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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Twin Flames ~ Understanding the Connection


Over the past few years, our collective karma has accelerated dramatically. More people have been meeting their twin flames or are realizing they have had this unusual encounter.

When twin flames meet, they recognize each other and remain energetically linked through life, as they fulfill a deep catalystic mission in each other’s further life course.

Here are some interesting facts to know about twin flames.

  • The Meeting

You will meet your twin flame in the settings where and when you least expect a romantic encounter.

The meeting will bring a sudden rise of energy and a state of euphoria, followed by a deep melancholic feeling of something “long gone missing”, suddenly right now.

  • Developing a Connection

You’ll meet again in unexpected circumstances, brought back together by some unusual synchronicity. 

You feel you “recognize” that person rather than gradually getting to know them. You may be struck by a sudden thought like “Oh, it’s you! Where have you been?!” Your spiritual and emotional connection grows intense already at the early stages of acquaintance. You both bump into signs that bluntly bring you back to one another.

Somewhere at this point you may hear your twin flame drop a phrase like “I am your reflection” or “I am your personal messiah” and so on. Your interest and attraction to each other will keep on growing. 

You both will just be wondering what is going on.

  • The Merging

Twin flames will share a few unforgettable encounters together where they will both feel “drunk on happiness”. But will part shortly after, overwhelmed by the intensity of a connection and not knowing what to do next.

  • The Separation

Twin flames separate and move on further with their lives. However, they develop a strong telepathic connection and continue communicating through thought forms and shared dreaming.

The less physical contact TFs have in separation, the keener they feel each other on a distance. Both will try to start new relationships or concentrate on their current partners.

This, however, won’t be leaving them satisfied – in the depth of their heart something will be missing. Both start to investigate and read more about the peculiarity of an experience they shared, and here is where they often come across the term “twin flames”.

  • Twin Flames and Loyalty

There is an interesting phenomenon of twin flames' loyalty. TFs separate for years but nevertheless have a feeling of belonging to each other. Being with other partners feels like cheating. There is always a silent phantom of a "third". It’s unreasonable, doesn’t make sense, but it’s there.

  • Twin Flames and Soul Mates

Unlike the relationship with a twin flame that always brings you unrest, relationships with soul mates go effortless and smooth.

The reason is that soul mates secure our zones of comfort, keeping it safe and familiar for us to be in. While twin flames push each others comfort zones to edges, and protective walls of fortresses are shaking.

  • Facing the Self

Twin flames will feel like running back to what felt normal and familiar, but at some point, they won’t feel satisfied with their older versions anymore. It’s like their twin has shown them that they can be better, and keeping the status quo is like lying to yourself. Personal changes are inevitable.

  • Other Interesting Facts About Twin Flames

  1. Both TFs have noticeable similarities in physique or personality. Both TFs feel each other well on a distance and often share the same moods and physical symptoms. If one twin is in pain, another one will have similar phantom-like sensations.
  2. In separation twin flames oftentimes feel illogically angry at each other, being jealous of each others popularity and competitive in their achievements. Both twins feel the depth of a connection and admit there is a certain mystery about each other that they cannot completely figure out.
  3. Twin flames’ birth dates may repeat the numbers or follow each other. There is always an interesting math or play of numbers involved between the two...  For example, when I summed the letters of my first and second names and those of my twin flame, we both got 11 / 11. 11:11 is a code of twin flames, mirrored aspects of the 2; numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, and the signature of your energetic and spiritual ascension. You may start seeing 11, 10, 0, 1, 7, 8, 22 and repetitive numbers more often. You’ll notice significant changes in all aspects of your life.

  • When Twin Flames Reunite

Twin flames don’t reunite easily in the form of a regular romantic relationship. As long as we try to enforce it, it will be slipping away. Much personal and self-developmental work has to be done first on the part of both before the union is possible, and external obstacles are only a reflection of TFs current internal un-readiness.

As long as you keep thinking “He or she has to change so we can be together”, you are still not ready. You get closer to reunion when You are starting to change. Twin flames always instigate each other to develop further – that is their real esoteric purpose, and that is why they keep each other in unrest.

In a direct or an indirect way they always ‘help’ each other understand what in themselves is missing for completeness.

Twin flames give us the phantom of a home that we are longing to go back to. But each walks there at their own pace on their own road.

The source for this blog post:

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