- Knight/Pentacles ~ Taurus… Earth/Fire
Keywords ~ stable, stubborn, level-headed, honest, spoiled, tantrum thrower, jealous, loving, defensive, insecure, independent, thought provoking, helpful, generous, argumentative, childish
The Dark Side ~
This Knight’s calm quiet exterior can often mask a churning anger and volatile temper. He’s often a spoiled soul who feels the need to get his way, to manipulate the people and circumstances around him, and to be adored during all of it. He loves praise, his vanity glows and twinkles with every moment of adulation he can squeeze out of a situation. His worst nightmare would be to be seen as he really is, because deep down he knows. He works hard to maintain a noble and admirable reputation.
And if this Knight doesn’t get his way? He’ll throw a tantrum, reducing his public persona from that of a shining and exemplary Knight, to a spoiled five year old child laying on the floor, kicking and screaming. He’s also a “whiner”, and anyone subjected to this side of his personality for long will quickly grow tired of it.
Another thing you should know about this Knight is that he carries a grudge. If you’ve insulted him in some way, gone against his wishes, contradicted him, dared to say “no” to this Knight; he won’t forget, and it will be only a matter of time until he can think of a way to taste revenge.
The Light Side ~
At his best, the Knight of pentacles is stable and dependable, responsible and kind, committed, loyal, friendly, sociable, the one individual you would always be happy to have on your team. He’s often found in professions that accentuate and highlight all of these qualities.
This Knight is the golden child, the person that everyone assumes will be successful at whatever he takes on in life. And this is usually true, as long as he stays on his light side, or doesn’t run into circumstances beyond his control. As a child and adolescent, he often literally has the “golden glow” about him.
- Knight/Swords ~ Aquarius… Air/Fire
Keywords ~ reckless, spontaneous, cruel, exuberant, enthusiastic, passionate, self-serving, intelligent, thoughtless, crude, prissy, over-whelming, persistent, paranoid, secretive
The Dark Side ~
At his darkest level, the Knight of swords doesn’t have an empathic bone in his body. He’s narcissistic, thinking only of himself, placing his own needs and desires above everyone else. It doesn’t help that he is reckless and impulsive, doing, saying, acting without thinking about the consequences.
He loves, but only on his terms. Everything is done on his terms. Everything is evaluated and graded on his terms. The world is a myopic place for this selfish and insensitive individual, and the ramifications of this can be great. He’s often an unhappy soul racing through life, cutting a wide swath with his sword, through other people’s hearts and dreams, destroying lives in the process, including his own.
You should know that this Knight is prone to bouts of dangerous jealousy, bursts of unrestrained anger, impulsive behavior that leads to terrible decisions and choices.
The Light Side ~
At his best, this Knight is the gallant and brave warrior who will face any foe to fight for the underdog, to protect the weak, to wreak havoc on the demons that bring chaos and destruction to the innocent. He is noble, and “the cause” is all important to him; the principle of the thing is worth sacrifice. There’s an element about this Knight that brings to mind the knights of Arthur’s round-table, or the gallantry of the Knights Templar.
He loves fiercely and would fight to the death to protect the object of his love and the bond itself. He is loyal to a fault, and will defend a friend or a cause with robust intensity.
- Knight/Wands ~ Leo… Fire/Fire
Keywords ~ impetuous, domineering, anti-social, dashing, unpredictable, mentally unbalanced, destructive, active, hard-working, reckless, speedy, morose, over-whelming, contemplative, distant, proud
The Dark Side ~
This Knight’s dark and brooding moods will dominate his life. He’s passionate about so many things, yet he will find himself at a loss as how to communicate these passions to another human being. He often feels trapped in his world, in his mind, leading to feelings of isolation and depression. This Knight himself is the most pronounced victim of his dark side. He internalizes the demons that haunt him, not speaking of them, but living silently with them. As energetic and enthusiastic as he is about some things in the world, as robust and strong as he may appear, this Knight is actually very fragile, and his existence may often depend on someone else's diligence.
He can be obstinately proud and outspoken, very strongly opinionated. This Knight finds open affection to be an aversion, something that makes him uncomfortable. He prefers to maintain a physical space around himself that is not invaded by someone else's touch. He’s often unusually sensitive to sound, or large groups of people, and will avoid these things, making this Knight the ultimate loner.
You should know that this Knight, of all the court cards, is most likely to harm himself when he is in one of his dark phases.
The Light Side ~
The Knight of wands is proud and independent, private and dignified. He likes his world to run like a well oiled machine, and he manages to neatly cubbyhole various aspects of his hobbies and activities, as well as family and friends.
He tends to be a solitary soul, and even if he does wind up in a relationship, his partner will be keenly aware of this, as a large part of his activities and interests will only require himself. When enthusiasm touches him, his expression of it is often sweet and awkward. As rare as it may be, when the need to reach out to someone hits this Knight, the contact will be intense and swift.
- Knight/Cups ~ Scorpio… Water/Fire
Keywords ~ loyal, endearing, sexual, promiscuous, romantic, sensitive, emotional, unreasonable, cloying, anxious, petulant, intuitive, conniving, fragile, creative, introspective, shady, borderline
The Dark Side ~
The immature narcissist… this pretty well sums up the Knight of cups. But never fear, he’ll get better at it as he gets older. At his worst, this Knight is every young woman (or man’s) nightmare. The honey he uses to draw in his prey, er… partner, is a magnetic charm that’s truly irresistible. Unfortunately, this Knight is usually good looking, and even when he’s average, he can somehow produce the illusion of attractiveness. It’s a strange gift.
He chooses to be totally unaware of the emotional trauma his self-centered selfish behavior causes, and so will leave a trail of broken hearts and disillusioned souls in his wake.
He is sneaky, sly, totally bereft of morals, a sexual predator, using people for all those things he needs and believes that someone else must provide. He will use, and use, and use, until the victim he has attached to has run dry… of emotions, feelings, money, whatever; and he will quickly move on to the next target. The Knight of cups at his darkest, is a nightmare you want to avoid.
The Light Side ~
A gallant and noble Knight in shining armor… this is the Knight of cups at his best. He is everything anyone would want in a loving partner. He’s giving, loyal, generous, caring. He aims to please his mate on all levels, and you will find him to be one of the most unselfish individuals you’ll ever meet. The Knight of cups at his best is the anti-thesis of this Knight at his worst.
He can be easily hurt or disillusioned because he tends to have very high standards and ideals, and he assumes that most of the people he comes in contact with shares these traits. This Knight can be very naive and easily shattered by the dark truths in the world. You’ll find him very idealistic and sometimes not very realistic as he journeys through life. This makes him emotionally fragile and prone to mental anguish you often see with empaths and the super-sensitive.
The source for this blog post is my book: "The Ultimate Tarot Guide: For Your Personal Tarot Journey". This books is available at Amazon: