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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Anatomy of a Tarot Reading


My Notes & Scratchings (automatic writing):


Someone "at the top" or "behind the scenes".

One part of a couple attempting to move on from a relationship, the other partner trying to hold them back.

The Tower (reversed):

Causing a fiasco, or directing a fiasco.

It upended something previously stable.

He's good at manifesting what he wants/He's good at making you believe he can manifest what YOU want.

Ten/wands (reversed):

Either feeling no sense of responsibility, or avoiding or passing off responsibility.

Contact and interaction with him will lead to huge and unexpected changes in your life.

The Magician & Death

Someone is working so hard to manifest change, and someone else is trying so hard to hold them back.

This is the tale of a couple, most likely a married couple that is no more.  The cards don't tell me specifically about their life together, because that's no longer the point.  What's past is water under the bridge.  The point is the here and now, the point is their separation, or their divorce, and the energy and interactions that are happening as we speak.

One party is calmly trying to pick up the pieces and move on constructively, in anticipation of building a new life with new beginnings and new opportunities.  There is a hopeful feeling of looking to the future, an excitement about new things "right around the corner".  This individual is infused with the bright energy of "happiness in the face of great change".  The ultimate optimist.

The other party to this couple is seething, angry, steeped in jealousy, regret, the loss of control.  This person is not looking to the future but is stuck in the past, thinking over all the "what if's", seeking vainly for answers and miracles that could fix what's broken, looking for ways to keep their former partner in a state of limbo.  And in this energy, this person feels they can keep the future at bay.  They seriously believe this.  It feels so dark, so dark that it goes beyond the idea of a pessimist.

  • The cards are giving me this advice:

To the optimist:  detach completely from your former partner, their connection is poisonous and will only prevent you from rebuilding your life and finding new happiness.  Focus on YOU.  Focus on your plans and goals and dreams, and make practical preparations to carry you through to all these things.  It's okay for you to be happy.  It's okay for you to feel positive about your future, as you should.  Leave all negativity behind and follow the sunshine... you deserve it.

To the King of Pentacles:  seek therapy.  You need to talk to someone.  You need to talk to someone to regain a healthy focus on your life and the situation that you're in now.  You need to talk to someone who can help you work through all these negative feelings that will hold you back and prevent you from building a new and healthy life for yourself.  You need to talk to someone who can teach you how to get in touch with positive energy.  You need to leave the darkness behind... and you need to leave your former partner alone.


  1. Well, this COULD be more specifically on target.. but only if you included our Soc Sec numbers.
    Heavens, the talent’

  2. Thank you, I'm so glad you connected with the reading... just keep following the sunshine -- and don't look back.
