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Thursday, May 18, 2023

PODCAST, Short n' Sweet ~ 3 Scenarios, including being excluded & is this relationship salvageable


Today's scenarios: 

1) Wheel of Fortune (reversed) 

scenario 1: someone is interacting with the judicial system and you feel very alone at this time, very vulnerable. 

scenario 2: someone got thrown out of a group, excluded for very unfair reasons. 

2) Princess/pentacles 

A younger individual is tasting new-found freedom and independence, and there's someone close to you who is profoundly affected by this. 

3) The World (reversed)/knight of wands, reversed & knight of swords 

There is a feud or competition between these two knights that is escalating. Is it too late to salvage the relationship?

Note: I do "Short n' Sweet" videos with one-card-draws (usually) to bring up a variety of scenarios and situations that the universe and spirit may want to bring to our attention. If one of these scenarios resonates with you, you can request a free expanded reading on the topic by emailing me with your request. 

To be eligible for these FREE readings you must: 

  • 1) be a subscriber to my YouTube channel 
  • 2) click the "like" button on the short n' sweet video you're requesting the reading from. 

"Likes" show up for me privately on my stats page, as do subscribers. 

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Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdCNVN_DP56gv0Uv5L3ZCRg

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