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Monday, June 17, 2024

Women & Societal Pressure to Stay


Normally, the only place you would see this reading is in the sidebar at my website The Witch's Corner, something special for my visitors.  But today's message seems so profound, and it feels like something that needs to be shared on as wide a stage as possible.  So here you go...

The cards:

  • 3/wands (R)
  • Queen/pentacles
  • 9/cups (R)
  • The World (R)
  • King/Cups
  • Knight/pentacles (R)
  • 5/wands (R)
  • 10/swords (R)
  • 2/pentacles

There's been a lot of "water under the bridge" where this couple is concerned. There has been broken promises; inconsistent patterns of behavior; and actions with some pretty questionable motives. There has also been consistent squabbling and a whole period of time of confrontations and arguments, leading to a terrible and very negative atmosphere, which doesn't sound like something that would be very enjoyable to be living with.

In the end, it's going to be all about someone finding a way to re-establish a healthy balance in their lives. It's going to be all about someone being able to pull themselves out from under a negative set of circumstances to set themselves up for a healthier lifestyle, a healthier relationship, or a new and healthy solitary existence.

As a witness to an older set of morals and an older style of living, I can see where we need to look at situations like this from a fresh new perspective. In my grandmother's day, a married or committed couple stayed together no matter what, and this resulted in some pretty miserable lives, as I can attest to.

My grandmother divorced a man in the 1960s to escape an abusive relationship, only to remarry him months later due to extreme societal and familial pressure. It was as big a mistake the second time as it was the first time.

I'm hoping that we live in a less judgemental era, and I'd like to think that we do. But you know what? I still listen to disparaging things said about women who have decided to end a marriage or a committed relationship here in the 21st century.

We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.

If this reading is for you, and you find yourself in an abusive relationship, or even simply an unhappy relationship, do not hesitate to exit this set of circumstances. Do not allow yourself to be pressured to stay where you are not happy in a situation that is not healthy for you.

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