This is so sad, and I'm really trying to understand it. A lady that I knew for years on the internet, at one time part of an online coven, suddenly and without warning, dropped her pagan spirituality like a hot potato. That was sad. The part I'm trying to understand is her husband. From the photos and the stories she told, the activities they were into, the drumming circles they participated in, the holidays that filled their year with family dinners and pagan traditions, her husband seemed as happy on his pagan path as she was. When she made her jaw-dropping jettisoned return to mainstream religion, her husband seemed to follow suit without a breath of protest.
Was he, or is he, just following blindly along as far as spirituality is concerned to keep his wife happy?
Doesn't his feelings and personal beliefs and desires count?
Did he have a choice, or is she domineering, and he chooses to do what will make his life comfortable without making waves?
Her own 180 degree turn about was mind boggling in itself. I understand that an individual may experience many types of spiritual enlightenments and spend a great deal of their life exploring this realm on a variety of levels. But it's usually a gradual thing, an interest sparked, an internal debate ensues, there will be signs and conversations, there may be gradual changes on someone's social sites, and a myriad of other signs that something is about to morph. But with this woman, it was just out of the blue, and it left friends and coven sisters shocked.
Believe me, I wished this woman well on her new old journey, and held no animosity against her. I was prepared to go on being friends and keep in contact because she was/is a sweet lady and one whom I enjoyed chatting with. However, as most people do when they make a big change in their life in this department, she wound up unfriending and abandoning many of the people that she knew and had developed close and warm friendships with in her pagan life.
Why can't people continue to be friends even though there are some major differences in certain aspects of their lives? This I don't understand. I have friends of many faiths. I have friends of various political persuasion. I have friends with polar opposite life styles.
How can someone who claimed to be your friend, who seemed to like you immensely, just one day decide to cut you off because of a shift in their spirituality? I liked this woman when she was a pagan, and I was perfectly willing to go on liking this woman as a Christian.
- Home
- My Books @ Amazon
- My Website: The Tarot Parlour
- My Website: The Witch's Corner
- Amythyst @ Tumblr
- Amythyst @ Pintrest
- My YouTube ~ Spirits n' Stuff
- My Youtube ~ Phoenix Rising
- My YouTube ~ The Mystic Crone
- Journaling ~ The Psychic
- Journaling ~ The Paranormal
- Journaling ~ Tarot Meditations
- Tarot Inspired Tales
- The Goddess ~ Matriarchal Divinity
- The Goddess Connection
- The Chakras
- The Elements
- Crystals & Stones
- Pagan Holidays
- Magickal Herbs
- Rituals
- Divination
- Book of Shadows ~ A Grimoire
- Magickal Correspondences
- Relationships ~ Issues & Advice
- Motherpeace Tarot Journey
Welcome to my blog!
I don't know how your phones and devices work, but the videos and the links work better when I scroll to the bottom of this page and click on View Web Version. If you don't, you're going to miss out on all sorts of cool stuff that is included in the right sidebar... and it's prettier.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The Week Ahead Tarot Spread ~ Cards & Interpretations
Hello, World!... I'm going to be spending less time re-posting between Magickal Connections and Every Cat Has a Tale. This was suppose to be the blog I shared more of my Personal Stuff on, and I'm going to swing it back to that mode. For blog posts on witchcraft and tarot, you'll have to travel on over to Magickal Connections. And if you're not already, you might want to sign up at MC so that you'll receive an email when I post a new article.
The Week Ahead Tarot Spread ~ Interpretations

Saturday, September 22, 2018
The Witch's Corner ~ October Newsletter & Video
The Witch’s Corner Newsletter ~
Video Contents ~
Court Case Spells/DUI & Consequences
Samhain Special/Talking about Black Cat Oil
Tarot Card for the Day/Cutting things out of my life
My Sedona Crystals/and my ley line experiences!
Final Footage/Hiking trail in the Grand Canyon
The Witch’s Corner ~
Court Case Spells ~
Oils, Potions, n’ Powders/more information on Black Cat Oil, scroll down! ~
In-House Readings ~ My Last Public Readings
I’ll be giving tarot readings at Next Millennium Friday, September 28th 3-7pm. This will be the last time I’m giving public tarot readings. Thank you to Next Millennium for hosting me all these years! In the future, I will be providing Audio or Video readings only, and those can be purchased at my tarot website:
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have come for readings over the past years, and especially to those of you who kept coming back! It’s been my pleasure reading for you.
If you haven’t experienced an audio reading, visit The Tarot Parlour and give it a spin. You’ll discover that these are a fast and easy way to obtain a uniquely personal reading. I read for people all over the world, and through the magick of technology we’ve made some amazing tarot connections.
Blessings, Amythyst
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have come for readings over the past years, and especially to those of you who kept coming back! It’s been my pleasure reading for you.
If you haven’t experienced an audio reading, visit The Tarot Parlour and give it a spin. You’ll discover that these are a fast and easy way to obtain a uniquely personal reading. I read for people all over the world, and through the magick of technology we’ve made some amazing tarot connections.
Blessings, Amythyst
Saturday, September 8, 2018
A Post Before My Trip
In the wee hours of Sunday night (or early Monday morning), some of my kids and I will be headed for the Omaha airport where we’re flying out to Arizona. There are connections there now that I feel will grow with the years. I’m going to take advantage of this trip to immerse myself in Sedona for a few days and then go on to the Grand Canyon. I’m such an incurable home-body that this is a step away from my usual existence, ensconced in my old house and the busy rooms, enjoying the woodsy wild back yard, and just being surrounded by and appreciating our multitude of pets (mostly cats, 6 of them black), and all of this in perfect contentment.
But destiny calls.
I’ve been going through checklists of things to do, things to get, things to address, before leaving. The house-sitter is set with a loaded pantry and fridge and an abundance of pet supplies. Financial things are done, and strangely enough most of my monthly household bills have come in and been paid, so that’s one less thing to think about. I have to pack today (Saturday), and I have one more work-as-usual day coming up (Sunday). And then, we’re off!
I’ll be posting regular updates, photos, and video clips both at my Instagram and at my main Facebook page:
I’ve managed to get a few last minute witchy business things done, which were also on my list, including my Samhain Special at The Witch’s Corner: follow this link and scroll down, it’s right there
But destiny calls.
I’ve been going through checklists of things to do, things to get, things to address, before leaving. The house-sitter is set with a loaded pantry and fridge and an abundance of pet supplies. Financial things are done, and strangely enough most of my monthly household bills have come in and been paid, so that’s one less thing to think about. I have to pack today (Saturday), and I have one more work-as-usual day coming up (Sunday). And then, we’re off!
I’ll be posting regular updates, photos, and video clips both at my Instagram and at my main Facebook page:
I’ve managed to get a few last minute witchy business things done, which were also on my list, including my Samhain Special at The Witch’s Corner: follow this link and scroll down, it’s right there
I’ve put together a charming little bag to celebrate Samhain and draw in the spirits, spirits of the season and spirits we wish to communicate with. Samhain is traditionally a time to connect with our ancestors and especially loved ones who have passed.
Honor your ancestors, and honor the spirit of Samhain,
with these magickal items.
with these magickal items.
The Samhain Special:
a white spirit dollie,
a bottle of Black Cat Oil,
and a black votive candle
a bottle of Black Cat Oil,
and a black votive candle
*Note: The Black Cat Oil included in this offer
is safe for your skin, so feel free to wear it!
It’s my own recipe, and it
smells wonderful!
is safe for your skin, so feel free to wear it!
It’s my own recipe, and it
smells wonderful!

From The Tarot Parlour ~
Audio Readings
With Samhain right around the corner, the end of the year coming, so many of us are questioning so many things about our lives. There’s relationships and the changes that come with them, the doubts, the questions, the mystery of it all. Some of us have reached pivotal points where jobs and careers are concerned.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Is this it? Is this all there is to my life? Is this where I’m suppose to be?”… you’re more than ready for a reading to find some answers.
Follow this link and scroll down to order
an Audio Reading
an Audio Reading
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Magick, Mysticism, The Tarot Parlor ~ & some changes
If you visit The Tarot Parlour, you’ll notice that a lot of options for readings through several types of mediums are no longer available. I’ll only be offering Audio Readings (in a wide variety of spreads & prices), and Video readings ($85) for a 9 card spread. You’ll also find a video on this page that was taped for a client so that you get an idea of what a personal video reading is like. (It’s a lot like sitting across the table from me, but you’ll be watching it on Youtube.)
I think this is called “semi-retirement”. I want to share my gift by doing what I love, and I love taping audio readings for my clients in the privacy of my home, usually ensconced at one of my patio tables in my wild and woodsy back yard. This is the most profound way that I connect with the cards and the cards connect with me. It’s magickal.
The video below is a promotional video I created for The Tarot Parlour, and I must admit I had a hoot playing with the special effects. Have a magickal day, and if Spirit is calling to you, book a reading with me so that we can get a clearer picture.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
"You're Doing it Wrong" ~ How do you respond?
So, when someone tells you that you're practicing witchcraft the "wrong way", doing something "wrong", whether it's about what herbs you're using to make a particular oil, or what stone to use for what purpose, how do you respond?
Have you ever told someone that they're doing something the wrong way?
This blog post takes a hard look at superiority and opinionated ideas within the pagan community. It also takes a look at how a lot of us learn and practice the Craft. This blog post has a special place of honor at my OTHER BLOG, and that's where you'll have to go to read it. (click on the link in the big loud in-your-face caps)
Monday, August 27, 2018
Enchanted Bracelets ~ Make a wish!
Enchanted Bracelets
Included with your enchanted wish bracelet:
A white tea candle anointed with essential oil to set
your wish in motion and three incense cones to seal the deal.
your wish in motion and three incense cones to seal the deal.

Choose Your Enchantment
& Make Your Purchase HERE
& Make Your Purchase HERE
Earth Wish
Scent: Peppermint
Scent: Peppermint
For prosperity, abundance, and good health.
Air Wish
Scent: Nag Champa
For mental clarity, connection to your creative muse,
and opening up channels of communication
and opening up channels of communication
Fire Wish
Scent: Rose
For passion in life, to draw friendship,
love, and soul mates
love, and soul mates
Water Wish
Scent: Frankincense
To heighten your intuition, increase your
psychic abilities, and open your third eye.
psychic abilities, and open your third eye.
Jupiter Wish
Scent: Lavendar
For success with business ventures,
good luck in court cases.
good luck in court cases.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Witch's Corner Merch going up @ Zazzle!
Follow the Link ~

87 items are up and available with more
going up almost daily… Check It Out!

mouse pads,
much more,
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
My September Newsletter ~ What's in it?
The Witch's Corner ~
September Newsletter... click HERE
Where did the summer go?? September is finally around the corner, or already upon us, depending upon when you're reading this. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and it never lasts long enough, so I'm delighted to create my newsletter, blog posts, videos, and anything else with images of fall. This month you'll find an interesting array of diverse articles, a monthly video, as well as links. You'll also find products available at The Witch's Corner. Need a mojo bag, a voodoo doll, a magickal oil, but you need it very personalized to you and your unique situation?
Email me at and I'll work with you.
Customer satisfaction is my goal.
My monthly video:
The monthly NEWSLETTER VIDEO was a hoot taping. It's a loaded Q&A, and here's questions that are included (I hope I didn't leave anything out!)...
1. Can you break a binding spell?
2. My roommate has a negative reaction to saging, can you explain this?
3. Are there any bad effects to casting spells many times for one intention?
4. How can I tell if I'm a witch?
5. Am I too old to begin a journey into The Craft?
6. Do you have any advice for witches in the closet?
7. Are Sabbat dates different in different parts of the world?
8. Are spells done with the help of spirits; will it backfire; can spells be done without the help of spirits?
9. Are tarot card readings done with the help of spirits?
10. Are there any "anti-magick" materials out there, things that would reverse a spell?
11. Can an old evil eye (object) bring you bad luck?
12. Can a schizophrenic be a witch?
My online Book of Shadows ~
Contents of the September Issue:
September Newsletter... click HERE
Where did the summer go?? September is finally around the corner, or already upon us, depending upon when you're reading this. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and it never lasts long enough, so I'm delighted to create my newsletter, blog posts, videos, and anything else with images of fall. This month you'll find an interesting array of diverse articles, a monthly video, as well as links. You'll also find products available at The Witch's Corner. Need a mojo bag, a voodoo doll, a magickal oil, but you need it very personalized to you and your unique situation?
Email me at and I'll work with you.
Customer satisfaction is my goal.
My monthly video:
The monthly NEWSLETTER VIDEO was a hoot taping. It's a loaded Q&A, and here's questions that are included (I hope I didn't leave anything out!)...
1. Can you break a binding spell?
2. My roommate has a negative reaction to saging, can you explain this?
3. Are there any bad effects to casting spells many times for one intention?
4. How can I tell if I'm a witch?
5. Am I too old to begin a journey into The Craft?
6. Do you have any advice for witches in the closet?
7. Are Sabbat dates different in different parts of the world?
8. Are spells done with the help of spirits; will it backfire; can spells be done without the help of spirits?
9. Are tarot card readings done with the help of spirits?
10. Are there any "anti-magick" materials out there, things that would reverse a spell?
11. Can an old evil eye (object) bring you bad luck?
12. Can a schizophrenic be a witch?
My online Book of Shadows ~
Contents of the September Issue:
- September Moon/Wine Moon
- Autumn Equinox/Mabon
- Pagan Holiday/Mabon/Correspondences
- My Celebration
- Magikal Katz
- September/Crafting Your Magick
- This Reading is for YOU!
- Court Case Mojo*
- I Am Not a Lot of Things
- Video: The Witch's Sabbat, Mabon by MsJulieCarol

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Video ~ Sneak Preview
I tape my newsletter videos early and get them uploaded at Youtube because they need to be in order for me to post them in my Witch's Corner Newsletter, which I'm working on early, as most editors do, usually I'm working about a month ahead. September's issue is actually pretty much ready to go, and I'll be releasing it around August 26th. But... the subscribers to my Youtube channel know exactly when I've uploaded a new video, so this newsletter video gets some early views, and that's what I'm giving my readers here at Every Cat.
The contents of this newsletter video includes the following:
Q&A ~
1. Can you break a binding spell?
2. My roommate has a negative reaction to saging, can you explain this?
3. Are there any bad effects to casting spells many times for one intention?
4. How can I tell if I'm a witch?
5. Am I too old to begin a journey into The Craft?
6. Do you have any advice for witches in the closet?
7. Are Sabbat dates different in different parts of the world?
8. Are spells done with the help of spirits; will it backfire; can spells be done without the help of spirits?
9. Are tarot card readings done with the help of spirits?
10. Are there any "anti-magick" materials out there, things that would reverse a spell?
11. Can an old evil eye (object) bring you bad luck?
12. Can a schizophrenic be a witch?
At Magickal Connections, my online Book of Shadows ~
The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~
Sunday, August 12, 2018
In-House Tarot Readings @ Next Millennium!
I’ll be giving tarot readings at Next Millennium on Friday, August 17th. The readings are $25.00 for 15 minutes. There will be a sheet on the counter where you can sign up for your reading. Get there early to sign up for your spot, I was pretty busy last month!
PS ~ The shop closes at 7pm. As a courtesy to the employees, I won’t start a reading after 6:45.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Special Book Offer! ~ Limited Time ~ Limited Quantity
When you purchase the audio reading, "Three's A Charm" ($45.00), you'll receive a FREE author's copy of "Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way". I have a handful of author copies that are proofs, they are perfectly readable though they are not the finalized edition, and there are only a handful of these copies in existence.
Follow this link ~
Monday, July 23, 2018
What's in the August Newsletter?
The August newsletter video: As I was taping this episode the weather was becoming *Darker and Darker and Darker* and soon it began to rain, so during various sections of this video you may hear the rhythmic plunk, plunk plunk of water leaking around the sky-lights on my porch roof, you may hear the steady sound of rain, and occasionally the wind will rise. It's all good. There's a nice Q&A section at the beginning where I explain a little bit about my online coven experience and why I won't do it again; you'll also hear some court case questions, as well as other questions and answers dealing with Black Cat Oil and the use of Rosemary & Amythyst in the bedroom.
The second portion of this video deals with my personal experience with Independent Publishing. I really believe that this is a new wave for the future. There's also informal chatting about writing, deciding to write a book, and snippets of all kinds of ideas based around this topic. Hope you enjoy our visit though this video and the awesome summer weather!! Other videos include: Natural Magick the Gray Witch Way The Witch's Corner ~ Florida Water, Lode Stones, Love Magick Articles:
- August Moon
- August Moon Magick
- Pagan Holiday
- Lammas
- August ~ Crafting Your Magick
- Radio Interview ~ with Spaced Out Radio and host David Scott
- Tarot Lesson Today ~ Princess of Swords
- Binding a Gossip
- Plantain ~ Magickal & Mundane
- Money Magick ~ What else could it be?
click HERE

Saturday, July 21, 2018
Tarot Insights ~ All 12 Signs ~ July 2018
WARNING: The extremely blunt assessment of some of the zodiac signs may be offensive to some people. These readings are channeled for the energy of a Zodiac Sign, Not An Individual. No disrespect is meant, I just communicated honestly what was coming through the cards for me. Also, this is an "F-Bomb" warning.
The first reading, for Pisces, is relatively tame. After that the energy becomes very pointed, outspoken, and often brutally honest. These readings are channeled for Sun Signs, Moon Signs, & Rising Signs.
If you enjoy these FREE readings, and you would like to support this reader so that she can continue to produce these videos, it might be nice if you would occasionally PURCHASE a PERSONAL reading from her tarot website: The Tarot Parlour
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Spiritual Feminism ~ What's it all about?
What's it all about?... It's about embracing the feminine divine. It's about matriarchal divinity and the mysteries revealed. It's about connecting with the feminine aspect of Spirit. It's about connecting with 45 goddesses from around the world! -- Cultural Appropriation... Bring it on! I'm an American; I'm a blend of numerous cultures and peoples with every generational step back I take... from parents, to grandparents, to great-grandparents, great-great grandparents, and beyond. It's all about learning how to incorporate Spirit into our lives; it's about learning to love ourselves and feed our egos with healthy affirmations. It's about self-empowerment; it's about learning to empower and support each other!
Listen to the following radio interview for an
in-depth discussion on these topics and more!
in-depth discussion on these topics and more!
You'll find all of this and more in my book,
The Spiritual Feminist
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Florida Water Recipe
Does anyone need a recipe to make their own Florida Water? Yes?... Well, here it is:
Two cups of vodka or any alcohol of your preference
Two tablespoon of orange flower water
6 drops of essential oil of bergamot
6 drops of essential oil of rosemary
6 drops of essential oil of lavender
6 drops of essential oil of rose attar
3 drops of essential oil of sage
2 drops of essential oil of neroli
Mix all of these ingredients together and let it sit for a couple days. Note that you can adjust any of the essential oils, strength-wise, to attain a scent that is to your liking.
If there's anyone reading this who doesn't know what Florida Water is used for, it's mainly for cleansing and protection, but there are other uses I'm going to list below. There is a company who produces a marketable brand of Florida Water, and you can find them online easy. (So I'm going to be lazy and not go searching for it right now.)
Here's a list of uses for you, but that's not saying that some of you might not think of a few new ways to use Florida Water:
1. Cleanse your house by adding salt and Florida Water to a bucket of water and mop the floors.
2. Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.
3. Cleanse your altar and your magical space before casting a circle.
4. Provide it as a thank you gift to the deities or energies you're working with.
5. Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.
6. Put Florida Water in your palms and clap them to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.
7. It can be used in your rooms for a Happy Home and to combat melancholy and depression.
8. Florida Water can replace Holy water in magical practices and rituals.
9. Add Florida Water and Van Van oil together in order to attract better clientele.
10. Use it to dress candles for magical spells and rituals for Protection, Communication with Spirits, Cleansing and Breaking Hexes, and to remove malevolent magic.
11. Add a few drops to a bottle of ink and use it to empower your written petitions.
Two cups of vodka or any alcohol of your preference
Two tablespoon of orange flower water
6 drops of essential oil of bergamot
6 drops of essential oil of rosemary
6 drops of essential oil of lavender
6 drops of essential oil of rose attar
3 drops of essential oil of sage
2 drops of essential oil of neroli
Mix all of these ingredients together and let it sit for a couple days. Note that you can adjust any of the essential oils, strength-wise, to attain a scent that is to your liking.
If there's anyone reading this who doesn't know what Florida Water is used for, it's mainly for cleansing and protection, but there are other uses I'm going to list below. There is a company who produces a marketable brand of Florida Water, and you can find them online easy. (So I'm going to be lazy and not go searching for it right now.)
Here's a list of uses for you, but that's not saying that some of you might not think of a few new ways to use Florida Water:
1. Cleanse your house by adding salt and Florida Water to a bucket of water and mop the floors.
2. Cleanse your magical items and crystals with a cloth and Florida Water.
3. Cleanse your altar and your magical space before casting a circle.
4. Provide it as a thank you gift to the deities or energies you're working with.
5. Use it in your bath by adding a few drops in the water to cleanse your aura and rejuvenate the senses.
6. Put Florida Water in your palms and clap them to raise vibrations and to give you a quick energy boost.
7. It can be used in your rooms for a Happy Home and to combat melancholy and depression.
8. Florida Water can replace Holy water in magical practices and rituals.
9. Add Florida Water and Van Van oil together in order to attract better clientele.
10. Use it to dress candles for magical spells and rituals for Protection, Communication with Spirits, Cleansing and Breaking Hexes, and to remove malevolent magic.
11. Add a few drops to a bottle of ink and use it to empower your written petitions.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Breaking Another Barrier
Good morning, World! I start today off with an email from my publisher ~ "The Gray Witch's Grimoire" has broken another sales barrier! Whoop! These milestones are happy events that make all those weeks and months of working on a book worth-while and satisfying! Below are links to purchase this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or directly from Moon Books.

You can purchase this book at ~
Barnes & Noble:
Moon Books:

You can purchase this book at ~
Barnes & Noble:
Moon Books:
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
What's in the July issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter?
The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~
Below are the articles and essays you'll find in the July issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~
Below are the articles and essays you'll find in the July issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter ~
- This is Magick
- 21 Summer Memories
- The King of Cups
- Elemental Invocation
- July's Moon and Moon Magick
- July ~ Crafting Your Magick
- Crystals and Stones ~ A Crystal Grid (video)
- Herbs and Planetary Connections
- The Newsletter Video
- Special Tarot Offer for July

Saturday, June 23, 2018
Zodiac Tarot Insights ~ Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Sagittarius
TIME STAMPS: Virgo/2:32; Libra/10:34; Scorpio/18:28; Sagittarius/25:44
These are general readings for an energy, not an individual. If you'd like a personal reading with me, geared specifically to you, book a reading at, The Tarot Parlour ~
You don’t know your Moon or Rising sign? Follow these links below to FREE calculators that will help you find both. Some months your Moon and Rising signs might resonate more with you than your Sun sign.
Rising Sign Calculator:
Moon Sign Calculator:
More links ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~
BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Zodiac Tarot Insights ~ Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, & Leo
TIME STAMPS: Taurus/00:41; Gemini/18:05; Cancer/28:46; Leo/45:04
These are general readings for an energy, not an individual. If you'd like a personal reading with me, geared specifically to you, book a reading at, The Tarot Parlour ~
Monday, June 18, 2018
The Witch's Corner July Newsletter ~ And Newsletter Video!
The Witch's Corner July Newsletter is out! ~
Welcome to July's Newsletter!

This month's newsletter is filled with all kinds of random information, articles, topics, videos, and Magick. ~Enjoy!
I'm also posting THIS MONTH'S VIDEO in this blog because there are blog readers waiting for answers to their questions. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your questions. We all wish you the best! We hope that you can find solutions to the circumstances you face, and find answers to the questions you seek. Bright Blessings from The Witch's Corner.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
In-House Tarot Readings June 29th!
In-House Tarot Readings!
Next Millennium
3141 N 93rd St, Omaha NE
I'll be giving live in-house Tarot Readings
at Next Millennium
on this date:

Receive a tarot reading with tarot author, Amythyst Raine. What's in the cards for you?...romance? a career change? a new adventure or journey? Life is full of endless possibilities, and an intuitive tarot reading gives you guidance, perspective, and insight to meet these possibilities with reassurance and self-confidence.
Be sure to get there early and SIGN UP for your reading!
Readings are $25.00 for 15 minutes.
See you @ Next Millennium!
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Zodiac Tarot Insights ~ Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
TIME STAMPS: Capricorn/1:41; Aquarius/8:42; Pisces/19:38; Aries/29:23
These are general readings for an energy, not an individual. If you'd like a personal reading with me, geared specifically to you, book a reading at, The Tarot Parlour ~
You don’t know your Moon or Rising sign? Follow these links below to FREE calculators that will help you find both. Some months your Moon and Rising signs might resonate more with you than your Sun sign.
Rising Sign Calculator: Moon Sign Calculator:
More links ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~
BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
My Magick Box ~ Specialty Item
"My Magick Box" ~ specialty item, only one available.
Follow this link:
![]() |
The items shown here are the actual items included in this box. Click on the image to make it larger. |
This box is loaded with magickal goodies for the new witch, and would be the perfect "Starter Kit". This box would also be just the thing for the seasoned witch who wants to add some new items to her magickal cupboard. It is the perfect witchy gift!
1) Candles ~ 3 white votive candles, ready to set with any intention; and three black votive candles ready to disperse negative energy, uncross crossed conditions, and to provide protection
2) Oils ~ uncrossing oil; money oil; love oil; protection oil; black cat oil
3) Herbs ~ rosemary, sage, mint, cloves and rose petals; for beauty/blessing, cleansing, money/prosperity, protection, and love
4) Incense ~ 12 Nag Champa cones
5) One rose quartz pendulum in a black velvet bag ~ the perfect divination tool
6) Four stones ~ one for each of the four elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water
6) Four stones ~ one for each of the four elements; Earth, Air, Fire, Water
7) Voodoo Dollies ~ red, for love; green, for money or health; black, for protection.
8) Book of Shadows ~ a pink leather bound journal (pen included)
8) Book of Shadows ~ a pink leather bound journal (pen included)
9) Other items included: straight pins; ribbons...white, red, green, black; 8 white gauze drawstring bags; sea salt; cemetery dirt; coffin nails
My Magick Box
+ postage
+ postage
*NOTE: Upon ordering this item, you pay $10.99 towards shipping.
There may be more postage owed, depending upon your location,
and I'll email you this information.
There may be more postage owed, depending upon your location,
and I'll email you this information.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Choosing Crystals & Stones for Your Home
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Tattoo Tarot ~ The Rose Spread (video)
This is a general reading. I thought about focusing on an astrological sign, or doing it anonymously for an individual, but then I thought... leave the energy open so that whoever needs to receive the message will be drawn to it.
I love this deck! You can purchase your own deck of "Tattoo Tarot" at
Purchase a personal tarot reading with Amythyst Raine @ The Tarot Parlour ~
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
It's Q&A Time Again! ~ Questions from Blog Readers (video)
This video contains questions posted by my blog readers at Magickal Connections. It consists of some pretty desperate personal situations along with how-to questions when it comes to some of the spells at my online Book of Shadows.
Please be respectful in the comments. There are a lot of people out there going through some very rough times. I know that sometimes it’s difficult to be objective, but that’s what I try very hard to do with each individual that submits a comment at my blog, website, or YouTube channel. With that said, note that I do not hesitate to give sound (sometimes difficult to listen to) mundane advice, especially when personal problems or issues are coming up due to poor decisions and life choices. We also have to realize that these brief comments don’t give us all the facts, and they come from unknown and unsubstantiated sources.
To my readers who posted these questions ~ I hope that you were able to find some help here, along with a little inspiration and encouragement! I wish you all the best on both your magickal and your mundane adventures.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
The June Newsletter is Out!
Be sure to take advantage of this month's "Special Offer"! You must use the Paypal Widget in this newsletter to purchase June's Special Offer. This offer expires the end of June, the specific date is not determined.
You'll find lot's of information and inspiration in The Witch's Corner June Newsletter! Follow the link ~
#June #newsletter #witchcraft #herbs #crystals #psychicoil #JuneMoon #crafting #tarot #witch #wicca #pagan #thewitchscorner #amythystraine

The June Special ~ Purchase a $25.00 Audio Tarot Reading & receive a free jar of Protection Salt. Use the Paypal widget at the bottom of the June newsletter to make this purchase…

You'll find lot's of information and inspiration in The Witch's Corner June Newsletter! Follow the link ~
#June #newsletter #witchcraft #herbs #crystals #psychicoil #JuneMoon #crafting #tarot #witch #wicca #pagan #thewitchscorner #amythystraine

The June Special ~ Purchase a $25.00 Audio Tarot Reading & receive a free jar of Protection Salt. Use the Paypal widget at the bottom of the June newsletter to make this purchase…

Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Q&A ~ with Amythst Raine (video)
Published on May 22, 2018
This video was originally made for the June 2018 issue of The Witch's Corner Newsletter. Watch for the June issue coming soon ~
Thank you for all the thought provoking questions! I answered them as honestly as I could. I'm impressed with the depth and the amount of thought you put into them.
More links ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~
BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~
The Music for this video ~
"English Country Garden"... found in the Youtube Library.
Thank you for all the thought provoking questions! I answered them as honestly as I could. I'm impressed with the depth and the amount of thought you put into them.
More links ~
The Witch’s Corner ~
Magickal Connections ~
BOOKS, by author Amythyst Raine @ Amazon ~
The Music for this video ~
"English Country Garden"... found in the Youtube Library.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Friday, May 18, 2018
Friday, May 25th ~ Live In-House Tarot Readings @ Next Millennium!
In-House Tarot Readings!
Next Millennium
3141 N 93rd St, Omaha NE
I'll be giving live in-house Tarot Readings
at Next Millennium
on this date:
Friday, May 25th

Receive a tarot reading with tarot author, Amythyst Raine. What's in the cards for you?...romance? a career change? a new adventure or journey? Life is full of endless possibilities, and an intuitive tarot reading gives you guidance, perspective, and insight to meet these possibilities with reassurance and self-confidence.
Be sure to get there early and SIGN UP for your reading!
Readings are $25.00 for 15 minutes.
See you @ Next Millennium!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
New @ The Witch's Corner ~ Hoodoo Salts
*NOTE: The salts found on this post are "hoodoo salts" created for magickal purposes and are not meant to be consumed or used on the skin, or in the bath. You'll find Magickal Salts created specifically for bath & body purposes on this page:

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A simple salt spell for your home ~ place a small bowl of protection salt in each room. |
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Hoodoo Salts from The Witch's Corner |
Uncrossing Salt:
Salt to Soothe & Calm:
Salt to Draw Love:
Salt for Protection:
Salt for Prosperity:
Salt to Banish:
Lusty Sex Salt:
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