Clarifying Soul Mates
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, that's what my grandmother would say, and it sure is. Ladies be aware that some of those "all women" FB groups you've joined are not necessarily being run by women. Following below, you'll see two FB posts that I made as a warning as I was disovering these shenanigans in real time:
A lot of people mistake lust for love, and a lot of people get so sucked into over-enthusiasm for a brand spankin' new romantic interest that this enthusiasm becomes manic, and their common sense flies right out the window. Ya, that happens, and it's never a good thing...
The truth is, you will never escape from the world of cliques, never. I thought that this eccentric novelty would disappear once life raced past the halls of junior high and high school; but no, this strange phenomenon will follow you to college and on into the workplace. It has also surprisingly followed me into the world of publishing, as well as the world of tarot. Everywhere -- everywhere -- you will find a group of ramshackle people drawing mysterious boundaries, forming unnamed clubs, clinging to each other like Neanderthals in the midst of a dangerous stone age world.
This is all about Youtube in general and my channel in particular. I've been asked so many times: "Is your banner a real photo, someplace you really were?", "Is that a sunrise, or a sunset?", "Where is this at?" Plus, there is some additional info, as well as a little tour around a channel, my channel in particular today, so that you can figure out how to get all kinds of information for yourself, if you are a new YouTube creator, and information on your favorite channels if you're a YouTube fan.
This was supposed to be a simple Q&A about the tarot, but this podcast quickly took a turn and went another direction completely. It wound up bringing up an old friendship, and an old wound, and it also took a very good look at "tolerance", and the fact that it should be a two-way street.
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This was fun to watch! It's an interview with guest Rachel True, who played Rochelle Zimmerman, the pretty little black witch in The Craft, and the podcast host is Christine Taylor, who played Laura Lizzie, the mean racist blond cheerleader in The Craft... What a fun interview!! These ladies are so cool together.
Rachel True is also the creator of a tarot deck and the author of a full-sized book that goes with it, which includes 22 personal essays on her life and how it connects with each of the major arcana cards.
Normally, the only place you would see this reading is in the sidebar at my website The Witch's Corner, something special for my visitors. But today's message seems so profound, and it feels like something that needs to be shared on as wide a stage as possible. So here you go...
The cards:Even if you're not into tarot readings, if you're in a relationship with a narcissist, or you're ending one -- you need to hear this.
10/wands (R); Knight/pentacles; The Moon (R)
continue reading HERE
Today feels surreal. Do you ever experience this? I do every once in a while since childhood. I'm not sure if it's your clairs kicking in, or something outside yourself (like spirit guides, guardian angels, that sort of thing) making you more aware for some reason... the sun is a little brighter than normal; sounds are a little more crystaline and clear and set apart; small details are magnified. There's just an "unreal" feel about the world sometimes, and this day is one of those days. It sounds silly, but I tend to watch the news more closely on days like this; I tend to watch my phone and messages a little closer. There's the sensation of anticipation.
These are short sessions introducing you to each of the tarot court cards, the Kings, Queens, Knights, & Pages. We’ll also be looking at these cards from an intuitive perspective, and thinking in terms of our “clairs”, with an impromptu look at what the cards are revealing in this moment.
Do you recognize anyone? These cards may relate quite boldly to people and personalities in your life. Do you recognize yourself? Which court card is you?
My Book
The Ultimate Tarot Guide:
for Your Personal Tarot Journey
available @ Amazon