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Monday, February 28, 2022

The Spirits Speak ~ Moving on, gently

(6/swords; King/cups -- reversed; The Magician -- reversed; The Tower -- reversed)

Someone is throwing in the towel, just abruptly moving on.  They may not be aware, or don't care, how surprising and disruptive this decision will be to a partner, family, or friends around them.  

So, does this mean that they should stay in a relationship or situation that makes them unhappy if they're leaving makes someone else unhappy?  Of course not, but there are correct and gentle ways to implement a change this big without pulling the rug from underneath anyone.  

The correct process of moving on may include some difficult conversations; facing an individual or situation head-on, instead of beating around the bush with insinuations; working to manifest change by making plans; thinking through things carefully, and taking your time to do so, realizing that not everything needs to happen overnight; getting second opinions from someone in a position to give them; and finally, soul searching and realizing that once you move on, there will be no going back, and how do you feel about that... really?

If you are the one moving on, do so kindly and gently.  If you are the one being left behind, do so graciously and with dignity.

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