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Saturday, June 4, 2022

The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening ~ What was the most challenging chapter to write?

I would have to say that the most challenging chapter to write was Chapter 3, Preparing for Your New Spiritual Life.  

The topics touched upon in this chapter include:

  • What do you need to let go of?
  • What do you need to draw to you?
  • Paving the way.

In the Exercises, Activities, & Exploration section, the first exercise called "Getting Rid of Baggage" was an almost cathartic experience to think and write about, because realistically every single one of us has some sort of baggage.  If you've lived at all, you've got baggage, it just goes with the human experience, it's how we learn.

I open the exercise with this paragraph:

"As you experience your personal spiritual awakening, your soul may feel lighter, the world brighter.  But that doesn't mean that you will experience an instantaneous clearing of baggage you've accumulated over time.  You'll find that clearing emotional, past relationship, and physical baggage is something that you have to consciously choose to do..."

There then is included three brief lists with suggestions for clearing that baggage, because this really needs to be resolved and/or released so we can successfully progress on our spiritual journey and exploration.

Be sure to order your copy of The Little Handbook of Spiritual Awakening @ Amazon, and if the spirit moves you, I would love if you would leave a review or a few brief words about this book at Amazon.  

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Bright Blessings,

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