Welcome to my blog!
I don't know how your phones and devices work, but the videos and the links work better when I scroll to the bottom of this page and click on View Web Version. If you don't, you're going to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff that is included in the right sidebar... and it's prettier.
...at least it is when it comes to Audio Tarot Readings versus Email Readings. Email Readings, for anyone who does not know are handwritten tarot readings, written out first in long hand and later typed into a document to be emailed to you (aha!...thus, Emailed Readings) These email readings are a darn lot of cotton pickin' work, painstaking work, especially for some of the larger tarot spreads offered, which by the way, are not going to be done in audio form yet because I feel they would be too long, and I need to think about this some more.
But I digress.
The following spreads for Email Readings ARE available in Audio Form! They're fun and informative, and they are a darn sight cheaper when done this way, not to mention they are much easier to do, faster to produce and get out. Audio readings are $15.00 (a $10 savings on the 3 Card Spread, and a $35 savings on the other spreads listed):
1. 3 Card Spread 2. Directions & Trends 3. Gypsy’s Magick Spell 4. The Pentagram… 5. Desires & Fears 6. The Path of Desires 7. Partnership & Relationships
I can't even begin to tell you how many emails I receive from panicked people telling me that they think someone has practiced some sort of dark magick on them, or someone is trying to control them magickally, or someone is sending them negative energy, or someone is working bad mojo on them...all of these are basically the same thing, just stated in different ways, from a variety of people around the country (and around the world), who are sure that their string of bad luck, or lack of energy and enthusiasm, has GOT to be due to magick and a wicked magician.
Well, 99% of the time, I hate to tell you, but your run of bad luck is just that. The universe is behaving like some big old bird flying above you and taking a crap. But then again, there is that tiny little 1% of the time, when magick in the form of bindings, hexing, cursing, etc. is actually being used to direct negative magick towards someone in order to control them or make their life difficult. You should know that You control your life, your body, your space; and that when someone attempts to take over any of these three things, you have the ability and the power to stop them, the power to reclaim what is yours. You are the captain at the helm of your ship, and once you realize that You are in charge, you will feel empowered, and this type of positive energy (and self-confidence) will make it very difficult for anyone to ever wield negative magick against you.
Let's start with the control aspect. This video is going to address what you can do to take back the reins if someone has done a binding on you.
Be sure to Subscribe to my Youtube Channel, and don't forget to Like & Share this video!
This spell is exactly what you need if you feel that someone is working negative magick on you, particularly with the desire to control you. This spell is all about undoing someone else's binding spell.
The Spell ~
“Tit for tat, This for that; I undo the ties that bind. Unwind, unwind, unwind; Three times three, Set me free. Tit for tat, This for that.”
I only got to meet MIL#5 once, so this may be the most difficult mother-in-law to look at in retrospection. I had heard so much about this woman, so many fond memories along with lots of negative tales. However, since I never got a chance to have an in-depth conversation with her personally, I'm likely to let much of what I've heard go in one ear and out the other; because, as we all know, there are two sides to every story.
Our meeting was brief, a few hours of one day. One thing immediately stood out for me, and that was that when we were introduced, without hesitation, this woman reached out and hugged me-- and it was the type of hug where you knew she meant it. (Remember, it hadn't been that long ago that I was coming off MIL#4, you know, the one from hell.) This threw me for a surprised and delightful loop.
Brief background ~ supposedly this woman was suffering from a combination of age-related dementia as well as some brain damage that occurred years before when she lost consciousness from a severe asthma attack. I had been told (again and again) that it would be impossible to carry on a conversation with this woman and that she was pretty much unaware of important daily details, or at least not able to keep them straight.
Quite frankly, I didn't find this to be totally true.
She seemed to know exactly where she was and what was going on. She was also savvy enough to listen in on conversation, and I could tell that she wasn't only listening in, she was absorbing and comprehending. This made me question who was smarter-- this woman, or her caretakers (family members). I suspect that there's much more to this story that I will never know.
So, in one day, in just a few brief hours, what did I learn from this woman?
Sometimes it pays not to act as smart as you really are. Think about it. Who is going to have the advantage here?
When you can't do anything about the situation that you are in (quite literally), you have to find ways to be happy, things you can still do, things you can still enjoy, positive things you can still focus on.
You can't control the actions of others, whether this is poor choices and negative behavior, or sheer lack of intelligence, or personality quirks. Learn to ignore and otherwise overlook it, because if you dwell on it, you will just add to the negativity of it all.
When life throws you a curve ball, shrug it off.
Actually, I learned much more from MIL#5 than I realized.
Once more, a very witchy blog post for this supposed-to-be mundane blog spot. For the muggles waiting for more un-witchy Real Life, it's coming, I promise you, maybe sooner than you think. And for the witchy readers, you'll find way more posts on witchcraft and the tarot at my Other Blog, Magickal Connections.
One of the first candles going up on the candle altar is a very special spell candle for Prosperity. In honor of launching this new service at The Witch’s Corner (and as a tutorial for dressing this type of candle), I decided to video the process. *Notice– when writing the petition paper, part of this was cut from the video to maintain the integrity of my client’s privacy. This candle was dressed for very particular intentions.
After years of requests to cast spells for people, of which I always declined, I have decided to offer a “Candle Altar Service”, otherwise known as “Setting the Lights”. It can be compared to a prayer vigil.
Is this practice considered “spell casting”? Yes, it actually is. However, candle magick is such a daily part of my normal life that it feels quite natural for me to take petitions and requests from the public into consideration, adding it to my daily spiritual practices.
1. What kind of candle will I use for this service?
I’ll be using glass enclosed seven day spell candles. These large candles actually burn anywhere from 5-9 days. Just as with my other services, candle vigils will be prepared and burned in the order in which the requests are received.
2. What happens after your candle has burned down?
Once your spell candle has burned down, I will gather the remnants of the candle spell and your petition paper, and I’ll create a mojo bag for you with these ingredients. You can expect to receive your bag 2-3 weeks after the purchase of your candle. You can then keep this powerful talisman in a safe secret place to keep the energy moving toward a positive outcome.
3. What is candle magick?
Candle magick is very simple spell work to aid in achieving a desired goal. Depending upon your request, your circumstances, and the desired outcome, the color of the candle will be very important, as well as the herbs and oils used. All candles for the candle vigils will be personally dressed by me for you and your particular situation. They will be blessed and charged for their special intention. Also, I’m offering the option of burning more than one candle for a petition. If you wish, you can purchase a Triple Candle Vigil, and I will burn each candle back to back, in succession, one after the other.
4. What will you need to give me?…Information
Let me know, in a brief note, what you need, so that I can prepare a petition paper to place beneath your candle. The information I need should be sent to me in a brief notation. I can’t use 3 pages of in-depth details. You will find my email address below to email me the particulars of your case. It’s very important for you to type CANDLE VIGIL in the subject line to insure a prompt response.
Included in your peitition paper, should be the following ~
A. What is the situation related to?…love, health prosperity, etc. B. What do you want the final outcome to be? (Keep it brief, 200 words or less) C. Include your birthdate or zodiac sun sign, as well as the birth dates and sun signs of any other individuals involved in your petition.
March readings are going up! Be sure to visit my Youtube channel and SUBSCRIBE (thank you!) ~ LIKE my videos (this lets me know that it’s worth all the time and effort to make them ~ SHARE my videos (the more they’re shared, the more my audience grows, and this makes me very happy)
If you know your Moon or Rising signs, there may be more than one of these videos that will resonate with you, and actually, some months your Moon and Rising signs may make a stronger connection than your Sun sign. In this description, you’ll find links to free calculators that will help you find your Moon & Rising signs. If you would like a PERSONAL reading with me, follow the link in this description box to my tarot website.
Can you? Well, maybe, especially considering that if you have a lot of FB pages, not a lot of people are going to see them anyway if you don't PAY for Promotion of these pages. I am one of those people who has too many Facebook pages, and I can tell you that when things "changed up" on FB a few years ago, it was like your FB space went into lockdown.
My opinion: It's only by a fluke and a fancy that anyone is going to stumble across you on FB if you don't pay for promotion of your pages. Those pages are going to sit like a dead horse in the water. And even your personal page is affected in the same way. I have a pretty solid following on FB, but many people have told me that they hardly ever see me in their FB feed (I don't know if some of these people have their notifications permissions tightened up, but I'm assuming that because they were dismayed at not seeing me, they were expecting to.) Sometimes, numbers aside, I feel like a marble in an empty bureau drawer.
And finally, the point of this blog post (yes, there is one). Here's a link to my Facebook Pages (all of them).
PERSONAL PAGE, my settings are wide open, even if you're not on my friends list, you should still be able to see everything, to post comments, and to message me. Unless you were an asshole, then you are blocked and will see nothing. (She says with a friendly smile.)
THE WITCH'S CORNER FB PAGE, this is set up to promote my website "The Witch's Corner", mostly. It's also a fun spot to get really witchy once in a while and not upset those who may not be of such a witchy bent on my personal FB page, but mostly The Witch's Corner/FB is in honor of my website. It's also filled with posts on pagan topics, lots of info.
AMYTHYST RAINE, AUTHOR, this was set up in order to promote my books, to keep readers up-to-date on the progress of new books, where they could order, when something would be coming out, when there were sales on books, and that kind of thing. I soon realized that I didn't have enough "stuff" to post when limiting myself so severely, so this soon turned into a spot to post a link to anything I was writing, including my Blogs, and lots of other inspiration and Writing Stuff.
Then came my books, and I noticed that there were authors who created A PAGE FOR EACH ONE OF THEIR BOOKS. At the time, I thought this was a good idea. But when you actually have a page like this, you discover that FB keeps sending you reminders to "check up on it", or to "post something", so of course, you have to start posting posts that involve lots of stuff, not just the books themselves.
Anything to do with tarot gets posted on the tarot books; anything inspirational or of interest to women gets posted on The Spiritual Feminist; and of course all the witchy stuff gets shot right to the witchy books... and then again, stuff just gets posted to all of the book pages so they aren't stagnant.
These pages are alive and well, if staggering through the crowd crazy, elbow jabbing, internet world.
*NOTE... I've set this page up twice, and I'm going to try it again. It comes up weird and funky, with everything oversized and not like the other pages. But here is the link:
AMYTHYST RAINE (JUST MUM)/FB PAGE, this is actually a very private page that I set up for my kids, the girls, so we could get all personal and feel like we had "Our Own Little Space" on this great big social site. However, my girls are just as open as I am, and we slam all kinds of things all over each other's public FB pages without giving it a single thought, so this page sits rather neglected and full of cobwebs. And to be added to this page, you would have to be birthed from my loins, or you would have to be my amazing fiancé, Bob, but don't worry about it, you're not missing anything.
THE RED LIPSTICK SOCIETY/FB PAGE, this page was set up Just For Fun. It's for anyone who wears red lipstick (sex or genders not important), or who loves red lipstick, or who loves photos and images of other people wearing red lipstick (lots of vintage photos here). When I set this page up, I expected people to peruse it as they desired. I did not expect to have to keep up the page, check on it, or schedule myself to make regular posts. It is what it is.
March readings are going up! Be sure to visit my Youtube channel and SUBSCRIBE (thank you!) ~ LIKE my videos (this lets me know that it’s worth all the time and effort to make them ~ SHARE my videos (the more they’re shared, the more my audience grows, and this makes me very happy)
If you know your Moon or Rising signs, there may be more than one of these videos that will resonate with you, and actually, some months your Moon and Rising signs may make a stronger connection than your Sun sign. In this description, you’ll find links to free calculators that will help you find your Moon & Rising signs. If you would like a PERSONAL reading with me, follow the link in this description box to my tarot website.
While you're out and about, you might as well stop in at my website: The Witch's Corner, not to be confused with the new movie that just came out (The Witch), which I saw by the way. It contains every negative scary stereotype there is about European witches of medieval times, but was I offended?-- No. I thought it was a hoot, and I LOVED the ending. I sat there cackling in the Movie Theatre, probably perplexing or scaring nearby theatre goers, but I couldn't help it....and now I want my own adorable precious black ram, because we all know that this is JUST A MOVIE, and that this beautiful animal was really not evil, and that his trainer probably spent a great deal of time teaching him to stand on his hind legs and dance! (I won't require tricks of my black ram, I will only expect him to stay out of my flower beds and garden.)
Here's the Official banner you'll find at my website (so you'll know when you've arrived):
And here's the banner I use at the Facebook Page set up in honor of my website, The Witch's Corner (it's a little scarier, and more serious, so by golly, you'll know you're dealing with a real live witch here)...cackle:
And here's the banner that I dearly love (it's very dramatic), but I don't use because I think it might send people screaming. We don't want to scare anyone. (It's the skull, maybe, people get all nervous and uneasy when it comes to art like this, but I think it's beautiful!)
March readings are going up! Be sure to visit my Youtube channel and SUBSCRIBE (thank you!) ~ LIKE my videos (this lets me know that it's worth all the time and effort to make them ~ SHARE my videos (the more they're shared, the more my audience grows, and this makes me very happy)
If you know your Moon or Rising signs, there may be more than one of these videos that will resonate with you, and actually, some months your Moon and Rising signs may make a stronger connection than your Sun sign. In this description, you'll find links to free calculators that will help you find your Moon & Rising signs. If you would like a PERSONAL reading with me, follow the link in this description box to my tarot website.