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Monday, March 14, 2022

Surrender ~ what's holding you back


The oracle deck, "Whispers of Lord GANESHA", was requested for today's reading.

  • (The Cards: Surrender; Joy; Divine Support; Inner Knowing; Insight; Fulfillment)
When you finally learn how to surrender -- expectations, apprehension, anxiety, negative thoughts, or any of the many personal demons that may be holding you back, you will find room for accomplishment, success, love, creativity, and... joy.

You already know, yes, you really do, what it is you need to surrender.  That little voice in your head has most likely been whispering this knowledge to you for years.  You also instinctively know what it is you need to do to succeed and find fulfillment.  But knowing what we need to let go of, and knowing what we need to do to achieve a goal is very different from actually letting go and doing.  Sometimes we have to work ourselves up to this point.

As you make this journey of surrender and achievement, one of many journeys you will make in your life, know that you have support and encouragement not only from family, friends, or a loving partner, but from the universe and Spirit as well.  As solitary as we may feel and life may seem, we're never really walking this path alone.

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