover layers of your own psyche.

At any rate, just because I choose to stop now, you don’t have to.  Keep going.  If you have other questions for this card, new things to uncover about it or yourself, keep writing.

Bright Blessings,

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