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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Women ~ Warning About FB Groups for Women


Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, that's what my grandmother would say, and it sure is.  Ladies be aware that some of those "all women" FB groups you've joined are not necessarily being run by women.  Following below, you'll see two FB posts that I made as a warning as I was disovering these shenanigans in real time:

  • 1)  6-25-24   Interesting... I belonged to a group called "Laugh With Women", supposedly pretty much a woman's group, which honestly I have to admit was funny and interesting. But during the course of comments on one post at this group, someone discovered and revealed that these posts were actually being put up by some guy in Spain. I took a look, hopping from the Admin's group profile, to view their FB profile, which was pretty sparse and kind of sketchy, with lots of those polished fake photos men use to get women friends, you know what I mean -- the lady was right. When I realized this and was leaving a confirmation post on this lady's comment, suddenly everything disappeared. I unexpectedly and without warning no longer had access to this group, or to this individual's profile. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! Nothing is what it seems to be.
  • 2)  6-25-24   I found another one!! I have family members at this group: Laugh with the Ladies (the original)... you guys, this is supposed to be a FB group FOR WOMEN, but of the 7 Admins, six are men and they have their personal FB profiles "Locked". There's a link to the Admin Page in the comments [you'll find that link above at this blog post]. Please check it out and see what you think? Doesn't it seem a little odd that a group Only For Women is Admin'ed by men???? I'd report this to FB, but I doubt it would do any good. Be careful out there!!

This group is only for women for laughter and fun
Admins & moderators · 7
Said Saad
Works at Capgemini Engineering
Simo Sekkoum
Works at Capgemini Maroc
Rachid Skif
Chief Information Security Officer at Aeroport Mohamed V
Skif Rachid
ENSA Khouribga - Formation Continue
Hicham Khattar
Hafid Alawi
Casablanca, Morocco
Yassine Mido
Casablanca, Morocco

Here is A Link to the Admin's page, where you can click on their name to go to their "group profile", and from there click on "view profile" to go to their FB profiles.

I just visited this site a few minutes ago and these guys are posting like crazy. I took two screen shots of posts that contained links, encouraging older women to join these FB groups for "women over 50" and for "old timers".

These "women's groups" at Facebook are not legitmate. They are not what they want you to think they are. We can assume that these individuals are trying to draw in older women for the purpose of romance scams. I know this is only an assumption, but it's a pretty good assumption at that. It's clear what's going on.

Ladies, please be careful and cautious of any "women's groups" on Facebook.

I don't know how to report this, or who to report this to, because FB isn't very user friendly in this respect. If there's anyone out there who knows how to contact the proper agency or individuals, please do. And you have to wonder exactly how many of these fake groups are out there, groups being run by predators with the perfect platform for their nefarious use.

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