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The Spiritual Feminist by Amythyst Raine helps connect us to the Goddesses and shows us how to invoke their energy. We are introduced to forty-five Goddesses and shown ways to embrace each one through charities and other causes. We are also given a correspondence of herbs, animals, colors, and planetary influences. We are shown a woman’s life through the elements. We are also shown the Goddess in tarot and also the wisdom of wise-women. We are given correspondences for working rituals and magick. This book is filled with wisdom about the Goddesses and women and their connection to her. I would recommend this book to any woman who wants to get in touch with the Goddess and learn more about herself as a woman. ~ LovetoreadThere is much wisdom and enchantment to be found in The Spiritual Feminist. The amount of information revealed will be welcomed by anyone wanting to travel along the Goddess Path. Amythyst Raine has poured her heart and soul into this charming book and I hope to read more from this wisdom-filled author. I sense this will make a remarkable companion book to Naming the Goddess and many other volumes on Goddess Spirituality. ~ Vivienne Moss
I recommend this book to women everywhere who desire to get more in touch with their femininity and power or who feel estranged from the world of women for whatever reason. I am so glad that Goddess is back and that she is such a rollicking powerhouse! ~ Landis Vance, spiritmountainwilds.com
“An overview of the woman/Goddess life through the seasons encourages us to find the Goddess within via poetically described rituals and energy work. There are also quite a few recipes to try from the author’s kitchen!… All in all, this is a very good informative read.” ~ Maja Todorovic at Eternal Haunted Summer, http://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/summer-solstice-2015/the-spiritual-feminist/
Part devotional, part grimoire and part empowerment manual, The Spiritual Feminist offers readers her-stories, anecdotes and correspondences for dozens of goddesses. A wise, accessible and often irreverent guide, author Amythyst Raine reveals the Goddess in us all, showing women of all ages how to honor, embody and invoke Her many facets. Once I began reading The Spiritual Feminist, I couldn’t stop. The feeling of understanding, and being understood, forged an intimate connection to the Goddess—riveting me to the page—stirring spiritual yearnings and opening new ways of seeing Her…almost as if for the first time. ~ Janet Boyer, Amazon.com Hall of Fame Reviewer, PaganSquare Sacred Symbols blogger and author of Back in Time Tarot, Naked Tarot and other titles
I’m not sure if you know or not but in September I had a heart attack and open heart surgery, and with the recovery process, I became a little depressed. Your book came to me at the perfect time, because reading it really lifted my spirits and gave me back my womanhood. The Information on the Goddesses of different belief systems is very interesting, and the personal life experiences, with the added touch of your “Craft”, makes this book very inspiring for women. ~ Melita Kim Foster-Yates Truitt (Mystikal Melita) owner of Witchy Wisdom Network, witchywisdom.ning.com
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